New Year Resolution For Hair 2016 ( Happy New Year From Toppik Malaysia )
New Year Resolution For Hair 2016 ( Happy New Year )
It’s a new year and it’s also going to be a new you! New resolutions, new spirits and new hopes for
2016. It’s a new beginning! Read on for some of the resolutions for your hair routine that you’ll want to
Cleaning your brushes
How often does do you wash your hair brush? Make sure to wash them once a week as oil, dirt and
bacteria can build up very quickly, leaving your hair feeling greasy. Regularly clean your brush – your
hair will thank you.
Combing your hair
Brushing or combing your hair help to spread the natural oils from the roots to the ends. Brushing
your hair right after bath can damage it as hair is at its weakest when it is wet. Use a hair brush that has
soft bristles made of natural fibers.
Blotting your hair with a towel
Don’t rub your hair after washing it, try blotting your hair with a towel. This is because when you
dry your hair with a towel, it’ll dry faster but the amount of hair that breaks and falls away also doubles
up. So, just blot with towel and let it air dry.
Wash your hair only as needed
This is to preserve your hair’s natural oils. Washing your hair twice a week is adequate.
Blow drying
Overusing heat tools is the cause leading to dryness and breakage. Frequent use of hair dryer can dry
out hair, causing breakage and split ends. So, let your hair dry naturally instead. If you do use a hair
dryer, don’t hold it too close to your hair. Use a cooler setting on your hair dryer, to minimize damage.
After exercise or work out at gym
After you exercise or work out at gym, remember to wash your hair as sweat is full of salt that
could dry your hair out and cause breakages.
Eat your way to a healthier hair
Food – Your diet can also prevent hair loss.
“What you eat makes a big difference to your hair,” says dietitian and BDA spokesperson, Priya Tew.
“And as the main component of your hair is protein if you don’t have enough in your diet it’ll have an
” Carbohydrates are important nutrients for your hair,” says Marilyn Sherlock, chairman of the Institute
of Trichologists. “People who run a lot and deplete their carbohydrate stores can experience hair loss.”
Protect your hair
Protect your hair from sun, wind and rain as these can lead to dirt build up, dry hair and scalp. Use
an umbrella or wear a hat or a cap. This is to protect your hair from harmful UV rays and the drying
effects of the sun.
Avoid tight hair ties
Tight hair ties tend to pull your hair back tightly which can cause your hair to break or snap off if its
dry. Avoid hair ties with metal bands as these can cause damage to your hair.
Use satin pillow covers
Sleeping on satin pillow covers is known to reduce breakage caused by friction.
Avoid stress
Stress can cause a chemical reaction in your body that can negatively impacts your health not to
mention your hair. Your hair can become thinner or fall out due to stress. Always look for ways to
minimize your stress level.
Avoid smoking, caffeine and fizzy drinks
Eliminate smoking, caffeine and fizzy drinks from your life will help to make your hair grow
stronger and longer.
Getting a good night sleep
Getting a good night sleep or rather – a beauty sleep. After a long day, it’s the time when your body
is most active, repairing any damage and allowing itself to recuperate. You should have at least 8 hours
of sleep everyday which will give your hair a chance to repair any damage and to allow your skin to
rest and stay radiant.
These are simple ways to welcome the new year with healthier-looking hair.
This coming new year – for some people are to cure their hair loss problem or to have thicker hair or
even longer hair. There is always a way to overcome things like this.
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel!
For where there’s life, there’s hope!
Have a promising and fulfilling New Year!
Wishing all of you the best in whatever you do,
May all your dreams come true!
Happy New Year 2016!
- Published in Blog
Toppik Save You From Hair Loss Impact
Toppik Save You From Hair Loss Impact
Hair loss and hair fall are both treatable conditions.
However, with that being said, these treatments can be invasive,
have side effects, and take lots of time to begin to show effectiveness.
The appearance of thick and healthy hair can be highly valuable to one’s self-esteem and
psychological condition when an individual is faced with hair loss,
and having to wait months for results can be tiring and taxing.
Toppik Hair Building Fibres provide instant results, making hair look fuller, thicker, and healthier is just seconds.
Made in the USA, Toppik Hair Building Fibres are suitable for men and women and are available
in different quantities to best suit your needs.
There are four different sizes available – 3g, 12g, 27.5g, and 55g –
so whether you’re interested in just trying out a bit of the product for the first time,
or if you’re in it for the long haul, you have options that best fit your requirements.
The product is also available in nine different colours in order to cater to all hair colours.
It’s safe to use after hair transplants and can be used two weeks after hair restoration.
Even better, it is used by millions of people around the world and has been approved by the Ministry of Health Malaysia,
so you can be assured and confident in the product’s safety and effectiveness.
So what do these Hair Building Fibers do?
Basically, the product is applied to existing hair.
It is applied by either spraying or shaking over the thinning area, binding to the strands on your head using micro-fibres.
These micro-fibres are released in thousands, intertwining with the hair that you already have using static electricity.
These fibres link flawlessly with the hair you have, creating a believable and natural appearance of a full head of hair.
In 30 seconds, it will look like you never lost any hair to begin with !
Toppik Hair Building Fibres are made of Keratin, which is the same protein that real human hair is made of.
This makes the product entirely undetectable and cannot be seen no matter how closely another person looks at your hair.
This is because they will be colour-matched to your own hair colour, and, of course, they are made of the same protein found in human hair,
so it doesn’t look different to real hair at all.
Even better, these hair building fibres are so securely bonded with your real hair that they will stay applied and thick all day,
with no extra applications necessary.
In fact, these water-resistant fibres will not even wash off in the heaviest rain or the most gustful wind, and they will
remain intact even if you sweat.
To find out how toppik work, click here !
This product can last for up to two days without fading, provided that you do not wash your hair.
In order to remove the hair fibres,
all you have to do is wash your hair with shampoo.
Following this, you can choose to re-apply the product to continue having an appearance of thick, healthy hair.
And all in 30 seconds or less!
So, the product seems to be pretty much miraculous, right? But there are even more benefits to this product than meet the eye!
Socially and psychologically, the product can give tremendous improvements to your own thoughts.
As humans, we attach a lot of self-consciousness to our appearance, and often times if we dislike something about our appearance,
we become uncomfortable. This lack of comfort can really show in daily life, and sometimes it can affect our mood and performance.
Toppik can be used to combat this. If you feel self-conscious and upset about losing hair, this product can help by boosting self-esteem,
leading you to feel and act more confident. Plus, you’ll feel more secure about yourself, which can help you feel happier.
Toppik Hair Building Fibres are an instant solution to hair loss and hair fall, allowing for an appearance of thicker hair
and an overall boost in self-confidence.
Interested in trying the product out? You can find out more about the purchasing the product on our website, so go check it out!
- Published in Blog
The Best Supplement For Hair Loss And Hair Fall: Toppik Hair Nutrition 2-in-1 Capsules
The Best Supplement For Hair Loss And Hair Fall:
Toppik Hair Nutrition 2-in-1 Capsules
Hair loss has plagued mankind for centuries, and as a result, many have scrambled to find
effective solutions for this issue. Some people opt to take medication, but a lot of people who do also report
uncomfortable side effects and need more natural alternatives.
Some have discovered that consuming particular foods with certain qualities may have some benefit on a head of hair’s
health, leading to less hair fall.
The problem with that is that it can be difficult to incorporate the exact amount of food necessary to guarantee thicker,
healthier, more abundant hair.
In a nutshell, the problem is this: hair fall can be prevented by medication, but it isn’t natural enough to only produce good effects,
and hair fall can also be prevented by eating the right food, but it’s hard to consume enough of the essential
ingredients without extra supplements.
Hence, the solution is clear; use a natural medication that contains the proper dietary supplements needed.
And here’s the good news: this medication has already been created.
Toppik Hair Nutrition 2-in-1 Capsules are formulated specifically for the purpose of being a dietary supplement that
will combat hair brittleness and the thinning of hair. These are vitamins that were created to work at damaged
and thinning hair from the inside of the body,
allowing the growth and regrowth of thicker, healthier hair. Even better, the capsules are made without parabens, sulfates, or phthalates,
which are fancy products that only give the appearance of better hair without actually improving the hair’s condition.
These vitamins do not use these ingredients at all, instead opting for much more natural consumables.
They’re also gluten-free, meaning anyone at all can take them. So what does this great supplement contain, if it doesn’t have any of that?
Let’s run through some of its main ingredients.
One of the main ingredients of this item is keratin protein, which is a fibrous, structural protein that makes up majority of the
outer layer of skin and is meant to protect it from damage. Proteins in general are excellent for preventing hair loss,
and are arguably the best in allowing strong hair.
This is such a well-known and trusted fact that all shampoos contain amino acids, which come from protein.
As such, keratin is the best protein to prevent hair fall;
not only does it prevent the loss of hair, it’s also great for just improve the overall condition of your hair growth.
Toppik Hair Nutrition 2-in-1 Capsules also contain biotin, which is a B-vitamin that increases essential nutrients.
Biotin helps with the colour of your hair, making it brighter and more defined, which delays the greying process.
It is also known to prevent split ends and stop hair from becoming too brittle and thin, thus preventing breakage.
B-vitamins in general are great for your hair and your body; they strengthen and condition the hair while also speeding up metabolism,
promoting good skin, and keeping the central nervous system in tip-top shape.
B-vitamins basically help stop hair loss while making you healthier, killing two birds with one stone.
Another main ingredient used is red palm oil, a form of natural oil often used topically to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth.
Some have even argued that it’s better and more effective than coconut oil, which has been a favourite for decades. What makes red palm oil so special?
Put quite simply, red palm oil contains the best combination of vitamins and antioxidants, and it does all of this naturally!
In fact, it has more vitamin A and E than any other plant-based oil. Vitamin A safeguards your hair follicles while vitamin E helps with the growth of capillaries.
Red palm oil is also rich in antioxidants (like vitamin A), amino acids (more protein!), beta carotene (which prevents dandruff and spurs hair growth),
and riboflavin (another B-vitamin). The best part about red palm oil is that it does wonders for both your hair and your body,
and it has been known to prevent hair fall and also prevent a string of diseases and health problems. Really, there’s just no downside to red palm oil.
The last main ingredient in camu-camu, which is a fruit also known as myrciaria dubia that is found in Amazon rainforests
where it grows off of riverside trees. It is an excellent antioxidant and is one of the best and most potent natural sources of vitamin C in the entire world.
Vitamin C helps to grow and strengthen hair, while also providing shine so hair is both healthy and beautiful.
Camu-camu also has a long list of excellent hair growth promoting components, like amino acids, beta-carotene,
B-vitamins, protein, calcium, potassium, and fiber. That’s a lot of power in such a small fruit!
Toppik Hair Nutrition 2-in-1 Capsules are gluten-free and easy to take – just take to capsules every morning as an extra dietary supplement,
and you’re good to go. It’s great for hair regrowth and hair treatment and encourages thicker and healthier hair, and it can even stop hair loss altogether.
No side effects, full of incredible ingredients, natural, and simple to use, these capsules are undoubtedly the best formula for treating thinning and falling hair.
Why not give it a try?
- Published in Blog
Complete Guide On Traditional Method Of Treating Hair Loss And Hair Growth ( Exclusive Writing)
Traditional methods used in treating hair loss.
Coconut oil has been one of the best natural nutrients for hair. It helps in providing the essential proteins required for nourishing
and healing damaged hair while aiding in healthy hair’s growth and giving your hair a shiny glowing look.
Coconut oil can be applied on your hair everyday after bathing or showering as it can ensure your scalp to
be free from dandruff as well as lice and lice eggs. For hair care,
normally pure coconut oil or either refined coconut oil are being used. Pure coconut oil is extracted from dried coconut kernels –
it is crude, unrefined and without any additives. Refined coconut oil is also known as RBD coconut oil which stands for refined,
bleached and deodorized coconut oil which is obtained through mechanically and chemically refining, bleaching and deodorizing the crude coconut oil,
to make it thin, colorless, odorless and without any type of particle and having only pure saturated fats.
Coconut oil contains lauric acid, capric acid, caprylic acid which are responsible for good health condition while stimulating hair growth.
Coconut oil is a great conditioner for hair and makes sure your scalp is free from dandruff.
Mix coconut oil with lime juice prevents hair loss and lengthens the hair.
Ayurveda, a traditional healing system is filled with traditional remedies and one of them being hair care.
Resorting to Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss control so that one can have beautiful, thick,
healthy looking hair. Beautiful hair starts from inside out. We are what we eat. A diet rich in essential fatty acids like flaxseed oil,
proteins found in lecithin, wheat germ oil, minerals and trace
elements (like silica and zinc) which contain the basic building blocks of hair will aid in hair growth.
High level of stress, eating processed food and smoking cigarettes all are the contributing factors to hair loss.
That is the reason why one need to…
Get a good night sleep
Managing your level of stress by learning how to destress
Exercising will help in keeping your hair healthy
One two three four….
Two two three four…
Three two three four…
Four two three four…
Squat is the king of all exercises as it hit the most muscle groups in the body.
Some of the food items that you can add on in your consumption to bid farewell to hair loss trouble are:
Aloe vera
Drinking aloe vera juice thrice a day for 3 months thrice a day for 3 months.
Sesame seeds
A handful of white sesame seeds each managing will be a source of magnesium and calcium for your hair.
Consuming yoghurt everyday helps in reducing hair fall.
Green leafy vegetables and fruits
Being rich in fiber and excellent in preventing hair fall.
Non-alcoholic drinks
Alcoholic drinks have animosity with good hair. So, you must avoid it.
Vitamin C, Vitamin B-complex, zinc, sulphur and some important fatty acids can help in
making the roots of your hair strong. You can find these nutrients in
Soy beans
Whole grains
Ayurvedic oil for hair loss through oil massage on your hair. Besides coconut oil, other types of oils are as follows:
Brahmi and Bhringraj oil
Massage the oil on the scalp before sleeping to prevent hair loss.
Vitamin E oil
It helps to slow down the hair fall, and at times – put an end to hair loss and strengthening weak hair.
Rosemary, stinging nettle,horse tail and birch
Massage with these herbs regularly to promote hair growth and reducing hair loss.
Ayurveda treatment focus on natural cure by using herbs for hair loss treatments.
Sage tea
Cider Vinegar
Sage tea and cider vinegar
Washing your hair with these two types of ingredients help to stimulate hair growth.
Horse tail
It is rich in silica and is outstanding in making your hair strong and shining.
Aromatic Jatamansi
Also known as muskroot or the Indian spikenard which serves to promote hair re-growth through removing
the impurities from blood and boost a glowing complexion.
Dry and roast some methi before grinding it. After that, add some water to make it into a paste where after you apply
it on your hair for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water.
Known as Indian Gooseberry, this ayurvedic herb not only boosts hair growth by stimulating hair follicles to strengthen the hair,
stimulate growth, and reduce hair loss while improving the texture of hair. It
can also treat indigestion and purifying blood. Take dried amla’s powder and mix it with warm water before applying it on your scalp.
Amla when mixed together with coconut oil works in stimulating hair
growth. Amla powder along with lime juice can be applied to the scalp to keep your hair shining and strong.
Then, wash your hair with warm water.
Banyan tree
Get a small part of banyan’s tree root. Grind it into fine powder. Then add some lemon juice to it.
This mixture is apply to hair to prevent hair loss.
Or also known as amaranthus is rich calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins.The leaves can help to prevent hair loss and
avoid premature graying of the hair while the juice from amaranth’s fresh leaves will help to keep your hair soft
in addition to preventing hair loss when applied to your hair.
Coconut milk
To reduce hair loss and making your hair softer, apply coconut milk to your scalp for 15 – 20 minutes,
then covered up your hair with a towel before rinsing it off with cold water.
Coconut milk can also be
applied directly to the hair roots.
A medicinal herb whose leaves, sprouts and herbs are used to treat medical conditions.
The juice of alfalfa, along with carrot and lettuce juices can be consumed on a daily basis as it is a remedy for hair
Olive oil
Can be applied to the scalp or ends of hair tips before sleeping in order to improve the strength of your hair while preventing hair loss.
It can be washed off with baking soda for best results.
Mustard oil
Henna leaves
Mustard oil and Henna leaves
Henna leaves when boiled using mustard oil aid in the healthy hair growth and as a remedy for baldness.
Both the ingredients should be filtered using a piece of cloth and can be stored for future use – to massage your scalp with the oil.
Its leaves should be boiled with water. Then use the water to wash your hair. Massaging your hair with the oil
for neem leaves will help to strengthen the hair roots and reduce hair loss.
Ginger in Ayurvedic medicine is for dandruff control while regular use of ginger oil for hair growth is to improve blood circulation within the scalp.
As ginger oil helps to rid of dandruff, apply it together
with olive oil to your scalp and leave it overnight. Ginger root is an effective remedy for hair loss.
Mixing ginger oil with other types essential oils like jojoba oil or avocado oil will help to increase the hair growth’s rate.
In case if you have dry hair issue, ginger can help you in getting back that sheen in your hair and preventing futher hair loss.
As ginger can help to increase scalp circulation which in turn stimulates the hair follicles and encourages growth.
The fatty acid in the root are excellent for thin hair.
Two types of recipes for hair loss or thinning hair with ginger:
1) Have 1 tbsp of ginger root (grate) and add 1 tbsp of jojoba oil (or olive oil). Stir it well. Rub this paste onto your scalp and massage in circular motions.
Let it stay there for 30 minutes. You’ll feel a
warming effect on your scalp. Then, rinse it off either by water or shampoo.
2) Peel 6 ounces of fresh ginger and blend it in the blender with ¼ cup of water until the ginger root becomes a fine pulp.
Place 2-3 layers of cheesecloth (a kind of thin cotton cloth) over a small bowl
and pour the mixture from the blender onto th cheesecloth. Then squeeze the juice from the cheesecloth into the bowl.
The juice can be applied directly onto your scalp. Let it sit there for about 5-10 minutes before you shampoo it off.
Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment for hair loss is focused on creating balance and harmony in the body by
strengthening the blood, balancing hormones, restoring Qi, and directing blood to the scalp as
it is believed that hair growth is closely related to the health of the blood, both the amount and circulation.
Liver stores and circulates blood to the sides and top of the head. If the liver is
stressed or under pressure, it will dysfunction and decreases blood flow to the head, causing thinning and greyness in these regions.
Kidneys dominate the growth and development of the body including
hair growth. If a person has a strong kidney essence, his/her hair is shining, thick, strong and healthy and they will have fewer grey hairs when they are old.
Food that is rich in fatty acids, proteins and minerals are recommended.
Using herbal therapy in treating hair loss issues as follows:-
Gotu Kola is used in treating hair loss as it improves blood circulation while reducing blood pressure,
it also provides relief from anxiety ad insomnia and can even improve memory.
This herb is used for stimulating hair regrowth especially for those experiencing male pattern baldness
or alopecia areata caused by the onset of old age.

Sang Ji Sheng or known asTaxillus which treats liver and kidney yin defiencies and help to treat hair loss.
Ginseng is believed to stimulate blood circulation and aid in promoting cell metabolism. It can help to increase blood supply to hair follicle cells
while also improving their efficiency leading to new hair growth. Massage your hair and scalp using natural oils infused with ginseng.
He Shou Wu or known as Fo-Ti or Polygala Vine is a herb that has a restorative property essential to the kidney and blood.
Fo-ti is classified as a tonic and is taken to help in slowing the signs of aging especially premature graying of the hair and loss of hair
as it is able to stimulate hair growth as well as restore the color and sheen of the hair.
Huo Ma Ren or known as hemp seed is used in treating dry and frizzy hair and boils on the scalp.
The essential oil of hemp can be applied directly on the scalp after mixing it with carrier oil like olive oil.
Han Lian Cao is used for providing nourishment to the kidneys in order to prevent the premature graying of hair
before time and also to reverse hair loss.
Fresh leaves can be crushed and applied as paste over the scalp to treat hair loss.
Three recipes to combat against hair loss.
1) Get a root of sour jujube one meter in length where the root is placed horizontally over boiling water and steamed, juice may
be excreted and drips from both ends of the root are for external application to the scalp for hair loss and poor growth of hair.
2) The leaves of sesame and fresh mulberry leaves are boiled in rice’s washing water in preparing a warm decoction
for washing the hair once every 2-3 days in treating loss of hair and poor’s hair growth.
3) Seed of pomelo (15g) are soaked in boiling water for external application to the skin lesion several times a day to treat loss of hair,
alopecia areata as well as grey hair.
Let’s sit down and have a cup of tea!
Green tea can help to reduce hair loss too. Brew a couple bags of green tea. Let it cooled down,
then apply it on your hair. Rinse it off with water.
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-Global hair solution
Toppik is made from natural keratin protein , which your natural hair is made of , Check it out and shop today !
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How To Add Shine And Prevent Dry Damage Hair in Malaysia
How To Add Shine And Prevent Dry Damage Hair in Malaysia
You can adopt the following preventive measures to give that luster and shine to your hair.
Do not wash your hair too frequently
Wash your hair once every 2-3 days for regulation of natural oils. Massage the scalp using the pads of your fingers.
Do not leave shampoo in your hair. Rinse thoroughly. To avoid tangles in your hair after
washing, brush your hair first before washing it.
Filtered shower
The water use for washing your hair contains a large amount of chlorine which can cause hair damage and also hair loss,
split ends, dry hair or itchy scalp. The usage of filtered shower reduces the
amount of chlorine.
Wrap your wet hair
Instead of rubbing your hair right after washing it, wrap up your hair in a cotton towel for a few minutes to
let the cotton absorb the moisture as to prevent against split ends.
Let your hair air-dry
Try not to use a blow-dryer but just let your hair to dry by itself as hair can sustain heat damage easily.
If there’s a need to use a blow-dryer, set the lowest temperature.
Do not comb wet hair
“Wet hair is 3 times weaker and thus more likely to break,” says Dr. Sutter. After shower, try using a wide toothed comb.
Ensure that your comb has smooth rounded bristles as metal combs can cause damage to the hair cuticle.
Avoid brushing hair too much
Don’t comb your hair too often as it can affect your hair, causing it to be frizz or split ends.
The best way to comb your hair is first to brush the ends to remove tangles, then only take the long stroke from
the roots to the ends as to prevent hair breakage.
Tight is a No-No
Do not tie your hair too tightly as this can cause breakage due to brittle hair. And do not sleep with any types of accessories in your hair.
Let your hair down
If you always tie up your hair in a pony tail, remember to let it go for a few hours everyday – thus giving your hair a break.
Trim your hair regularly
Get your hair trimmed at least once every 6 weeks to eliminate out split ends.
Pools can cause damage to your hair with the exposure to chlorine and salt water.
Wear a swim cap as much as possible and shampoo your hair after swimming.
Wear a hat/cap
To protect your hair while stepping out in the sun.
Try our Toppik Keratin Hair Conditional to protect the hair by giving it extra shine !
- Published in Blog
Modern Hair Loss Treatments Available in Malaysia
Modern Hair Loss Treatments Available in Malaysia
Hair loss is a problem that has plagued mankind as long as hair itself has existed. Luckily for us, the world strives to continually
produce inventions that with solve problems in new and innovative manners. When a problem arises, one can always trust that a solution will be found.
As best said by E. A. Bucchianeri, “If it can be thought, it can be done, a problem can be overcome.”
As such, there are plenty of treatment options available to you once you start noticing a drop in hair count.
Nowadays, there are quite a number of hair loss treatments available in the market for people to choose from.
Modern treatments or traditional methods that are being opt for depend on the need of the consumers.
For modern treatments, there are two types of medical drugs that were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and
Ministry of Health for hair loss treatments.
Finasteride 1mg and Minoxidil were the FDA approved treatments for hair loss which have gone through rigorous clinical trial testing.
Alopecia areata occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles and
causing hair loss and is the most common form of hair loss in men.
Finasteride 1mg has been scientifically proven to prevent the continued shrinkage of existing hair follicles
as well as to enlarge hair follicles to produce visible results.
The results for hair loss prevention through finasteride 1mg could be observed after 3-6 months in clinical studies
of more than 3,000 men comparing between
finasteride 1mg and placebo (non-active pill). Finasteride 1mg is to be taken as once daily oral therapy and is not indicated for use in
both women and children.
Originally an oral drug to reduce blood pressure, Minoxidil has shown response when individuals taking Minoxidil developed hair growth.
While being FDA-approved and known for generating pretty good results, it also has a side effect that, while not affecting all users, has been reported to affect a fraction.
It’s said that propecia may cause a decrease in libido and even erectile dysfunction, although this doesn’t necessarily happen to all consumers.
A stronger form of propecia, called dutasteride, is also available, but the risk of suffering the side effects are far worse with this particular drug.
There are also other forms of medication, such as those that are applied topically onto the scalp and not ingested.
The most popular of these is FDA-approved minoxidil, which comes in an assortment of brands and is manufactured by many different companies.
It’s actually a popular suggestion that propecia and minoxidil be used together for the best results, and as such, many companies
have come out with products that combine the two together. Some medications designed for hair loss are corticosteroids
(which can also be injected directly into the scalp), anthralin (meant to be left in overnight), spironolactone, cimetidine,
and Viviscal (a supplement comprised of natural ingredients and nutrients).
Similarly, some companies have designed shampoos that promote hair growth, although whether those are effective or not remains open to skepticism.
Minoxidil is available in topical liquid form for external use only – to rub on the scalp only and not to apply to any other areas ofthe body. It is not indicated for the usage of pregnant or nursing women.
A total dose of 1ml should be applied two times a day on the
scalp. The total dose should not exceed 2ml. Minoxidil has been used to stimulate hair growth in both men and women.
Minoxidil is available in 2%, 3% and 5%. Minoxidil 2% and 3% can be dispensed by a pharmacist whereas Minoxidil 5% is as prescription medicine.
For those with history of heart diseases should consult a doctor first before using Minoxidil.
There are even several types of scalp surgeries like hair transplantation, scalp reduction and flap surgery to aid in hair loss issues.
If medication and science both fail you, then fret not – there are more ways to cure a balding scalp.
Artificial solutions can be used in order to maintain the appearance of a hair-filled head, although these solutions are rarely long term.
One of these is hair transplants. In this form of surgery, hair from areas of a patient’s scalp that has enough of it is removed in
small amounts and moved to bald spots on the scalp. A patient will have to return for more hair transplants as the balding process repeats itself.
Another artificial method is known as scalp reduction surgery, and there are two possible ways that this surgery can go.
The first way is to surgically remove bald areas and replace them with scalp that has plentiful hair, often in the form of stretched skin.
The second way is to surgically fold bald spots over into a flap on the head. While this is a long term solution,
there is no guarantee that hair fall and hair loss with not continue after the surgery, although it will appear to be full of healthy hair for a period of time.
Hair transplantation is a procedure that involves removing
strips of skin containing active, healthy follicles from the back of the head, cutting them into small plugs and replanting them into bald areas of the head.
Transplanting 2,3 or 4 follicles at a time
generally result in a more natural pattern of regrowth.
Scalp reduction involves cutting out a piece of the bald scalp, after that follows by surgically joining the edges of hair-bearing scalp closer together.
It usually cover a bald area either on top or
the back of the head.
Flap surgery, on the other hand involves taking an area of hair-bearing skin from the side of the scalp, and then turning it on axis to lie over the top of the head.
For the treatment of frontal baldness, the flap must be long enough to cover the frontal region.
Another method that is used to stop or slow the progression of hair loss is Low-Level Laser Light therapy (LLLT) or known as “cold-laser”. When laser light therapy is applied to a targeted area – your scalp, it has been found to increase blood flow.
More blood flow meaning there are more oxygen, platelets, and other healing properties in that area.
There are, of course, other more scientific treatments that are often put into practice. Laser treatments are a popular method for many things,
whether it’s for correcting eyesight or for removing tattoos. Similarly, laser treatments can be used to help regenerate hair growth.
A lot of different products have been generating incorporating this technology – combs, caps, brushes –
Another medical treatments is stem cell therapy, where cells from the hair are processed in a laboratory and reinjected into the scalp.
There are also treatments such as hair cloning, which clones hair follicle cells to multiply the number of hairs on one’s head, and hair regeneration,
where hair is transferred around the scalp to stimulate growth. Naturally, these treatments do not work for everyone,
but promising results have been seen in certain candidates.
Interested in trying any of these methods?
Sadly, there is no real guarantee that they will work,
and some even have unruly side effects that one might prefer to avoid.
However, if these do pique your interest, it would be a good idea to consult
a doctor before trying any of these treatment forms.
Hair loss might not be a fun process, but trying to rectify it
without proper background knowledge is never a good idea.
And of course,
this website sells some pretty good and effective products as well –
toppik able to cover your hair loss in matter of seconds!
Try toppik today !
- Published in Blog
Toppik Root Volumizing Dry Shampoo
Although Hair loss can be something that affect all of us emotionally but it is not the only concern for all people .
More often than not , people without hair loss have their own concern too such as their hair quite thin and not enough volume….
Here is why we at toppik come out with toppik root volumizing spray to tackle your every day needs and give your thin hair a ”fat” chance !
Click here to try out our new invention
Toppik Root Volumizing Spray revitalizes limp, lackluster locks. The lightweight, invisible formula features a blend of vitamins and botanicals
that work together to cleanse, nourish and lift hair at the root. A salt and starch blend absorbs oils and odors while removing product build-up.
Keratin, chamomile, comfrey and lemongrass soften and smooth the hair shaft, adding shine.
Pro-vitamin B strengthens and hydrates, giving hair a healthy bounce.
This restorative spray doubles as a dry shampoo or can be used any time for a beauty boost.
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Hair Care Tip For Hot Summer Weather in Malaysia
Hair Care Tip For Hot Summer Weather in Malaysia
Hair is the identity of a person. We all strive to have a healthy, shining and beautiful hair
but upkeeping it may become a challenge for some of us when our hair
goes dry or when we are facing issues like hair fall, split ends, itchy scalp or
dandruff and not to mention – the all year long hot weather in Malaysia.
Hair is made of protein, so keeping a healthy diet and good hgyiene are essential parts of
maintaining that locks of yours.
Here are some tips for you to get unbelievably beautiful, healthy hair.
Eggs, yogurt, milk and bananas at first glance may seemed like our daily
consumable food but there’s more to it as they also served as hair treatment ingredients –
natural and original.
Just like our body that needs nourishment, our hair is likewise the same.
Egg has a high protein which is essential to hair. “The (raw) egg is really the
best of all worlds,” says Janice Cox, author of
Natural Beauty at Home. Home made hair treatment mask with egg goes by mixing
an egg with a cup of milk, 1 squeeze of lemon plus 2 tsps/teaspoons
to 2 tbsps/tablespoons of olive oil. Then massage the mixture into your hair
and let it stay there for at least 15 minutes. For normal hair, you can use the
whole egg to condition your hair but for oily hair, use egg whites only.
Leaving it for 20 minutes on your hair before washing it off. Egg yolks
on the other hand serves as a natural moisturizer and conditioner for dry hair.
Mix 2 eggs with half cup of olive oil and apply it on your hair. Cover up your
hair with a shower cap. Rinse after one hour. Whole egg and yolks-only treatments
can be applied once a month whereas whites-only treatment can be applied once every 2 weeks.
Yogurt can be applied as a mask on your hair as it works as a natural
conditioner for dry hair . Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a
teaspoon of honey in half cup of yogurt before applying
it on your hair. Let it sit there for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
Milk is rich with a natural blend of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fats
which helps to provide nutrition for the body and aid in strengthening cells,
including hair cells. To create a smooth paste, you’ll need 1/4 cup of goat milk powder
to add in some water where after you spread the paste on your hair while massaging it.
After that, wrap up your head with a warm, damp towel. Later, shampoo your
hair. For a smooth and shining hair, you’ll need egg yolk with a few drops of olive oil
and half teaspoon of sugar. Stir it. First and foremost, shampoo your hair with lukewarm water,
then apply milk on your head for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off.
Now, massage your hair with the prepared yolk and olive oil mixture before washing them off later on.
For healing dry hair, pour some unboiled milk in a bowl.
Then, soak a cotton ball in the milk and massage it on your hair and scalp.
After 1 hour, rinse your hair thoroughly.
Bananas are rich in potassium, antioxidants and vitamins, which makes them
a natural remedy for treatment of dry hair. You can prepare a banana paste
by blending two over ripe bananas and add one tbsp each of coconut oil, honey
or live oil where after you apply them on your hair for 15 minutes.
Rinse it off with warm water. Bananas can be used with eggs too
by grinding two over ripe bananas and two eggs plus a few drops of honey.
Massage on your hair and scalp. Shampoo it off after one hour.
Coconut oil serves as a remedy for dry hair. Massage some coconut oil
on your hair and scalp and leave it over night. Rinse it off in the morning
or either you can apply it to the ends of wet hair after
you shower as it can penetrate deep into the hair shaft.
Olive oil can be used as a moisture for hair massage. Apply it on your hair
and leave it there for some time before rinsing your hair with shampoo.
Olive oil can be used along with egg yolk by mixing 2
tbsps of olive oil in 2 egg yolks before diluting this mixture in half cup of water.
Massage it on your hair and let it sit there for 20 minutes before shampoo it off.
Prepare a hair mask with avocado by puree the inner part of avocado (pit removed)
while adding 1/4 cup of milk and 1 tbsp of olive or coconut oil in the puree and stir it well.
Apply this creamy avocado
puree on your hair, then cover up with a shower cap for 15 minutes.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Another way is to get a ripe avocado (pit removed)
with an egg, then apply onto wet hair and let it sit
there for at least 20 minutes before washing it off. “Avocados are rich in vitamins,
essential fatty acids, and minerals that will restore luster to your hair,”
says Stephen Sanna, expert colorist at the Pierre Michel Salon in New York City.
Hmm… What’s that tantalizing smell? Oh.. It’s curry. For cooking curry,
one must not missed out curry leaves. But are you aware that curry leaves are not
only used for cooking curry but it also serves as
a useful remedy for hair treatment. Curry leaves are filled with calcium,
vitamins, phosphorus and iron. You just nee to heat 2 tbsps of coconut oil
while adding 5-6 curry leaves in it for a few minutes
before letting it cool down. Then, wrap it with a warm towel on your head after
applying it on your scalp and hair. Leave it there for 15 minutes.
Goodbye dull hair
Lemons have a very sour or sweet taste, which aid in maintaining
healthy hair by alleviating several hair problems like hair fall, itchy scalp
and dandruff. Wash your hair, then apply one tbsp of lemon
juice on your hair before drying it with a towel. Works best for treating dry and dull hair.
For strong muscular hair
Using almond oil for treating dry and damaged hair by pouring some
almond oil in a bowl and heat it for 40 seconds. Massage it on your
hair and leave it there for 30 minutes. Later, shampoo it off with
cold water.
For treating sun-damaged hair
Too much exposure to the sun can cause damage to our hair.
You’ll need 1/2 cup of honey, 1-2 tbsp of olive oil plus 1-2 tbsp of egg yolk.
Apply this paste onto your hair for 20 minutes and then wash it off
with warm water. “This treatment will help to replenish keratin protein bonds,”
says Dr. Sandeep Sutter, Hair Restoration and Skin Rejuvenation Surgeon at Hair Revive, Mumbai.
For that lovingly soft, shiny glowing hair
Get a cup of your daily conditioner plus 2-3 tbsps of honey. Apply this mixture
on your damp hair. Leave it there for 30 minutes then rinse it off thoroughly.
It will help to close down your hair’s cuticle while giving your hair that amazing shine.
For bouncy hair
Prepare a mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar to apply on your hair.
Wash it off after 5 minutes.
DIY conditioner
Make your own conditioner by mixing eggs and yogurt together.
Then, massage it on your scalp. Leave it for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
Baking soda remedy
Prepare 3 tbsps of baking soda and some water for washing your hair after shampooing.
Let it stay there for 5 minutes before washing it off.
This method helps to remove the excess shampoo and hair styling
products from your hair.
- Published in Blog
How To Prevent Hair Loss The Natural Way
How To Prevent Hair Loss The Natural Way
There seems to be a lot of work that has to consciously and necessarily need to be done
throughout one’s life in order to prevent hair from falling out. Some may argue that it’s natural,
and that losing hair is merely a part of age. Yes, the older you get,
the more likely it is for your hair to gain a tendency of dropping,
but that doesn’t really have to be the case.
The trick here is knowing how to care for your hair, and luckily for you,
I’m here to tell you just how.
It starts with the basics; hair care at its simplest is knowing how to properly clean your hair.
It goes without saying that it is mandatory to regularly wash your hair.
Of course, this is just standard, basic hygiene, but it’s important to understand that aside from
just cleaning your scalp, washing your hair reduces risk of infection that damages hair
and makes it drop. The important part of this is knowing what sort of shampoo to use.
Steer clear of strong shampoos, and stick to milder ones.
How can you tell which ones are mild and which ones are strong?
All you have to do is turn the bottle of shampoo around to check through the ingredients.
If you see things like sulfate or sulfonate listed in there, then don’t use it.
But if after the main ingredient listed (usually water), you see substances
like Glucoside or Isethionate, then that’s a product you want to be using.
And in addition to preventing hair fall, mild shampoos will even make your hair have more volume.
What about conditioner?
The best conditioners have ingredients like polyquaternium and silicone, so look out for those.
The next thing you’ll want to know about shampoo is how to choose theright type for your hair.
Think about whether you have dry or oily hair, thick or thin hair, coloured hair,
hair with dandruff, or just average normal hair, and buy products meant for it.
You can try out a few different shampoos just to see which one best suits you,
and once you find one that works, stick to it. But it’s important to look out for scams as well.
If you have damaged hair and are searching for products to match it, avoid buying “damage-repair” shampoos or conditioners that are enhanced by proteins.
This is because these protein products only give a temporary illusion of smooth,
volumised hair; they don’t actually repair any damage in the long-term.
Now, moving on from bath items, but still in the topic of general hair care,
let’s talk about combs and brushes. You may be thinking, what on earth does a
hair brush have to do with hair fall? Aren’t all brushes the same?
Well, firstly, the way you brush your hair can have a huge impact on the health of your hair,
and secondly, no, they’re not all the same!
You don’t want to go for hard, plastic brushes that you can get from any pharmacy.
Opt instead for a brush made from natural fibers that is soft and gentle for your strands.
You don’t want to use a brush when your hair is wet, though, so go for a comb instead after showers.
It’s also important to note that the best way to brush your hair is not from
the top of your scalp to the ends,
but from the underside of the hair towards the outside.
Massages are also a great way to prevent hair loss, as it causes blood to
flow better through the skin on your scalp, which in turn increases the absorption of nutrients.
You can choose to just rub your head with your hands to boost circulation,
but you could also spice it up by using oils for your massages.
A lot of oils have properties that help with hair growth.
To help you get started, here’s a bunch of helpful ones you can start out with: lavender oil,
rosemary oil, olive oil, coconut oil, geranium oil, and almond oil. But do note that the
only oils you can use on your scalp without diluting them first are herbal oils,
like the ones I’ve suggested. If you plan to use an essential oil, find out
how to dilute it with other oils first. If massages aren’t really your thing,
you can apply different natural items onto your hair, leave them overnight in a shower cap,
and wash them out in the morning.
You can do this with natural juices (orange juice, garlic juice, ginger juice, etc.)
or green tea (which only needs to be left in hair for one or two hours).
Whichever you prefer, it’s sure to have benefits for your hair,
even if it may feel a little odd at first.
Want to know a very natural, unavoidable factor that causes hair loss? It’s stress.
Stress is a truly awful thing; it not only tugs at your emotions and makes
you feel frustrated and grumpy, it also causes hair fall.
Even worse, you can’t completely annihilate stress from your life because it’s a standard part of it,
so you’ll have to learn to navigate around that.
Instead of striving to remove stress, strive instead to manage it.
Exercise, even just a little bit of it, can help as it releases endorphins,
which are feel-good hormones, throughout your body.
This allows you to relax. You could also try meditation or yoga,
and if you haven’t got time for either, then learn a few deep breathing exercises.
Deep breathing is an instant, automatic relaxant that can reduce stress by a tenfold.
Get on top of stress, and your hair will continue to flourish.
There are, of course, other factors that come into play with preventing hair loss,
like maintaining a good diet (which was discussed in a previous article),
noticing any increases in hair fall, and regular visits to a doctor.
Nonetheless, these are the simplest, most straightforward tips to
follow to ensure that your hair is cared for the natural way.
Follow these steps, and your hair will be sure to thank you.
Written by
Global Hair solution
- Published in Blog
The Hair Loss Fairy
The Hair Loss Fairy
Caroline was combing her hair in her room when her father walked in. Turning around to look at her father who was
carrying some books that he had just bought for her. She ran over excitedly to see the books that she had wanted so much.
“Papa, thank you very much. You are the best Papa in the whole world,” said Caroline while giving her father a big warm hug.
“If I don’t buy for you, then I’ll be the worst Papa in the whole world?” teased her father.
“No! You are the best!” reiterated Caroline again.
“Even if I don’t buy for you?” asked her father while looking at his little princess.
“You will buy for me because you are the best!” answered Caroline with a broad smile on her face.
Her father laughed out loudly. He had always cherish his little girl ever since his wife passed away years ago.
She is his world, his everything and his only meaning and joy in this world.
“Papa, since you buy books for me. I’ll do something for you in return.”
“What do you want to do for me, my little angel?”
“Sit down here. I’ll comb your hair for you. I’ll be your hair stylist.” Caroline imitated the action of a hair stylist.
“Thanks to you, my little princess.”
Caroline started combing her father’s hair when she noticed that there were bald patches on her father’s head.
“Papa, you have bald spots on your head.”
“Papa’s growing old. Losing hair / hair loss and going bald are something very common as one aged,” her father
answered in a relaxing manner as look doesn’t matter so much to him anymore.
“Can’t you do anything about it?” queried Caroline.
“It doesn’t matter.” her father replied.
“Why not? Don’t you want to look good?” Caroline asked again.
Her father slumped down in his chair. “So, Caroline wanted a good looking father. Caroline won’t love Papa
anymore if Papa having hair loss?” her father joked.
“No. No. I love Papa very much even if Papa has hair loss problem – not even one single hair!” said Caroline
with the innocence of a six-year-old.
Her father burst out laughing.
“But don’t you want to look good?” inquired Caroline.
“I think I already look good by having you,” her father smiled.
Caroline stopped for a while, pondered for a moment then continue, “I wish not to grow up so that Papa will never grow old.
How nice if we can be like this forever?”
“Time always move forward,” explained her father.
“But how nice if we can stop it here and now. If only we can choose…”
Her father answered, “Of course you can.”
“How?” asked Caroline with her eyes wide open.
“You can choose to be happy or to be sad. You have the choice. Choose to think of happy things.
Filled every moments with thoughts of happiness and you’ll be happy from moment to moment, day to day.” explained her father.
“So, Papa don’t mind even if Papa is going bald? With no more hair?”
“It’s okay. As long as you don’t mind,” her father replied while gently caressing Caroline’s face.
“Can’t we do anything about it?”
The father came out with a story to amuse his daughter, “We can seek the help of the hair loss fairy.”
“Hair loss fairy?” Caroline’s eyes widened with curiosity.
“Yes. Hair loss fairy. She will come and help you to keep your beautiful hair.”
“Really really,” her father smiled with amusement.
“Has Papa seek her help before?”
“No,” her father answered shortly while waiting for her daughter’s question as he knew that she enjoy reading
fairy tales stories and her whole mind were filled with imaginations.
“Why?” Caroline insisting for an answer.
“Because it doesn’t matter to me that much.”
“How to ask for her help?”
“If you are a good girl and behaves well, you can get to see her at midnight. Then you can wish for something and she’ll grant your wish.”
Caroline was determined to see the hair loss fairy as she wanted to help her father. Staying up whole night long
day after day but she didn’t managed to see the so-called hair loss fairy.
One morning, her father found her sobbing in her room, “Caroline, what’s the matter with you?”
“The hair loss fairy didn’t come. Is it because I’m not good enough?” asked Caroline with tears trickling down her eyes.
“Why? You wait for her?” asked the puzzled father.
“Yes. Night after night but I didn’t manage to see her.”
“Your hair growth is excellent and had became so long and beautiful. There’s no need for that.”
“I’m asking not for myself but for Papa,” clarified Caroline.
Then her father had to tell her that hair loss fairy doesn’t exist, it’s just a figment of his imaginations.
He just wanted to entertain his daughter.
“Papa, if the hair loss fairy doesn’t exist, I’m unable to help Papa.” said Caroline with a sad
expression on her face filled with dissapointment.
“Thank you, Caroline for what you have done for me,” her father beamed with happiness.
“I didn’t do anything. I can’t do anything.”
“Every little things that you do count as long as it comes from your heart. Nothing is ever too small.
The good intention that you have and your actions of staying up all night, waiting for the hair loss fairy to come are more than enough for me. You are my hair fairy.”
Telling stories to children as I used to be a kindergarten teacher in those days or even when
I volunteered as a teacher for a charity organization. Once, one of the children came up to me and
asked as to whether I had seen her tooth. She believed that if she placed her tooth under her pillow at night,
the tooth fairy would come and gave her money. Children are filled with wonder, curiosity and imaginations in their growing up stage.
“Don’t run or Mr.Floor will be in pain,” telling children as to be more careful when they walked.
“Be more gentle or else Mr.Plate will be hurt,”saying this as to teach the children to handle their food plates with care.
The principal told me about a teacher that used her own way to ask a boy to get up from lying down on the sofa as he wouldn’t budge.
She bent down and kissed the boy on his forehead while saying, “The princess had kissed the prince. The prince can now wake up.” The boy got up immediately.
Children will have their hair tied up nicely in different styles everyday. Looking at them reminded me of the time when I was their age.
They are my past. When I was small, my grandma will help me to tie up my hair before I go to school everyday.
Going to college then started working, life does change for me. I was no longer a child for now I’m an adult.
Working consume most of the time until sometimes, I just don’t have the time to do anything else. It’s a work, eat,
sleep cycle of life. At times,
working until one has no time to take care of one’s appearance.
So, you can figure that I’ll be looking like a zombie with dark circles under my eyes.
But one really need to stop, rest and relax. Life is not all about work. There’s more to it – family,
friends, goals, hopes and dreams. So, taking the time off to dress up nicely or style one’s hair.
Written By
Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog
The Best Food To Eat To Prevent Hair Loss
The Best Food To Eat To Prevent Hair Loss
So, you’ve heard all about hair fall, hair loss, and other hair-related horror stories.
Naturally, you would want to avoid facing these problems;
after all, no one looks forward to losing their hair.
That being said, not everyone has the time to actively use hair products or perform eccentric
rituals in order to guarantee that their hair won’t start falling out with age.
The good news is that you don’t need to take any difficult measures
to prevent hair loss; you just need to improve your lifestyle.
Here’s how.
The most important aspect of preventing hair loss starts with nutrition.
Eat a balanced diet, and your hair stays intact for a lot longer.
It’s pretty simple and logical: when your body is healthy, your hair is healthy too.
Here are the types of foods you need to be eating:
Iron deficiency can lead to many diseases if taken too far, but mainly,
a lack of sufficient iron intake can disrupt the condition of hair follicles.
Examples of iron-rich foods that you can incorporate into your diet are eggs, red meat,
green leafy vegetables, fish, dried fruits, whole grains, and beans.
Vitamin C
This links back to iron, because foods rich in vitamin C help your body to absorb iron better.
Thus, consuming sources of iron
and vitamin C at the same time is the perfect power combo. Some great sources of vitamin C are
vegetables and fruits,
especially citrus fruits like oranges, kiwi, and pineapple.
This is arguably one of the most essential ingredients of strong hair. Don’t believe me?
Take a look at your shampoo bottle;
you’ll probably see amino acids listed in the ingredients, and amino acids come from protein.
Not only does protein prevent hair loss,
it also improves how your hair is in general.
You can get good doses of protein from seafood,
dairy products (like milk, cheese, and yogurt), poultry, lean meat, eggs, and nuts.
Just like vitamin C to iron, zinc is extremely important to protein
because it helps to build proteins in the first place.
Without zinc, you may feel your scalp becoming irritated or itchy, which leads to hair loss later on.
You can get a healthy helping of zinc from seafood like cuttlefish and oyster,
or from whole grain products.
The fatty acids of Omega-3 protect hair from dryness by keeping the scalp hydrated.
Not only are they extremely important for hair health, the body is also incapable of producing on its own,
leading you to have no choice but to find a way to get your own source of it.
Luckily, Omega-3 isn’t too hard to find;
most seeds and nuts contain it, plus white, oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, and tuna.
There are also plenty of Omega-3 supplements sold in general pharmacies.
Sounds unfamiliar? It’s a B-vitamin that helps to give your hair a brighter, more defined colour,
so it stops hair from turning grey too early. It also prevents hair brittleness and split ends,
and taking too little biotin just encourages hair to fall out faster.
Doesn’t sound like a good idea, right?
So make sure you eat enough biotin; it can be found in wheat products, whole grains, and egg.
Know what not to eat. Okay, so you’ve got this great list of foods that will help prevent hair loss
and guarantee you healthy and thick hair till the end of your life, but that isn’t going to be enough.
So don’t stock up on healthy food once a day and then gorge on fats, oils, and sweets for the rest of the time.
Stick to a good, balanced diet. Food additives and artificial sweetener are known to be a contributing factor to hair loss.
And don’t think you’ll be scot free if you go on a diet. A low-calorie diet based on liquids not only severely stops
you from gaining much needed energy, it also makes your hair drop out faster.
So the only way to go is really to eat healthy!
Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog
Strange Hair Loss Treatment Around The World
Hair loss is a condition that affects multiple people around the world. This condition does not discriminate and affects
many diverse countries. As such, specialists, doctors, and medicine experts in various countries have sought solutions to
hair loss for many years.
They have found various treatments, some veering towards the eccentric, that are believed to be effective methods of hair regrowth
and hair loss treatment.
Take Iraq, for example. In 2002, a study was conducted in Baghdad Teaching Hospital that discovered that onion juice was
an effective method in curing a particular non-scarring hair loss condition. Since then, people all around the world have
taken to slathering onion juice, onion-based hair masks, and even onion paste on their scalps in order to treat hair loss.
While this treatment is certainly extremely smelly, the pungent odour is well worth it, as this particular method has been
known to work well in terms of re-growing hair and preventing further hair loss. This is due to the high sulphur content in onions,
this treatment is able to clear bacteria on one’s scalp, thus allowing for better hair growth. However, it’s unknown whether
onions are able to help all types of hair loss conditions.
Ever heard of Monistat? It’s a form of yeast infection medication cream. Now, the last thing you would want to do with such medication
would be to apply it to your hair, right? Wrong! In the United States of America, this treatment is incredibly
well-known and is a go-to for many suffering hair loss symptoms. Due to its anti-fungal properties, this cream supposedly
has the ability to eliminate some of the receptors that cause hair loss, and this has even
been mentioned by doctors and medical professionals.
Doctors still heavily debate about Monistat’s effectiveness, although many results show that it does in fact
do great things for hair growth.
However, Monistat actually has a lot of side effects, including a sudden increase in hair loss if the treatment is stopped,
not to mention causing itchiness, splitting headaches and even burning sensations across the scalp.
Sure, you can give it a try if you like, but personally, this doesn’t seem to be much of a risk worth taking.
Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, women suffering from thinning hair have found a rather odd and slightly stomach-turning way to treat the deterioration of their locks. An increasingly popular treatment for thinning hair in London is,
believe it or not, bull sperm. That’s right, Aberdeen Organic Bull Semen Treatments are known to
have restorative and repairing features, apparently due to it being a sort of protein treatment.
It’s also completely colourless and odourless,
thus having no noticeable off-putting qualities aside from the fact that it’s, well, bull ejaculate. Sadly, this treatment is not
very likely to cure any form of hair loss at all, and is thus (pardon my French), just a load of bull.
Let’s move over to Asia now. Asia is known for eccentric medicinal treatments, ranging from ginger to old herbs.
It’s a common idea that rubbing ginger root onto barren areas of the scalp may help hair to regrow, although this
has never been scientifically proven.
But more interestingly, a Japanese study drew a conclusion that the key ingredient in peppers and pepper oil, capsaicin,
is a good way to moderate and promote optimum hair growth. Sounds great, right? Well, the problem is,
this study experimented entirely on mice.
Yup, mice. Capsaicin was rubbed onto mice fur, not human hair. But when word spread about this seemingly miraculous cure
, it got a little bit mixed up, and no one seemed to notice that peppers might help mice grow their fur,
but it probably won’t do much for human hair.
Still, that hasn’t stopped people all around the world from spreading Tobasco, hot sauce, and cayenne peppers onto their scalps.
Sadly, this treatment isn’t so hot and it doesn’t do much apart from irritate the scalp, so it’s highly recommended that you
avoid trying this method out at home.
Yes, there are certainly many odd treatments for hair loss and hair regrowth across the globe,
and a lot of them don’t really have much of an effect.
That being said, there are still plenty of treatments that do in fact work, and work well: laser treatment,
prescribed medication, stem cell therapy,
and hair cloning being among the few most popular methods in use internationally this year. Naturally, though,
the abundance of proven hair regrowth methods aren’t going to be enough to stop the world from
trying its own strange personal treatments.
The world is, decidedly, a very odd place.
By Eunice
Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog