Hair Loss Fact Malaysia– Why do everyone fear it?
Social Effect
It is no secret that the lack of hair (hair loss and thinning) can make someone appear older in an unattractive way. It is one thing to be
unattractive but it is another thing to look abnormally older than your age. Each criterion itself is sufficient to cause the individual
to be teased relentlessly but combining these two criteria, yes, ugly and weird can make the individuals to be the target of some
heavy duty bullying and even personal attacks.
At this point, some people might probably suggest that it could have been better if the person suffered from hair loss and hair thinning
to go bald entirely. Look at actor Vin Diesel, look at Bruce Willis, wait, look at Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.
They look so cool, so hot, so attractive without a single hair on their head. That’s true but the bald look just does not suit everyone.
With a shiny top, most people will just look awkward, creepy, weird, old or even sickly. A lot of us look horrid with shaved heads.
Basically, physical appearances play a huge roles in setting our judgemental minds on the go. The people who are fat, who wear braces,
who have pimples and who have hair loss are among the group of people who always get to be made fun of.
This happens among people you know and also among people you don’t know or you know a little. Family and friends justify their actions
by hiding behind their ‘we meant no harm’ , ‘friendly tease’ and urging you to laugh along with them. People you are not close with
might do this to you to get attention for themselves, to initiate a conversation or just being rude. Whatever their motives,
these teasing paint a bad image of you in other people’s mind, they degrade you and rip off your self-confidence.
To advance in life, it is important to have healthy social circle and relationships. However, relationship building is often sabotaged by your self-image.
Image mostly made up of a person’s behavior, core belief, capabilities and physical attributes. What do you think you are good at,
what do you think your principles are and how do you look like, are all part of your self-image. Thus, when you feel good about yourself,
you trust, and have confidence, in yourself which easily leads to you trusting, and having confidence in others.
Vice versa, if you lack self-confidence, and you do not trust yourself, you will feel the same towards others, which can damage your social interactions.
When you want to improve the quality of your relationships, you should first look at yourself, and your self-image usually makes a good starting point.
Working Performances
The place we work in, be it in a closed office environment or outdoor meeting clients, it is actually a social event.
Thus what had been mentioned above prevailed and in addition, since you are being paid to do it, there is a form of competition among co-workers,
to secure the promotion, to lead a project or to win over the boss’ heart. In such circumstances, if you have a negative self-image, you probably doubt
your own ability and influence. You will find endless excuses to give up or even to avoid starting.
There may be a great opportunities knocking on your door but you do not dare to open it because you do not have confidence in yourself.
Every choice you make and every action you take, starts with a thought. Over the years, research has shown that people who
think positively of themselves generally perform better than those who think negatively of themselves. It is not the thoughts alone that produce
the results but when you think about yourself in a good way, you are more likely to act in a manner consistent with that thought.
People with hair loss and have been subjected to ridicules and teases might find it tough to
think positively of themselves unless they have very strong self-believe, which is rare in today’s world.
Gone were the days when people with career only focus on the performance aspect of their job. Image and reputation
are increasingly important, especially as one progress in their career. Particularly with so much exposure in social media and the
24/7 nature of communications nowadays, it is significant to project an image that reflects your values and
branding while being convincing to the target market. When it comes to building a successful and rewarding career,
a worker should refer to the PIE to achieve satisfying career goals.
Stress and health
Evidences from scientific research supports the view that the experience of hair loss and hair thinning are psychologically destructive,
causes intense emotional suffering, and leads to personal, social, as well as work related problems. There is an important link between hair and identity,
but more for women. People with severe hair loss are more likely to experience psychological distress,
if unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, to name but a few.
Most of the research shows that people affected by hair loss problems have higher levels of anxiety and depression than controls.
These people may be at higher risk for developing a serious depressive episode, anxiety disorder, social phobia, or paranoid disorder.
They are also inevitably subjected to low self-esteem, poorer quality of life, and poorer body image.
Hair loss is often perceived in terms of anomaly and as a failure to conform to the norms of physical appearance in society.
This has the potential to set people apart in their own estimation and in the estimation of others. People can have serious problems regarding
to psychological distress which will affect their self-esteem, mental growth and social growth.
While there are proven treatments available to treat different kind of hair loss problems, there are also a kind of wonderful product
which can lift up your hair loss problems on a per-use basis.
For More hair loss related information , kindly visit Hair loss Blog
Do log on to www.toppikmalaysia.com for a look at this product which can set you free from your hair dilemma.