Toppik Coming To More Healthlane Pharmacy Outlet Starting January 2019 !
Toppik will be available at more Healthlane Pharmacy Outlet
Starting January 2019 !

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Pusat Rawatan Rambut Gugur di Malaysia [Treatment]
Pusat Rawatan Rambut Gugur di Malaysia
Jika anda sedang mengalami masalah rambut gugur, lihatlah senarai klinik rambut gugur yang terkemuka di halaman ini. Pusat-pusat rawatan rambut ini diiktiraf dan terkenal di seluruh negara.
1.Yun Nam Hair Care
Mereka mempunyai rawatan herbalogi yang berasaskan 100% herba asli. Rawatan ini disahkan halal dan selamat. Proses rawatan tersebut melibatkan pengurangan keguguran rambut, pemulihan liang rambut dan pengukuhan akar rambut.
Nama ini tidak memerlukan pengenalan. Dengan sejarah yang lebih daripada 60 tahun, Svenson telah muncul sebagai salah satu pusat rambut yang amat dikenali di seluruh dunia sejak permulaannya di London. Hari ini, anda juga boleh menemui pusat-pusat Svenson di negara-negara Asia seperti Malaysia, Singapura dan Hong Kong. Svenson menawarkan pelbagai rawatan rambut seperti detoksifikasi kulit kepala untuk terapi rambut wanita.
3.Dr Shah Hair Clinic
Klinik ini beroperasi sejak tahun 2012, dan bertempat di Subang Jaya. Doktor Shaharom amat berpengalaman dalam teknik-teknik rawatan rambut. Kesahihannya terbukti dengan pelbagai komen positif oleh pelanggannya. Selain itu, laman Facebook klinik ini mempunyai 37 ribu pengikut.
4.101 Hair Care
101 Hair Care menggunakan enam langkah dalam rawatan mereka iaitu analisis komputer, analsis Demodex, rundingan profesional, rawatan khusus, urutan akupunktur, dan sesi nasihat. Jenama ini dibawa dari negara China dengan penggabungan perubatan tradisional herba Cina dengan teknologi perubatan moden.
5.Neeta’s Herbal
Dengan menggunakan herba Ayurveda dan pelabagi sumber tanaman, Neeta’s Herbal sememangnya unik dalam segi ramuan produk-produk mereka. Pusat rawatan ini telah mendapati anugerah serta liputan media yang meluas.
6.Bee Choo Origin Herbal Hair Treatment
Pusat rawatan rambut ini diasaskan oleh Puan Cheah Bee Chew (Bee Choo) pada tahun 2000 di Singapura. Rawatan rambut mereka dilengkapi dengan produk-produk khas berasaskan formula tradisional yang menggunakan 100% herba semula jadi tanpa sebarang campuran bahan kimia atau pengawet.
7.Oriental Hair Solutions
Setiap sesi rawatan di Oriental Hair Solutions adalah menyeluruh, bermula dengan analisis terperinci kulit kepala anda, diikuti dengan rawatan yang khusus untuk masalah rambut anda. Perunding profesional akan mengawasi perkembangan anda secara berkala selepas rawatan untuk memerhatikan sebarang kemajuan. Mereka menuntut bahawa sesi mereka tidak akan menghasilkan sebarang bau yang tidak menyenangkan.
8.Hair Doc Medical
Pusat rawatan rambut ini terletak di Kuala Lumpur, Pulau Pinang dan juga Singapura. Hair Doc Medical menekankan keselamatan penyediaan ubat moden profesional yang berkesan. Pelbagai rawatan keguguran rambut untuk kedua-dua jantina ditawarkan di cawangan mereka.
9.Jonsson Protein
Jonsson Protein terkenal sebagai pakar penjagaan rambut pertama di Malaysia yang menggunakan protein untuk merawat masalah rambut dan masalah kulit kepala. Mereka menggunakan formula khas yang dimajukan oleh para saintis Amerika Syarikat yang dikenali sebagai Protein VE. Rawatan ini membantu memulihkan dan menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut.
10.Miracle Hair Expert
Di Miracle Hair Expert, mereka menawarkan terapi rambut untuk lelaki dan wanita yang disesuaikan berdasarkan masalah rambut masing-masing. Ekstrak herba yang berkualiti dirumus khas di Jepun. Ramuan khas ini digunakan semasa rawatan untuk menyuburkan semua jenis rambut.
Demikianlah butiran pusat-pusat rawatan keguguran rambut terbaik di Malaysia. Ikutilah untuk lebih informasi menarik.
Untuk solusi rambut lebat serta merta TRY TOPPIK !
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Syampu Untuk Rambut Gugur di Malaysia [BEST]
Syampu Untuk Rambut Gugur di Malaysia
Semua orang mengalami keguguran rambut setiap hari. Ianya memang normal kerana helaian rambut biasanya akan gugur dalam jumlah 50 hingga 100 helai sehari. Namun demikian, apabila seseorang kehilangan rambut jauh lebih banyak daripada jumlah itu, dia dikatakan mengalami ‘masalah keguguran rambut’. Salah satu penyelesaiannya adalah penggunaan syampu khas untuk rambut gugur. Terdapat pelbagai produk di pasaran yang boleh didapati untuk menangani masalah rambut anda. Teruskanlah membaca untuk mengetahui antara syampu kehilangan rambut yang terbaik di Malaysia.
TOPPIK Hair Building Shampoo
TOPPIK mempunyai rangkaian khusus yang terdiri daripada syampu dan perapi yang boleh digunakan bersama TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers untuk hasil yang optimum. TOPPIK Hair Building Shampoo menguatkan dan memperbaiki helaian rambut nipis menipis atau rosak, dan melebatkan rambut. Formula yang ringan dalam syampu ini membersihkan dan menyuburkan rambut dan kulit kepala dengan protein Keratin yang tertumpu. TOPPIK Hair Building Conditioner pula mempunyai konsentrasi antioksidan, vitamin, lidah buaya dan protein Keratin untuk rambut yang lebat dan lembut.
Nioxin System 1 Cleanser Shampoo
Direka untuk mengeluarkan minyak dan kotoran seperti sebum, asid lemak dan sisa alam sekitar yang boleh menyekat folikel rambut, Nioxin System 1 Cleanser Shampoo sesuai untuk rambut halus atau normal. Syampu ini dengan lembutnya menghilangkan produk rambut lain seperti hairspray dan gel rambut, dan membuka laluan untuk nutrien meresap ke dalam kulit kepala dan rambut anda tanpa mengeluarkan minyak rambut semula jadi yang penting.
Laritelle Organic Shampoo
Syampu organik ini diperakui bebas daripada semua bahan berbahaya seperti parabens dan sulfat. Sebaliknya, ia diperbuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi seperti halia dan cedarwood untuk menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut. Syampu ini diperkaya dalam Rose Hip yang mempunyai sifat penyembuhan untuk merawat keradangan kulit kepala ringan, dan meningkatkan peredaran darah ke kulit kepala untuk menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut. Selain itu, terdapat marshmallow yang mengandungi mucilage untuk melembapkan rambut.
Art Naturals Organic Argan Oil Hair Loss Shampoo for Hair Regrowth
Art Naturals mengandungi penghalang DHT, protein, minyak botani dan ekstrak untuk merangsang kulit kepala. Formula saintifiknya sesuai untuk semua jenis rambut termasuk rambut kerinting atau lurus.
Pure Biology Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
Syampu anti gugur rambut ini bebas gluten, paraben dan formaldehid. Ia dikatakan meningkatkan fleksibiliti rambut dan kekuatan tegangan, dan boleh meningkatkan kekuatan rambut hanya dalam 3 aplikasi. Percubaan klinikal menunjukkan bahawa pesakit alopecia mengalami pengurangan keguguran rambut dalam tempoh 3 minggu.
Eliss Mummy Cool Shampoo
Syampu EMC berasaskan minyak kelapa dan rumpai laut dengan campuran sebatian bahan kimia yang selamat. Ia dihasilkan khas untuk memberikan kesegaran kepada kulit kepala dengan kehadiran menthol, menjaga kesihatan kulit kepala, menghalang keguguran rambut, merawat rambut rosak serta menguatkan akar rambut. Syampu ini adalah hasil daripada kajian saintis tempatan dan di bawah pengawasan pihak SIRIM.
Aura Hijab
Aura Hijab dirumus khas untuk jenis kulit kepala dengan keadaan cuaca Malaysia yang panas, gaya hidup dan gaya pemakanan orang Malaysia. Syampu rawatan ini berfungsi 3-in-1 iaitu syampu, perapi dan pewangi. Untuk mendapatkan kesan yang cepat dan terbaik, syampu Aura Hijab disyorkan untuk diguna sekali sehari dan dibiarkan 5 minit sebelum bilas.
Mane ‘n Tail Herbal Gro Shampoo
Syampu ini melembap dan merapi, untuk menghasilkan rambut yang berkilat dan sihat. Formula diperkaya dengan mikro protein direka untuk mencegah rambut gugur, kering, dan perpecahan hujung. Ianya selamat untuk rambut yang telah dirawat secara kimia
Syampu BSY Black Hair Magic
Syampu ini bukan sahaja dapat mengatasi keguguran rambut mahupun kelemumur, ianya boleh menghitamkan uban. Dalam masa 10 minit, rambut putih akan menjadi hitam serta-merta. Keselamatannya terjamin kerana bahan untuk penghitaman rambut diperbuat daripada biji noni yang semula jadi yang meresap ke dalam urat rambut.
CADEAU Anti Hair Loss Shampoo
Syampu ini diperkaya dengan silikon semulajadi untuk membantu mengatasi masalah keguguran rambut. Ianya juga mengawal minyak, memerangi kekeringan, dan menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut baru. Tambahan pula, CADEAU Anti Hair Loss Shampoo buatan Malaysia dan mempunyai kelulusan KKM dan sijil halal.
Lihatlah pek promosi TOPPIK Hair Building Shampoo dan TOPPIK Hair Building Conditioner di sini:
Untuk solusi rambut lebat serta merta TRY TOPPIK !
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Top 10 Hair Loss Supplements for Hair Growth in Malaysia
Top 10 Hair Loss Supplements for Hair Growth in Malaysia
Having luscious and voluminous hair is a widely desired trait. We are genetically and societally programmed to be attracted to full, rich hair because it is an indicator of health and status. While some of us are blessed with thick locks, many of us are not so fortunate. There are many causes of hair loss, and it can be frustrating to figure out the best solution when it happens to you. Thankfully, modern scientists have found the answer to growing thick and beautiful hair: vitamins for hair volume.
How does it work?
Hair loss supplements provide your hair with valuable nutrients that your body needs to produce healthy hair. The essential nutrients and vitamins travel through the bloodstream to the hair follicles, where they are used for growing wonderfully lush and glossy hair. However, the supplements should be taken consistently for the results to take effect in the long term. Hair experts and trichologists agree that there is no “one-size-fits-all” treatment for hair loss, and the best plan includes a combination of supplements and good diet habits to ensure there are proper doses of essential nutrients for hair to grow. Like our bodies, our strands require nutrients to grow and stay strong. If you want to thicken hair naturally, try these top 10 healthy hair food supplements that can be found in Malaysia.
Source Naturals – Biotin
Source Naturals Biotin contains 10,000 mcg of biotin per tablet. Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin required by the body to maintain healthy hair and skin through cell growth, fat metabolism, and energy production. It does not contain any common allergens, sugar, starch, salt, preservatives, artificial colour, flavour or fragrance.
21st Century Herbal Hair Plus
This supplement consists of a combination of herbal extracts specially formulated to nourish hair from within. It gives hair extra shine, volume, and strength. The major components are sage, kelp, rosemary, oatstraw, fo ti, horsetail, and olive oil. These nutrients help hair growth, strengthen hair roots, stimulate hair follicles, fight the effects of aging, reduce skin problems of the scalp and prevent hair dryness that can cause hair loss.
VitaHealth Crowning Glory Extra
With an improved formula as claimed by VitaHealth, these softgel pills are specially added with 5 extra hair nutrients – selenium, zinc, copper, PABA and silica, among 27 nutrients. They promote stronger, healthier and more vibrant hair from within due to nutritional deficiencies, providing ultimate hair care from the roots to the shafts.
GNC Biotin
GNC may be a name known to many as this USA brand is recognised by consumers worldwide. Many users online recommend this product, saying that after taking GNC Biotin, their hair and nails are growing better and stronger.
Natrol Biotin
It is 100% vegetarian, with the well-known vitamin B7 to support healthy hair growth, better skin complexion and stronger nails. The recommended usage is 1 tablet daily. However, some users reported that taking half a tablet is sufficient, to avoid having acne breakouts.
Origenere Hair Vitamins
This dietary supplement is also vegetarian, claimed to be personally designed and formulated by medical doctors with years of clinical expertise. They use a limited number of ingredients for the greatest impact, while creating an environment for the body to heal and protect itself.
SugarBearHair Vitamins
These soft, chewy, and sweet vitamins contain essential hair-friendly vitamins like Vitamin D, biotin, and folic acid. They are vegetarian, cruelty-free, and made in the USA. Unlike conventional large tablets, the gummies are easy to take and are gentle on the stomach.
Silk Factor Hair Growth Formula
The drug-free vitamin complex formula claims to produce results in 3 to 6 months. Also made in the USA, the botanical ingredients made with biotechnology are clinically proven to improve hair growth stimulation without affecting health.
Zenwise Health’s Hair Growth Vitamins
They contain a specialized mix of 27 ingredients (including essential vitamins, Biotin, and antioxidants) to promote hair growth and overall hair health. The pills also consist of natural DHT blocking ingredients to prevent hair pattern baldness.
Blackmores Multivitamins + Minerals
With all-round nutritional support to supplement an unbalanced diet, these tablets not only contain biotin for hair growth, they also consist of 19 other vitamins and minerals to help us get the optimum intake of all essential nutrients.
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Top Hair Loss Shampoos Found in Malaysia [Anti Hairloss]
Top Hair Loss Shampoos Found in Malaysia
It is important to keep your hair healthy by practicing a healthy lifestyle, but what if you suffer from unexpected hair loss? Proper washing of the hair is a crucial step to clean the hair and to provide nutrients when dealing with hair loss. Here are some of the top hair loss shampoos available in the country.
Ultrax Labs Hair Surge – Caffeine Hair Loss Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo
This shampoo claims to have the revolutionary technology of having micro blend caffeine compounds and essential oils that provide vital nutrients to nourish hair follicles and thicken hair while encouraging natural hair growth. The 0.2% ketoconazole is also an essential ingredient to reduce hair loss. They claim to use only approved ingredients that are supported by years of research, such as Saw Palmetto, in which clinical trials have proven the prevention of baldness caused by an enzyme.
Phyto Phytocyane Densifying Treatment Shampoo
This revitalizing shampoo is formulated to address hair thinning. It stimulates scalp microcirculation and increases production of keratin to promote hair growth. With a thin and non-viscous consistency unlike other shampoos, the texture may surprise many users. However, reviews stated that it still lathers very well and rinses out cleanly without leaving any residue. There are claims from consumers experiencing reduction of hair loss in the shower after using this shampoo.
Pura D’or, Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo
This shampoo claims to be gluten-free, hypo-allergenic and color safe. The formula is plant based, using vitamins and organic ingredients such as biotin and Argan Oil to nourish and help reduce hair loss due to breakage without any harsh chemicals like SLS and parabens. Other special ingredients include Aloe Vera and Red Korean Seaweed. Their goal is to gently but effectively provide a solution for hair thinning through this daily shampoo.
Alpecin C1 Caffeine Hair Loss Shampoo
This is an exclusive brand which is not commonly found in physical stores. The shampoo can be used daily, and works by strengthening hair roots, reversing premature hair loss, and stimulating hair follicle growth. It is also caffeine enhanced and has patented ingredients, which shows that this product has one of the latest technologies.
Himalaya Anti Hair Fall Shampoo
Himalaya is well known for using organic ingredients in their products. This is an affordable shampoo to reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth through the nourishment of the hair shafts. Healthy hair growth is improved due to the two active herbal ingredients: Butea Frondosa and Bhringaraja. It also has antifungal properties to get rid of bacterial infections.
Bawang Hair Blackening & Strengthening Shampoo with Chinese Herbal Extracts
Jackie Chan has been the ambassador of this shampoo for years. This famous shampoo acts as a remedy to soothe the scalp, moisturize hair, counteract hair loss and increase hair volume. The Chinese herbal extracts such as Ginseng, Ganoderma, Chinese Arborvitae Leaf, and Radix Polygoni Multiflori immediately provide the hair roots with the activating ingredients that enhances the speed of hair growth. Extra sebum secretion is reduced while hair roots are solidified to effectively reduce hair loss.
There are other methods to deal with hair loss as well, such as using Toppik products. Discover the exclusive products of Toppik at and login to for offers on purchase!
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For full head of hair in 30 seconds , TRY TOPPIK !
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FUE Hair Transplant in Malaysia (All You Need to Know)
FUE Hair Transplant in Malaysia (All You Need to Know)
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is one of the most modern techniques of hair transplantation. FUE hair transplants are starting to get better recognized due to the minimally invasive method. But what is FUE exactly?
The surgical procedure involves removing individual follicular units directly from the patient’s donor site (usually the lower back of the scalp), which are then replanted into the scalp of hair loss areas. In other words, hair is transferred from thick areas to thin/bald areas, and the result is having your own natural hair growing in your bald spots. Sounds simple, right?
Benefits of FUE
FUE is truly more advanced than previous procedures of hair transplantation, such as FUT and strip harvesting transplantation. This is because this method involves using a specialist micro surgical needle to puncture tiny circular holes to extract individual hair, which does not cause damage like other hair transplant techniques. The harvested follicular grafts are then inserted at a specific angle and density into the recipient area, so that it will resemble a natural and realistic hair pattern. This results in successful consistent hair density for the whole head, and natural-looking hairline. Also, the scarring is very minimal and almost invisible to the naked eye. Not only that, the FUE treatment has almost no post-surgical pain and discomfort as it is done under local anaesthesia. The average recovery time is less than 7 days, and the hair will re-grow like normal in 3-4 months.
Disadvantages of FUE
FUE is not convenient for everyone. This is true for people who want to keep their long hair, as some FUE hair transplant require the sides and back of the head are required to be shaved before the surgery, this however depend on the clinic as some do offer without need of shaving . Furthermore, people younger than 25 years old are recommended to wait until they are old enough, because the balding process is still going on and the final pattern of the hairline can still be unknown. The process of retrieving and replanting hair follicles is done one-by-one, which takes a long time to finish, depending on the number of grafts required. Moreover, the procedure can be quite costly, as a highly experienced surgeon is necessary for the success of the hair transplantation.
What to take note
The benefits outweigh the drawbacks, hence FUE is still popular, as it is safe and effective. For those who wish to apply further treatment post-transplant using Minoxidil or Propecia, doctors have commented that while it is not necessary for the transplanted hair to continue to grow, Minoxidil or Propecia can decrease further hair loss in the existing areas prone to genetic balding. However, caution is advised as these drugs may pose some risk of unwanted side effects, though the risk is relatively low.
Clinics in Malaysia offering FUE treatments
Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia uses the latest instruments and techniques in collaboration with the International World Renown Partners, couple with best practices to give you the best optimal results.
Hair Transplant Done Right.
Address: P-G-022A, PJ Centrestage, Section 13, Jalan 13/1,
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Contact Number: +6012-5154606
2.GLOJAS Hair Restoration Surgery
Co-managed by Dato Dr.JasG and Dr.Mohd Ali with a team of experienced staff.
The procedure varies
from every individual based on hair design and scalp capacity. The Journey begins with a Free Consultation Hair Analysis. This procedure is fully supported by the invention of Dato Dr.JasG
SMART FUE coupled with the world class technology which is only available in Glojas Clinic.
Website :
Address : B-G-05, Glomac Galeria Hartamas, Jalan 26A/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
Contact No : +603-62115555 / +60125111089
3.Dr Shah Hair Clinic
Their treatments and services are known to be premium, with high class facilities for comfort and care. Their centres are based in subang jaya , selangor
Address: 29, Jalan SS 15/5a, Ss 15, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-5633 2333
4.Dr Ruban’s Hair Transplant Clinic
This clinic provides more than just FUE. Their surgeons also harvest fine hair from the nape of the neck to be used at the hairline or for the eyebrows. They are located in Wisma UOA Bangsar, Sunway Medical Centre, and Pantai Hospital Cheras.
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Top 10 Anti DHT Hair Loss Products in Malaysia [DHT BLOCKER]
Top 10 Anti DHT Hair Loss Products in Malaysia
DHT is one of the main factors of alopecia. Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone produced by the body as a byproduct, but it is responsible for hair loss as it shrinks hair follicles. Hence, one of the most effective ways to slow down and prevent hair loss is to block the production of DHT. Let us look at the best products in the market.
Ultrax Labs Hair Rush DHT Blocking Hair Loss Growth Supplement
This dietary supplement contains a blend of over 23 essential vitamins required by hair to help increase circulation. The solubilized keratin helps to support proper follicular function. It is safe for both men and women.
Piping Rock DHT Blocker
Also suitable for men and women, these easy-to-swallow coated tablets contain beneficial substances such as saw palmetto, pumpkin seed, and a phytosterol complex to give the body the nutrients it needs. The recommended dosage is one tablet per day.
Phyto Life DHT Blocker
These 100% vegetarian liquid capsules are made in the USA. Their precise amount of ingredients helps to restore and grow hair, as well as regulate testosterone levels, boost the immune system, and reduce the impact of stressors.
Hair Restoration Laboratories DHT Blocking Hair Loss Shampoo and Conditioner
With over 20 DHT blockers, this shampoo and conditioner significantly helps to prevent and reverse hair loss. It is recommended that the shampoo is left on the scalp for a duration of 3 to 5 minutes for maximum absorption of the DHT blockers. The proprietary blend consists of vital nutrients that will assist in the regrowth of healthier, stronger and thicker hair.
DrFormulas HairOmega 3-in-1 Hair Growth Vitamins with DHT Blocker & Biotin
They are made in the USA under strict guidelines for quality assurance. These vitamins are 100% vegetarian with no artificial dyes. Not only that, the 3-in-1 refers to hair, skin, and nails. The 5000mcg of biotin included means that there is no need to purchase additional biotin supplement for hair growth.
Vie Naturelle’s Pro-T Select Hair Growth Supplement
These allergen-friendly hair growth pills contain a 6 Stage DHT Blocker Proprietary Complex with only natural ingredients including 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs. This product is also enhanced with 5000mcg of biotin. Vie Naturelle offers a 100% no-hassle manufacturer guarantee, whereby a full refund is provided to users who do not get the desired results.
Wick & Ström Apex Crown Hair Loss Vitamins
This Swedish- American brand contains saw palmetto to prevent DHT production. The unique blend of natural vitamins and minerals does not use harsh chemicals at all. Wick & Ström recommends combining these vitamins with their other hair growth products for maximum efficacy.
Strong HairPro Hair Loss Treatment Kit Shampoo + Conditioner
They are infused with potent levels of clinically effective ingredients to reduce DHT buildup in the follicle, such as ProCapil and Capixyl. It also features the volume technology CE-1874 Microemulsion, clinically shown to increase volume and repair damaged hair. This paraben-free, sulfate-free formula is made in the USA.
Nourish Beaute Hair Loss Treatment and Growth Serum
Using stem cell technology, the 3% patented Redensyl is a DHT blocker that targets hair follicle stems cells to reduce hair loss and reactivate hair growth. It is clinically proven on volunteers with outstanding results, achieving 214% of increased hair growth in less than 3 months, shown in 85% of subjects.
Honeydew Biotin Shampoo
The natural ingredients in their advanced keratin complex include coconut oil, jojoba oil and zinc to nourish the scalp, promoting circulation for healthy hair follicles. This shampoo removes DHT while moisturizing the scalp and restores healthy oils and nutrients to the scalp to support thick, voluminous tresses.
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For full head of hair in 30 seconds , TRY TOPPIK !- Published in Blog
Original Toppik is made from 99.9% pure keratin protein which had higher density protein thus making the heavier fiber sink to the bottom.
Toppik’s pure electrostatically charged keratin protein fiber will bind to strands, creating a fuller looking hair in seconds!
Fake toppik is made from less quality cheap synthetic material and had less density compare to the original thus making the fiber float.
The differences is obvious !
Beware of fake product on the market
For Full news read here
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Top 10 Hair Salons in Kelantan
Top 10 Hair Salons in Kelantan
Home to friendly neighbourhoods with unique accents spoken by the locals, Kelantan is a beautiful place for its beaches and fishing villages. The nasi dagang and laksa are a must try. There are also great hair salons to visit. Read on to see where you can find them in Kelantan.
Jane Salon
Jane Salon opens daily from 10 am to 10 pm. There are not many hair salons that open daily and for as long as 12 hours per day. Almost 5,000 check-ins were recorded on Facebook for this premise in Aeon Mall, Kota Bharu. Customers remarked their great service, very nice hospitality, and unbeatable price.
Hitomi Hair Salon
With more than 10 years in operation, Hitomi Hair Salon is definitely a local favourite. Their hairstylists are guaranteed to be experienced and professional. Clients expressed their profound love for their trendy styles and refreshing treatments. They are located in a strategic location at the shop lots near the Kelantan river.
Nice Salon
This hair salon is located at KB Mall in Kota Bharu, the heart of Kelantan. They are well known for their affordable pricing for all their hair services. So, if you need a good cut on a budget, this is the place to go to.
E-Life Hair Salon
A competitor of the previous hair salon, E-Life Hair Salon is also located in KB Mall. They offer very reasonable prices. Moreover, they use Schwarzkopf products which adds credibility to their quality.
Coudee Hair Dressing
Operating since 2010, Coudee Hair Dressing is located near Padang Merdeka, one of the most famous tourist historical attractions in Kelantan. Customers are impressed by the nice place, very professional and fair price. Also, they have commented that Coudee Hair Dressing provides high quality customer service by friendly and skilled hairdresssers, and fantastic cuts and treatments.
Ray Lee’s Salon
Ray Lee, the owner, is said to be a passionate professional hair stylist. If you looking for a drastic improved change for your hair, an appointment with him will not let you down. He will ensure excellent service with great hospitality. Besides style, hair health matters to him a lot as well. This hair salon is given the highest ratings for its ambience, price, service, and consultancy. Furthermore, Ray Lee’s Salon regularly offers promotions on certain seasons.
QD Hair Salon
QD Hair Salon is located near the housing areas in Kota Bharu for easy access. They provide hairstyling services such as haircuts, colouring, rebonding, and steaming. Besides that, QD Hair Salon sells beauty treatments and products. They are open 6 days a week.
Walk In Hair Studio
They keep themselves active on social media for announcements and customer interactions. This gives them a decent number of followers. Furthermore, Walk In Studio is one of the few hair salons in Kelantan which uses Schwarzkopf products. Their specialty is hair colouring, as can be seen on their Facebook page which shows different beautiful images of coloured hair.
Zura Hair & Beauty Salon
This is the one-stop place for hair and beauty services, especially for Muslim women. This unisex salon offers a variety of up to date treatments. It is perfect for clients who require peace and privacy as Zura Hair & Beauty Salon does not accept walk-ins and only takes reservations to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. Indeed, Zura Hair & Beauty Salon is a delightful destination for relaxation and releasing stress.
Rex Hair Saloon
Their motto is “Reasonable prices, infinity choices”. Closed on Sundays, they accept walk-ins on other days except Friday, which is reserved for appointments only. Their operating hours are from 10.30 am to 7 pm. Rex Hair Saloon is known to provide very fashionable styles and colours.
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TOPPIK Pelebat Tumbuh Jambang Segera di Malaysia
TOPPIK Pelebat Tumbuh Jambang Segera di Malaysia
Ingin tumbuhkan janggut? Bayangkanlah janggut yang tebal yang boleh menambahkan ciri ‘kelelakian’ anda. Namun demikian, pertumbuhan janggut yang tidak rata boleh membuatkan anda kelihatan tidak kemas berbanding daripada kelihatan gagah. Jangan bimbang! Ikuti petua ini untuk melebatkan janggut anda. Anda boleh mempunyai janggut lebat impian anda dalam masa yang singkat! Bagi anda yang ingin kelihatan kacak pada hari-hari istimewa, tentu anda akan tampil lebih yakin apabila memiliki janggut yang lebih lebat dan sihat.
Setiap folikel rambut tumbuh pada kadar yang berbeza, jadi sesetengah kawasan janggut anda mungkin mengambil masa yang lebih lama untuk berkembang daripada yang lain. Malangnya, kebanyakan orang yang tumbuh janggut mencukur setelah melihat tanda-tanda pertumbuhan janggut yang tidak sekata. Anda tidak perlu berbuat demikian! Dengan penggunaan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers, anda boleh menutup kawasan-kawasan jarang dan mendapat janggut yang lebih lebat dalam hanya 30 saat!
Serat dalam TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers diperbuat daripada protein keratin organik tulen, sama seperti rambut semula jadi. Bukan itu sahaja, ramuannya HALAL dan sememangnya tidak mempunyai bahan kimia atau bahan tambahan berbahaya sekalipun. Ianya dijamin selamat dan tidak akan mengakibatkan sebarang kesan sampingan. Malahan, ianya hypoallergenic, dan tidak akan meyumbat liang roma muka anda. Teknologi serat keratin dirumus khas dalam serat rambut TOPPIK. TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers dikenakan tenaga elektrostatik yang tepat tahapnya untuk membentuk tarikan magnet maksimum pada janggut nipis anda. Serat TOPPIK yang berkualiti tinggi berpaut pada helaian rambut untuk memberikan penampilan janggut yang lebat dan semula jadi.
Serat TOPPIK ini tidak akan mengganggu pertumbuhan janggut anda yang normal, mahupun aktiviti seharian yang biasa. Misalnya, anda boleh menggunakan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers dalam pelbagai situasi seperti aktiviti riadah di luar, bekerja, ataupun pertemuan dengan kawan atau orang yang tersayang. Hal ini kerana TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers tahan hujan, angin dan peluh. Selain itu, serat TOPPIK ini sangat praktikal kerana ia boleh dicuci bila-bila masa sekiranya anda ingin menanggalkannya.
TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers tidak memerlukan sebarang pelekat atau getah untuk melekat pada janggut. Hasilnya pula tak ubah seperti janggut semula jadi. Untuk hasil yang berkesan, pilihlah warna yang sesuai dengan janggut anda (bukannya warna rambut kepala anda). Pemilihan warna yang baik dapat memastikan janggut nampak lebih ‘natural’ dan bergaya. Rakan sekeliling pasti tidak dapat mengesan anda sedang menggunakan serat! Untuk penggunaan, sapukan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers pada kawasan jarang dengan teliti. Anda juga boleh menggunakan Spray Applicator, dan sikat dengan Hairline Optimizer, yang kedua-duanya boleh didapati dalam pek promosi TOPPIK! Seluruh proses mengambil masa hanya beberapa minit, dan anda akan mempunyai janggut tebal yang kekal sepanjang hari sehingga anda mencuci janggut anda. TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers juga boleh digunakan pada rambut di kepala! Memang berbaloi serat TOPPIK dwifungsi ini.
Ramai telah yakin akan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers kerana ia mudah, selamat, serta hasilnya seakan-akan rambut sebenar. Yang penting, harganya sangat berpatutan dan mampu dimiliki oleh semua generasi. Lihatlah testimoni pelanggan yang puas hati di
Ikutilah blog kami untuk lebih banyak informasi menarik dan tips penjagaan rambut di Anda boleh mendapat jawapan bagi sebarang pertanyaan tentang TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers di
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Hair Replacement in Malaysia VS TOPPIK
Hair Replacement in Malaysia VS TOPPIK
Hair replacement technology may not be well known among many, but it is one of the ways to overcome hair loss issues. Hair replacement solutions are nonsurgical and virtually undetectable. Depending on the patents acquired by organizations as well as the difference of quality and types of the hair replacement systems, results may vary. Decent results will show that the hair piece is not noticeable when securely in place on the scalp, because of the transparency of the bottom of the hair piece, and the natural-looking hair strands made by the meticulous weaving process. There are two types of hair replacement pieces, read-to-wear and customized. Both are worn on the scalp using a special type of glue applied on the base of the hair piece or toupee.
The pre-cut and ready-to-wear units are sold and available in Malaysia and online. These non-customizable hair pieces should be considered under the user’s discretion. This is because pre-made products and pieces claiming “one size fits all” may not necessarily fit the user well according to the size of the bald patch, head shape and head contours. Not only that, many customers claim that the hair pieces have low quality, are uncomfortable and hot, do not clip well, and cause itchiness and damage to the scalp.
As for customizable hair units, customers are required to visit hair centres for consultation and setting the mold of the head shape. It takes almost 2 months to customize and manufacture the products. After that, visits are required again to fit the hair piece, which is then cut and styled according to the customer’s preference. The stage of hair loss, cause of hair loss, and type of hair loss treatment to be taken are factors to determine the cost of the treatment. Prices start from RM 1,400 up to several thousand per piece or per session.
In Malaysia, there are only a handful of centres offering such customizable services and may not be available immediately. Appointments have to be made. Customers may have to travel across states just to find the right centre offering good quality services. Even if a centre is found, customers need to travel more than once to receive the service which takes hours to complete.
Even the best hair pieces will experience hair fall like normal hair and definitely require replacement in the future. Also, the hair piece requires multiple steps to care for and maintain. Furthermore, long hours of wearing a hair piece does not help in blood circulation to the scalp, which may worsen the condition of your scalp in the long term. So, let us look at TOPPIK to see why it is a better choice.
If you wish to get voluminous hair within minutes, especially when you are rushing to go out of the house, then you should try using TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers! It is the best way to hide thinning areas and offer a lovely full head of hair in only 30 seconds! Here is a list of reasons of why you should use TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers instead.
- It does not shout out to the world that you are wearing it
The last thing that you would ever want to happen is for the world to know that you are actually wearing a wig. TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers give a natural look and are made from natural ingredients. They are made of organic keratin fibers that easily blend with the rest of your hair. With advanced nanotechnology, the electrostatic charge on the fibers bond to each hair strand like a magnet.
- It is easy to apply
Just pour TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers onto thinning areas and give your hair a little pat. It also works well in hard to reach areas like the hairline and the back of the head. The instant effect of fibers attaching to the hair can help you achieve a full head of hair in only less than a minute!
- It is safe and convenient
The organic ingredients make TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers hypoallergenic and free from harmful side effects. There are no added chemicals or additives. This means that the scalp will not experience drying or itchiness at all. Not only that, the fibers are resistant to perspiration, rainwater and wind.
TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers is the perfect choice for you! Check us out at
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Facebook/Instagram/Youtube: toppikmalaysia
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Top 8 Places to Buy Wigs for Women and Men in Malaysia
Top 8 Places to Buy Wigs for Women and Men in Malaysia
There are many causes for hair loss, and it can occur suddenly. What if there is not enough time for hair loss treatment before everyone finds out that you’re bald? You’ll need a wig to cover it up while waiting for your hair to grow back. Read on to find out where you can buy a wig in Malaysia.
Mediwigs Resources
Hair Menu
This shop located near the Salak South LRT station sells a huge variety of wigs, including medical wigs. Prices are very reasonable, according to satisfied customers who reviewed the place. They are committed to protecting customers’ privacy with professional client care. They also have a no-obligation free consultation service with their on-site wig specialist to help clients discover their own perfect hair solution.
Location: Jalan 11/108c, Taman Sungai Besi
Contact: 012-636 3292
L & J Wigs
This place offers many variety of wigs selection for men and women of all ages . Customers praised the friendly store owner, great selections, and the freedom to try wigs under no obligation.
Location: 2, Jalan Pandan 3/7, Pandan Jaya, Ampang
Contact: 016-349 2326
SK Louise Hair Wig Bodyline & Beauty Centre
This place is the largest wig speciality shop in Malacca, with over 200 different styles of imported hair wigs from Korea. They can even educate customers in proper fitting and maintaining the wigs in good condition.
Location: 29, Jalan MP 16, Taman Merdeka Permai, Batu Berendam, Melaka
Contact: 012-885 3456
Hairsetup Enterprise
Hairsetup specialises in customising handmade human or synthetic wigs and hair pieces to fit every head shape and size. Their varieties include choices of colours, lengths, types and density.
Location: 10B, Jalan Indah 23, Taman Cheras Indah, Kuala Lumpur
Contact: 019-311 8916
Pink Lady
Located in Mid Valley Megamall, Pink Lady is a booth featuring a wide selection of full wigs, wigs extension, wigs cover, and wig related accessories in every colour, design and length imaginable. The wig extensions are washable and can be dried using a hair dryer. There are also real human hair wigs available here.
Location: LGC-26, Mid Valley Megamall, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City, Kuala Lumpur
Also located inside Mid Valley Megamall, Fennel offers more than just wigs. There are also hats, hair accessories and hair pieces available in this store. However, the prices are slightly higher average, compared with the wigs at other places. Nevertheless, customers note that the premium price is worth it for the excellent styling and cut of each individual wig.
Location: F-084 First Floor, Mid Valley, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City, Kuala Lumpur
GM Klang
There is no specific shop name, as the entire floor offers a huge variety of wigs in the biggest wholesale mall you can find in Malaysia.
Location: 4th Floor, Block B, GM Klang Wholesale City, Jalan Kasuarina 1, Bandar Botanic Capital, Klang
Besides wigs, you can put on TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers for thicker looking hair within seconds !
Click here: to find out more.
- Published in Blog