Hair Loss information blog
Top 6 Trichologists in Malaysia
Trichology is the science of the health of hair and scalp. Although there are not many trichologists in Malaysia, these experts are highly experienced and knowledgeable in their field, especially regarding hair loss and scalp issues.
Here are some of the top trichologists in Malaysia.

Dato’ Dr JasG is one of the pioneers of the hair restoration industry in Malaysia. With qualifications such as DIMP, BKM, MD, Diplomate of American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS), and being the President of Malaysian Hair Restoration Society (MHRS), Dato’ Dr. JasG conducts non-invasive and knife-less procedures to treat hair loss. Besides that, his clinic has been in service for over 20 years, winning more than 30 awards since. Together with Dr. Mohd Ali, they invented the SMART FUE™ formulation.
Contact: +603-6211 5555
Address: Glomac Galeria Hartamas, B-G-05, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.

Dr. Inder Kaur – KLINIK DR. INDER
Dr. Inder Kaur is a holder of LCP and is American Board Certified in Aesthetic Medicine. She has more than 30 years of experience for treating hair loss. Dr Inder is also an active member of The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and Asian Association of Hair Restoration Surgeon (AAHRS). Her own clinic, Klinik Dr. Inder, offers both aesthetic and hair loss treatments. She is popular for her artistic and natural hairline restoration and facial hair transplant which includes eyebrow designing and beard restoration. The clinic uses USA-FDA approved instruments, techniques, protocol and medication to ensure ideal results. Dr Inder had also performed on celebrities, politicians and famous people internationally. Both Dr Inder and her staff have been trained by Dr John Cole to ensure that they are skilful in hair transplant procedures. Some of the clinic’s awards consist of WhatClinic’s 2017 and 2018 Award for Excellent Customer Service, and MyDoc.Asia Certificate of Care Excellence 2016/2017/2018. Dr. Inder has recently partnered with Dr. Kuladeva Ratnam, to expand their range of services.
Contact: +603-7932 1818
Address: P-G-22, Centrestage, Jalan 13/1 Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya Selangor.

Dr. Ruban’s credentials are as follows: MBBCh (Ire), FRCP (UK), DipDermSc (UK), DipLaser (USA), FAAD (USA) and A.M. (Mal). He is a dermatologist, laser surgeon, and STD specialist. Moreover, he is an honorary member of the Harley Street Group International, a member of the ISHRS and AAHRS. His clinic in Bangsar provides comfortable facilities by friendly staff.
Contact: +603-2284 0557
Address: Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur.

Ms Candice Lim was specially trained in trichology by David Salinger, Director of the International Association of Trichologists (IAT) and the Vice-President of the Institute of Trichologists (U.K.). She is also an honors graduate from the University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK. Furthermore, she has experience working with various hair care centres in Malaysia and Japan which enables her to develop treatment programmes for her clients. She is very knowledgeable of hair problems across different races, ages and genders. The treatment specialists in her hair and scalp treatment centre are certified hair therapists who have received additional training in trichology and hygiene. They are re-certified annually to ensure that a consistently high standard of professionalism is maintained.
Contact: +603-6203 9358
Address: M-1-8, Plaza Damas, 60, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Taman Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.

Dr. Sylvia Wai – WAI CLINIC
Dr Sylvia Wai graduated from University of Malaya with a Bachelor of Degree in Medicine and Surgery. She is a certified LCP (Letter of Credentialing & Privileging) Medical Aesthetic Practitioner in Malaysia. Her other qualifications include Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine from American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and Diploma in Dermatology from National University of Singapore. She founded WAI Clinic (formerly known as Klinik Skin+Health) in 2004 and since then practises as the consulting doctor in WAI Clinic. She advocates her services to be professional yet cost-effective. The clinic’s hair loss and scalp treatments usually handle generalized hair loss, hair removal, patchy hair loss and scalp problems.
Contact: +6012-462 2238
Address: A-1-40, IOI Boulevard, Jalan Kenari 5, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47500 Puchong, Selangor.

Dr. Shah Sulaiman – DR SHAH HAIR CLINIC
Dr Shah graduated from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in MBBS. He is certified as an aesthetic surgeon with LCP. He also holds a certificate of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (Hair Transplantation) and is a lifetime member of AAHRS. He builds his reputation through his excellent service to fulfil the requirements of his patients. He has seen how hair treatment procedures have evolved to be minimally invasive, with quicker recovery periods and reduced risks. His clinic is located in SS 15, Subang Jaya, offering hair restoration treatments for both men and women.
Contact: +603-5633 2333
Address: 29-30, level 1, SS 15/5A, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Since these trichologists are some of the best there are in Malaysia, feel free to book an appointment with them for your hair issues! To get thicker hair in under 1 minute, try TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers!
See the results at
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Harga dan Kos Transplantasi Rambut di Malaysia dan Asia
Banyak produk berjanji untuk meningkatkan jumlah rambut, atau membantu anda melebatkan rambut. Tetapi bukan semua produk itu berkesan. Cara terbaik untuk menambah jumlah rambut di kawasan botak adalah dengan pemindahan rambut. Namun, berapakah kos transplantasi rambut? Kita tidak ada jawapan yang jelas dan mudah untuk soalan ini kerana terdapat pelbagai jenis rawatan yang ditawarkan di klinik rambut di Malaysia dan Asia. Rawatan dan pemulihan pemindahan rambut mempunyai beberapa unsur yang akan menambah kepada jumlah kos transplantasi rambut.

Berapa kos rawatan pemindahan rambut?
Kos pemindahan rambut sering berubah-ubah dan biasanya berharga kira-kira antara RM8,000 hingga RM60,000 ($2,000 hingga $15,000). Kos ini selalunya dibayar dengan simpanan sendiri. Hal ini kerana kebanyakan syarikat insurans menganggap pemindahan rambut sebagai prosedur kosmetik dan tidak layak untuk tuntutan insurans. Kos pemindahan rambut bergantung kepada banyak faktor yang berbeza. Lihatlah faktor-faktor di bawah.

1.Tempat tinggal anda
Kos sara hidup di kawasan tempat tinggal dan bilangan pakar bedah berdekatan yang menawarkan prosedur tersebut boleh mempunyai kesan terhadap harga yang dikenakan oleh pakar bedah.

2.Jenis prosedur yang anda pilih
Terdapat dua jenis pemindahan rambut yang berbeza, iaitu pemindahan unit folikel (FUT) dan pengekstrakan unit folikel (FUE). Setiap rawatan mempunyai kos yang berbeza.

3.Kemahiran pakar bedah anda
Jika ahli bedah anda dianggap sebagai salah satu yang terbaik, mereka mungkin akan mengenakan bayaran yang lebih tinggi. Pada masa yang sama, harga yang lebih tinggi tidak selalu bermakna kemahiran yang unggul, jadi lakukan penyelidikan anda dengan teliti.

4.Berapa banyak rambut yang anda mahu pindahkan
Untuk 1,000 helai rambut (kira-kira RM 8,000 – RM 10,000), anda boleh mengurangkan 1 cm ketinggian garis rambut anda. Namun demikian, ramai orang lebih suka memindah sekurang-kurangnya 3,000 helai kerana rambut yang dipindahkan ke garis rambut akan berkurang sedikit secara semula jadi setelah beberapa bulan. Keadaan keguguran rambut daripada kelas 1 (kebotakan di garis rambut sahaja) kepada kelas 7 (seluruh bahagian atas kepala botak) juga menentukan jumlah helai rambut yang patut dipindahkan.

5.Kos perjalanan
Kos ini bukan sesuatu yang dikenakan oleh doktor anda, tetapi kos ini masih anda harus pertimbangkan. Kadang-kadang, anda perlu melakukan perjalanan untuk mencari pakar terbaik dan anda harus mengambil kira kos ini apabila membuat keputusan jika anda mampu melakukan prosedur. Misalnya, terdapat doktor pakar di Korea dan Turki. Situasi ini membolehkan anda berlancong sambil menjalankan rawatan.

Berapa kos untuk pulih daripada pemindahan rambut?
Selain daripada kos rawatan, anda wajar mempertimbangkan kos pemulihan anda.
Kos ini termasuk:
-ubat sakit semasa pemulihan segera
-ubat anti-radang untuk mengurangkan bengkak di kawasan yang telah dibedah
-antibiotik untuk mengurangkan risiko jangkitan
Jika anda mengalami sebarang komplikasi, contohnya jangkitan, anda perlu merawatnya. Keadaan ini boleh menambah perbelanjaan anda, termasuk kos ubat dan kos konsultasi doktor.

Justeru, berdasarkan faktor-faktor di atas, transplantasi rambut tidak datang dengan kos yang rendah. Hal ini demikian terutamanya apabila terdapat kemungkinan rawatan ini tidak berkesan seperti yang anda impikan. Sekiranya anda mempunyai dana yang mencukupi dan telah memutuskan untuk melabur dalam prosedur pemindahan rambut, ambillah sedikit masa untuk melakukan penyelidikan anda. Anda boleh mendapatkan pelbagai konsultasi untuk mendapat anggaran kos dan mencari pakar bedah yang sesuai untuk anda.
Ingatlah bahawa apabila rawatan bergantung kepada kemahiran pakar bedah, jangan asyik fikir untuk berjimat sahaja. Carilah pakar bedah yang berkelayakan dan boleh dipercayai. Walaupun kosnya lebih mahal, rawatan yang sempurna dapat membantu anda mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik. Anda juga perlu ingat bahawa terdapat klinik yang menawarkan pelan pembayaran atau ansuran untuk membolehkan rawatan pemindahan rambut diakses oleh lebih ramai orang.

Alternatif untuk pemindahan rambut
Jika anda sedang menunggu temujanji pemindahan rambut anda atau tidak ingin menjalani rawatan ini, terdapat beberapa alternatif yang boleh digunakan. Ubat-ubat ini mungkin berkesan untuk sementara, tetapi ubat-ubat boleh membantu menghentikan keguguran rambut.
Alternatif untuk pemindahan rambut termasuk:
-Minoxidil (Rogaine). Ubat ini boleh digunakan oleh lelaki dan wanita.
-Ubat Finasteride (Propecia), yang dapat memberikan hasil dalam merawat kebotakan lelaki dan wanita. Kesan positif boleh muncul setelah antara tiga hingga enam bulan penggunaan berterusan.
-Terapi laser peringkat rendah (low-level laser therapy) hairmax , yang boleh merawat keguguran rambut dalam kedua-dua jantina dengan merangsang aktiviti selular. Rawatan ini dapat menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut dan dapat menguatkan akar rambut yang lemah.
Untuk mengatasi keguguran rambut segera tanpa ubat, cubalah TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers!
Maklumat lanjut boleh didapati di
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Toppik will be available at more Sunway Pharmacy Retail Chain starting September 20 , 2019
Top 8 Beard Transplant Clinics in Malaysia
Not everyone is blessed with beard growing genes after puberty. Just like height, either you have it, or you don’t. But that is no longer the case for growing a thick beard, as beard transplants are available now in Malaysia! You can get that lumberjack look you’ve always dreamed of, by transplanting hair follicles from the back of your head to your face, allowing you to grow your beard naturally. Here are some of the finest hair clinics in the nation offering beard transplants.

1. Glojas Health Clinic
Dr. Jas and Dr. Ali are known for hair restoration treatments including Smart FUE, but other services are provided as well, such as cosmetic surgery, skin treatments, and facial hair transplants. Glojas offers hair transplants to the beard, eyebrows, moustache, and sideburns as well the cheek beard. Even areas where hair has never grown before can be treated. Also, their facial hair transplants can be used to conceal moles, acne scars and other types of scars. The procedure is available to both men and women.

2. Klinik Dr. Inder
Their clinic has been popular with clients requesting for beard transplants, from once a month to once a week recently. The number or grafts to be transplanted from the scalp to the face ranges from 500 to 2000. Not only that, the results are claimed to be permanent. Post-care treatments are included in the service and there is plenty of guidance for recovery.
3. Dr Shah Hair Clinic

Dr Shah Hair Clinic offers very competitive prices for high quality services. Their treatments are affordable and are recommended by many. After the procedure, results can be seen in a few months. The hair transplant clinic has been operating for more than 10 years and the team has sufficient experience and training to ensure professionalism.

4. Dr Ruban’s Skin & Hair Clinic
Their technique involves harvesting the hair follicles from the back of the scalp. The grafts would then be transplanted to the desired area using micro insertions. Design is also very important in their procedures, whereby the team makes sure the final result is natural-looking.

5. Klinik Terry Lee Sdn Bhd
This aesthetic clinic provides various services, and beard transplants are one of them. The FUE hair transplant technique can also be applied on the eyebrows, moustache and sideburns. Without using any scalpels or stitches, the treatment sessions require minimal healing time. In addition, Gary Yap and Pauline Tan are the ambassadors for this clinic. There are two Terry Lee clinics in Ipoh, one in Petaling Jaya, and one in Desa ParkCity.

6. DHI Malaysia
Using their very own DHI technique, the facial hair restoration process is made possible with patented DHI specialised tools for implantation. This enables complete control of the depth and direction of the implanted hair, hence achieving natural looking results. DHI takes pride in following a meticulous step-by-step process from designing the beard to controlling the angle of each hair follicle. They are determined in ensuring that the symmetry is accurate and there is a natural pattern of the intended shape of the beard and moustache.

7. Hair Transplant Solutions @ The KL Sky Clinic
Located in KLCC, Hair Transplant Solutions use high precision tools to carefully select hair follicles from the selected donor area (usually the side or back of the head) after analysing the suitability for the treatment. The beard design is customisable with photo reference and agreed upon with the client before starting the transplant. Then, the doctor will calculate the number of grafts needed for the procedure. The process is pain-free with the FUE method. This clinic offers beard transplants as one of their main services. Furthermore, they have their own in-house hair stylist to assist the medical team in achieving the perfect design.

8. Nexus Clinic
The facial hair transplants conducted in Nexus Clinic are unique because they are done by Europe’s most preferred hair transplant surgeons. They specialise in beards, moustaches, goatees, eyebrows and sideburns. The FUE hair transplant technique is suitable for all patients of all ethnic backgrounds. Moreover, patients with sparse facial hair, patchiness or any facial scars are recommended to try the beard transplant procedure. Nexus Clinic can be found in Kuala Lumpur and Cyberjaya.
After a beard transplant, patients are advised not to shave for at least a week. While waiting for the beard to grow longer, try TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers to thicken the beard and cover thinning spots instantly! The fibers can be used in any part of the head and face. Visit to find out more.
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Top 8 Hair Treatments in KL and Selangor
The most populated area in Malaysia would definitely have many different facilities available in every neighborhood. A drive to the nearest hair treatment centre in KL and Selangor would take an average duration of less than 30 minutes. This is convenient for those who wish to seek the ultimate hair solution without having to travel far. Here are some of the top hair treatment centres in the city and the suburban areas.
1. Premier Clinic

You can find Premier Clinic all over the Klang Valley, such as in Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Bangsar Baru, Kuala Lumpur, Cheras, Mont Kiara and Puchong. The clinic has innovative aesthetic doctors and a dedicated team to provide a comprehensive range of aesthetic treatments. They are sure to utilize some of the latest, most effective and reliable equipment and machines. Also, they offer free professional consultation to their visitors. Examples of their hair treatment services include Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Hair Regrowth Injections (HRI), Mesotherapy, laser hair therapy, and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. Their locations and contact information can be found on their website.
2. Klinik Dr. Inder

This well-established medical aesthetics clinic is exceptionally popular for their hair loss treatment services. The clinic will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2021. Located in Seksyen 13, Petaling Jaya, it is convenient for PJ-ians and people travelling from KL and Selangor to visit this award-winning clinic. Patients are highly advised to make an appointment to prevent any disappointment due to the busy schedules of the team.
Address: P-G-022, Centrestage, Jalan 13/1, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Phone: 03-7932 1818
- Ageless Medispa Dr. Alice Clinic

With more than 30 years of experience, Dr. Alice is the founder and primary physician of this clinic. Besides being skilled in what she does, she is mutilingual. She can speak English, Malay, Hokkien, Tamil, Hindi, and Punjabi. The clinic’s inexpensive hair loss treatment services include HRI, Mesotherapy, FUE, and laser hair therapy.
Address: 257, Jalan Maarof, Bangsar Park, 59000 Kuala Lumpur.
Phone: 03-2095 0458
- Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre

This medical aesthetics clinic offers PRP therapy, FUE, Mesotherapy, HRI, laser hair therapy, and other hair treatments. In addition, their facilities are state-of-the-art and luxurious. The consulting physician, Dr. Wong, has over 40 years of experience. You can find 4.Beverly Wilshire Clinic in Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur.
Petaling Jaya
Address: L1-03, Level 1, 3 Damansara Mall, No. 3, Jalan SS 20/27, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Phone: 03-7710 6888
Kuala Lumpur
Address: No. 237, Level 6, 8 & 9 Kenanga Tower, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur.
Phone: 03-2118 2888
- ARC Medical Group

ARC provides medical aesthetic, wellness and anti-aging solutions to the public. Examples of their hair loss treatments are HRI, FUE, PRP therapy, and treatment for male and female pattern baldness. There are outlets in Ara Damansara, Mid Valley, Pantai Hospital, and Assunta Hospital.
- Dr. Chong Clinic

Patients who have undergone their hair loss treatments recommended this clinic for their efficiency and effectiveness in their service. Although the pricing is on the high end, the sessions such as PRP therapy, HRI, and Mesotherapy are still affordable. Dr. Chong Clinic is available in Kepong and Shah Alam.
Address: 37, Jalan Metro Perdana Barat 1, Taman Usahawan Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur.
Phone: 03-6179 3157
7. My Bliss Clinic

Dr. Elson is highly qualified as a medical aesthetics doctor with more than 17 years of experience. They offer HRI, Mesotherapy, PRP therapy, and treatment for male and female pattern baldness. Most of the reviews online remarked that the treatments are professional and effective. Not only that, this clinic has won several awards recently.
Address: Publika, Lot 1&2, Level G2, Jalan Dutamas 1, Solaris Dutamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Phone: 03-2300 0268
8. Dr. Ko Clinic

Founded by Dr. Ko Chung Beng in 1997, Dr. Ko clinic has been servicing the community with a wide range of procedures such as dermatology and cosmetic surgery. For having over 20 establishments carrying the name, Dr. Ko clinic has transformed from a small clinic into a successful chain over the years. You can undergo laser hair therapy, FUE, and Mesotherapy at their clinics. Further information can be found on their website.
Head on to to find out how you can achieve a full head of thick hair within 1 minute!
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15 Best Hair Care Products in Malaysia

We want the best for our hair, and it can only be done by regularly caring for our hair with the best hair care products. Let us show you the best ones in the Malaysian market, available at local pharmacies, stores, and supermarkets.
1. COCO & EVE – Like A Virgin Super Nourishing Coconut & Fig Hair Masque And Tangle Tamer Set

This hair masque and tangle tamer set helps to tame frizz and add shine to dry and damaged hair caused by styling, heat, dyes and the environment. Organic ingredients such as raw virgin coconut and fig repair hair to make it healthy. The tangle tamer brush helps to spread the hair masque from root to tip. Shea butter moisturizes the hair while Argan oil and linseed prevent split ends.

2. SEPHORA COLLECTION Hair Sleeping Mask
There are four types of hair masks in this collection with targeted benefits to hydrate and repair hair overnight. Each variant is targeted to a specific hair concern such as nourishment, preventing breakage and frizzing, and colour protection. Instructions are easy, where the mask is applied to the hair which is then covered with the cap included.
3. OLAPLEX No.3 Hair Perfector

This is a concentrated treatment that strengthens and protects the hair from within, repairing damage strands to reduce breakage and improving its look and feel. It contains patented technology and works with all hair types.
4. CHRISTOPHE ROBIN – Cleansing Purifying Scrub with Sea Salt

This scrub is suitable for sensitive or oily scalps. It works by cleansing, purifying and restoring balance to the scalp, much like a detox treatment. Formulated with 100% plant active ingredients, the scrub contains sea salt, a natural exfoliant, which removes impurities from the scalp and stimulates blood circulation. It can also be used after a color treatment to sooth scalp itching and it can eliminate chemical residues on the scalp.
5. PLANTUR 39 – Shampoo for Fine, Brittle Hair

This Phyto-Caffeine Shampoo activates the hair roots during washing to help reduce hair loss, especially for women over the age of 40. The active ingredient, caffeine, penetrates into the hair follicles to protect the hair and the scalp. Plantur 39 is made in Germany.
6. PANTENE Aqua Pure Shampoo

The all-new Pantene Aqua Pure shampoo’s silicone-free formula contains water-soluble beads that gently cleanses and nourishes the hair from root to tip in seconds. The texture is not as thick as other shampoos, so it can be washed off easily. Users reviewed that their hair felt smooth and refreshing after trying it.
7. L’Oreal Paris Elseve Total Repair – Deep Repairing Mask

With Cement-Ceramide that works similarly to natural hair cement, this hair mask helps to keep hair strong and healthy by filling in cracks of damaged hair. This leads to strengthened and resilient hair. This is one of the best hair care products in Malaysia since it is specially formulated for Asian hair.
8. DOVE Volume Nourishment Shampoo

Specifically formulated for dry, limp hair, this shampoo nourishes hair and restores its softness and smoothness. With Oxyfusion Technology, oxygen-fused ingredients are used to restore hair texture while adding up to 95% more volume. It also leaves a refreshing sensation after use.
9. GOOD VIRTUES CO Anti-Dandruff Care Shampoo

Infused with purifying Organic Habbatus Sauda Oil (Organic Black Seed Oil), this anti-dandruff shampoo detoxifies the hair while eliminating dandruff. Other ingredients like natural Maca Root extracts and Vitamin B5 strengthens the hair follicles to minimize hair fall. Good Virtues Co. uses 100% non-animal derived ingredients in their products.
10. Ellips Hair Vitamin

There are many varieties of hair vitamins under Ellips. With the new and improved formula, each variant is enriched with Moroccan Oil, which maintains and repairs the hair structure to make hair shiny, soft and easy to manage. The active ingredient in each variant is as follows: Jojoba Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, Candlenut, Ginseng and Honey Oil.
11. Schwarzkopf Seborin Anti-Dandruff Hair Tonic

This hair tonic is made in Germany. The active ingredient Octopirox® (Piroctone Olamine) is an anti-dandruff agent. This tonic also helps to soothe itching. This product is to be massaged on the scalp and should not be rinsed off.
12. LUCIDO-L Argan Rich Oil – Hair Treatment Oil

The active ingredient, argan oil, is processed with extremely high pressure to blend into the hair easily. This Japanese hair treatment oil deeply moisturises hair ends, prevents moisture loss from the hair, protect hairs from hair dryers and styling tools like curlers and straighteners, and contains UV protection.
13. HIMALAYA Revitalizing Hair Oil

This non-sticky herbal hair oil nourishes the hair with natural proteins, promotes hair growth, controls scalp itching, and prevents hair loss. Some of the main ingredients are Chickpea, Thistles, and Indian Gooseberry.
14. Batiste Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo is convenient for those who needs clean-feeling hair without spending the time for a hair wash. It is made of a waterless formula that absorbs dirt and oil from the scalp. There are various choices to pick from according to hair types and preferred scent.
15. HEAD & SHOULDERS – Apple Fresh Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Formulated with Head & Shoulders’ new Fresh Scent Technology with a fresh green-apple fragrance, this shampoo is a favourite among Malaysians. Not only it is pH balanced for everyday use even for colour or chemically treated hair, this shampoo keeps hair clean and 100% flake free.
Here comes the great news: you can use TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers on dry hair after using the above products without affecting your hair health or hairstyle! Learn more at
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Top 10 Organic Shampoos in Malaysia

The consumer market is inclined towards healthy options of all products nowadays, including hair shampoo. Hence, people are expecting to find shampoos that have organic ingredients which are less harmful to the hair and scalp compared to harsh chemicals. It may be difficult to look for a high-quality organic shampoo which is non-toxic, sulfate free, and does not irritate the scalp. Well, look no further! Here are the top ten organic shampoos recommended by users that can be found in stores nationwide.
- HIMALAYA Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Gentle Clean

This is one of the best-selling shampoos in the Himalaya Shampoo series. With a special blend of Tea Tree oil, Centella, Grape Seed, Rosemary, and other effective natural anti-dandruff agents, the shampoo attacks the root cause of dandruff while gently cleansing and nourishing the hair and scalp. Regular use helps to reduce itching, hair fall, and visible flakes.
2. KLEIO Silky Infusion Shampoo

This shampoo is suitable for dry-damaged hair and those with hair loss problems. It contains hair fall control formula using a combination of plant extracts and a rejuvenating aromatherapy blend of pure essential oils. The shampoo provides nourishment for hair growth, and repairs heat-damaged and frizzy hair.
3. WATSONS Naturals by Watsons Aloe Vera Shampoo

Containing 99% certified organic aloe vera from concentrated aloe vera powder, this shampoo nourishes the hair and helps it stay smooth and moisturised. This shampoo cleanses and nourishes the hair while revitalising the scalp for shiny, healthy-looking hair. It is free from Paraben, Mineral Oil, Silicones, Colourants, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and other harmful chemicals.
4. BOTANICALS Shampoo by L’Oreal Paris

There are four unique choices to pick from in this series: Camelina, Safflower, Geranium and Coriander. Botanicals shampoos are free from silicones, parabens and colorants. Each variant is targeted to specific hair type. Not only that, the packaging is made of 100% recycled materials.
5. Pura D’or Hair Loss Prevention Therapy Shampoo

With 12 DHT blockers, a blend of Niacin, Biotin, Argan Oil, antioxidants and other natural ingredients, this hair loss prevention shampoo detoxifies the hair for healthy growth. Colour safe, gluten free, hypoallergenic, cruelty free, and made with no SLS (Sulfates), Parabens and harmful chemicals, this USA product is clinically proven to reduce hair loss due to breakage.
6. Petal Fresh Shampoo

The Petal Fresh shampoo series are vegan, pH balanced, accredited by USDA NOP, cruelty free, and without sulfates, GMOs, petrochemicals, phthalates, parabens, colors or harsh preservatives. The ingredients are certified organic and the fragrance is natural with essential oils.
7. Botaneco Garden Trio Oil Shampoo

Guardian has launched this Botaneco Garden Trio Oil Hair and Body Collection specially for eco-conscious consumers. They are formulated with botanical ingredients and enhanced with 100% eco-certified exotic oils which are Babassu Oil from Latin America, Baobab Oil from Africa, and Chufa Oil from France. They are also free from Parabens, Silicone, Soap, Colorant, Lanoline and DEA.
8. Herbal Essences Bio-Renew Volume – White Grapefruit & Mosa Mint Shampoo

Refresh your hair with the gentle and nourishing signature blend of essential antioxidants, aloe and sea kelp. This shampoo has 0% parabens, gluten and colorants. It is also safe to use on colour treated hair. Experience the multi-layered scents of freshly squeezed citrus, clean mint and velvety peach with Herbal Essences Bio-Renew Volume – White Grapefruit & Mosa Mint Shampoo.

9. Guardian Organic Care Shampoo
The gentle and nourishing shampoos are dermatologically tested, free from parabens, mineral oil, silicone, and colourants. They are also specially blended with certified organic ingredients according to each variant. The pomegranate and abyssinian seed oil help to provide nutrients to the scalp and hair, while the lavender water and sunflower oil are soothing and fragrant.
10. TRESemmé Detox & Nourish Shampoo

Enriched with natural ingredients of green tea and ginger, TRESemmé Detox & Nourish shampoo deeply cleanses to remove daily impurities and replenishes nutrients to nourish the hair. The formulation contains no parabens or dyes. Safe for daily use, you can get gorgeous shiny hair with the fragrance of fresh ginger and summer blossoms every day.
For daily hair perfection, try our TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers made with organic keratin to cover up thinning hair areas and receding hair lines! Check out to see how you can achieve thicker hair in less than 30 seconds!
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Top 10 Korean Hair Salons in Malaysia

Seeing Korean celebrities with impeccable hairstyles on television and social media, many people wish to look as stunning as them. Not every hair salon in your neighbourhood can create the perfect Korean hairstyle. So, Korean hair salons are the best place to get a chic haircut or to rock those gorgeous mermaid curls, smooth straight hair, or soft inspiring colours. Here’s our list of the best Korean hair salons in the nation.

1. Leekaja Beauty Salon Malaysia
This Korean Beauty Salon offers a range of services such as hair treatments, facials, eyelash lifting, and nail art. Established in 1972 in South Korea, Leekaja Hair Salon (LKJ) has now a global presence of 206 stores and has opened the first flagship store in Malaysia. Besides having a unique and modern interior, LKJ provides premium facilities such as complimentary drinks and snacks, personal slippers and treatment gown, mobile charger, umbrella rentals and free Wi-Fi service. Also, their stylists are friendly, reputable and are highly recommended by patrons who visited LKJ.
Location: G5 -9 Robinsons, Shoppes at Four Seasons Place, 145, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 012-833 0040
2. Yoo Jean Hair Salon

They specialise in perming and rebonding services but are not limited to just these. Yoo Jean Hair Salon has professional hairdressers to provide quality service. Not only that, they are up to date with the latest hairstyles, especially from Korea, since most of the staff are Korean. Reviewers had praised how incredible their hair looked, thanks to this salon.
Location: 1st Floor, 2-1, Jalan 25/70a, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2300 0175

3. K Style Hair Studio
K Style’s hairstylists are commented to be courteous and skilful, leaving customers happy and satisfied. This leads to many regulars visiting this Korean hair salon. Furthermore, their hairstyling products are imported from Korea.
Location: 11G, Plaza Crystalville 1, Jalan 23/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-6211 0410
4. La Fiorire Korean Hair Salon

Their services are set at a reasonable price range for various treatments and trims. This hair salon offers professional advice and great Korean hair products. Combined with a café, La Fiorire indulges all their customers with complimentary drinks and a snack. The comfortable interior and advanced Korean technology are the highlights of this Korean hair salon. La Fiorire can be found in Desa Sri Hartamas, Empire Damansara, Sri Petaling, Kota Damansara, and Plaza Arkadia Desa Parkcity.
5. Estilo Hair Salon

This place offers the trendiest styles that are exactly like the creative styles of Korean celebrities. The hairdressers’ technique and service were applauded by satisfied customers. Moreover, the highly skilled professionals can restore damaged hair.
Location: 16, Jalan Solaris 4, Solaris Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-6206 5241
6. 105HAIR

Tucked in a cosy unit above a shop lot in the Korean Village of Ampang, this Korean hair salon does not compromise on quality at all, despite the reasonable prices. Patrons reviewed their hair stylists as detailed and meticulous. Due to its attentive and excellent service, 105HAIR is one of the best Korean hair salons in the area.
Location: No.7-L2, Jalan Ampang Putra, Taman Ampang Putra Sulaiman, 68000 Ampang, Selangor
Tel: 03-4251 5823

7. Oh Jun Hair Salon
Another gem in Ampang, the owner of the salon has around 40 years of hairdressing experience. Regulars have mentioned that the Korean perms done in this place are exceptional and the curls can last for more than one year. Besides that, the staff are friendly and efficient.
Location: A 14 1/1, One Avenue Business Centre, Jalan Ampang Utama 2/2, Taman Ampang Utama, 68000 Ampang, Selangor.
Tel: 03-4251 1727
8. Park Jung Ho

This Penang-based establishment is run by Mr Park Jung Ho, a master of his craft. Even with such high level of expertise, the pricing is very competitive. Additionally, the hair stylists are able to create fashionable male and female styles for any occasion.
Location: 43, Jalan Fettes, Tanjung Tokong, 10470 Penang
Tel: 04-890 7073

9. LadyKim Korean Salon
Located in the heart of Johor (Bukit Indah, KSL City Mall, and soon in City Square), LadyKim Korean Salon is a favourite for Johoreans, Singaporeans and others who have tried LadyKim. This salon offers reasonable pricing for their satisfying services.
Location: 23, Jalan Indah 15/2, Bukit Indah, 81200 Johor Bahru
Tel: 019-791 5199

10. BELLE Korean Hair Salon
This hair salon is owned by Belle Kim, an experienced Korean hair stylist. Customers have remarked that the efficient services provided were excellent and priced reasonably. Moreover, the hairdressers have a good eye for style and know the right treatments for different hair types and textures.
Location: 73, Jalan Indah 15/2, Taman Bukit Indah, 81200 Johor Bahru
Tel: 011-6056 3341
For last minute touch ups and hair loss solutions, try TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers! Visit to find out how.
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Top 10 Best Hair Serums in Malaysia

Hair serums work to give your hair nutrients and vitamins that help overcome various hair problems such as damage and hair loss. They help to prevent tangled hair, as well as help your hair become shiny, flexible and strong. With thick and beautiful hair, we will feel more confident. Hair serums ensure that hair continues to be hydrated, soft and easy to manage. Different hair serums suit different hair types. Here are some of the most well-known hair serums in Malaysia.
1. Alpecin Caffeine Liquid Hair Energizer

Alpecin is a renowned German brand for hair products. Their hair serum, Alpecin Caffeine Liquid Hair Energizer, strengthens the hair roots and prevents hair loss for all scalp and hair types. It consists of the active ingredient caffeine. This hair serum helps to extend the hair growth phase.
2. Audace Extra Hair Reactive and Hair Fall Control Tonic

This hair tonic is effective for people with scalp problems and hair loss issues. It nourishes the scalp and hair with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. The result is healthier and thicker hair. Consumers are advised to massage the head slowly for 3 minutes using the finger pressure technique after pouring this tonic onto the scalp.
3. Dove Nutritive Solutions Hair Fall Rescue Serum

Hair follicles that are formulated with Micro Moisture from this hair serum help to reduce hair loss due to damage. Furthermore, it also gives softness to the hair. With a mild formula, it will not cause your hair to feel oily. Users reviewed this serum to be fragrant as well.
4. YOKO Intensive Hair Serum

This serum oil is specially formulated with avocado oil which can help moisturise dry hair. It is enriched with Vitamin A, D and E and contains amino acids. Yoko Intensive Hair Serum stimulates healthy hair growth with serum protection that ensures every strand of hair gets enough nutrients to stay hydrated. Hair is still strong and soft when it is brushed.
5. Yves Rocher Nutri Repair Anti-Breakage Strengthening Serum

This hair serum contains jojoba oils recommended by beauty experts. Jojoba oil is extremely powerful in hydrating the hair and repairing damaged hair as a result of exposure to the sun. With the use of this serum continuously, the hair will look shinier, stronger and softer.
6. Mise En Scene Perfect Hair Serum

This lightweight, non-greasy hair serum is made in Korea. It is made with seven different kinds of oil: apricot, argan, camelia, coconut, jojoba, marula, and olive oil. These ingredients assist in nourishing and moisturising the hair, and controlling frizz. Also, this serum has won awards by Elle Girl and Beauty Awards.
7. L’Oreal Paris Elseve Extraordinary Oil

Suitable for dry hair, this hair serum deeply penetrates into the hair strand and moisturizes the hair. This is to enhance shine from within and luxuriously smoothen the hair. Many reviewers claim that this product has a nice floral smell and is effective in making the hair smooth and less frizzy.
8. GOOD VIRTUES CO Multiple Repair Hair Serum

With Organic Habbatus Sauda Oil (Organic Black Seed Oil), Vitamin E, and other natural nutrients, minerals and antioxidants, this leave-in treatment repairs and rejuvenates the hair to make it smooth, shiny and manageable. Not only that, only non-animal derived ingredients are used to produce this hair serum.
9. Innisfree – Camellia Essential Hair Oil Serum

This hair serum contains fermented camellia oil that helps strengthen damaged hair that may be caused by frequent perming and dyeing treatments. The serum is absorbed quickly into the hair for nourishment while coating the hair cuticles to prevent moisture loss and for lasting softness and radiance.
10. Pedison Institut Beaute Argan Perfume Hair Oil Serum

With certified organic argan oil and 14 natural oils, this hair oil repairs, softens and strengthens dry, brittle, frizzy, dull, and overworked hair. The moisture retention effect helps in managing soft and elastic hair. The oil is easily absorbed into hair without stickiness. Furthermore, the luxury fragrance helps hair to smell fresh the whole day. There are 5 variants to choose from.
For immediate thicker and fuller hair, try TOPPIK! Further information can be found at
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10 Petua Rambut Gugur Untuk Lelaki

Keguguran rambut menjadi kebimbangan bagi ramai lelaki, dan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kira-kira dua pertiga lelaki akan mula kehilangan rambut mereka pada umur 30-an. Walaupun sesetengah lelaki mungkin menerima perubahan tersebut dan mencukur kepala mereka, yang lain ingin mencari rawatan atau cara-cara untuk mengurangkan keguguran rambut. Lihatlah petua-petua di bawah untuk mengatasi rambut gugur.
- Amalkan diet yang baik untuk rambut dan kesihatan
- Berhenti merokok demi rambut anda
- Kurangkan tekanan, kurangkan rambut gugur
- Urut kepala untuk pertumbuhan rambut
- Dapatkan pemeriksaan kesihatan
- Gunakan syampu rambut gugur yang baik
- Kurangkan penggunaan bahan kimia dan haba pada rambut
- Berhenti atau ubah ubat yang mempunyai kesan sampingan
- Gunakan ubat topikal pada kulit kepala
- Gunakan serat rambut untuk rambut lebat

1. Amalkan diet yang baik untuk kesihatan
Diet dan suplemen boleh membantu dalam memperkuat rambut dan mengurangkan kadar keguguran rambut. Anda harus mengambil pendekatan proaktif untuk masalah rambut anda. Selain daripada pil dan prosedur, berilah tumpuan kepada diet anda. Perubahan diet yang drastik mungkin agak susah, jadi anda boleh cuba sekali seminggu makanan yang tiada gula atau yang mempunyai antioksidan, kemudian tingkatkan kekerapannya. Suplemen termasuk biotin, zink, vitamin C, zat besi dan niacin amat digalakkan. Bukan itu sahaja, minumlah air kosong yang mencukupi.

- Berhenti merokok
Sekiranya anda seorang perokok, anda mungkin sedar akan kesan negatif pada paru-paru, mulut dan tekak. Tetapi tahukah anda bahawa merokok boleh menyebabkan keguguran rambut serta kedutan wajah dan uban yang lebih awal dan banyak? Penyelidikan telah membuktikan bahawa terdapat hubungan antara merokok dan keguguran rambut. Hal ini disebabkan oleh jumlah toksin yang tinggi dalam asap rokok yang diserap oleh muka dan rambut. Untuk mengelakkan keguguran rambut di samping implikasi buruk yang lain, ini mungkin idea yang baik untuk berhenti merokok secepat mungkin.

3. Kurangkan tekanan
Tekanan sememangnya tidak baik untuk kesihatan badan, termasuk rambut anda. Keguguran rambut mungkin disebabkan oleh gaya hidup yang kurang optimum. Antara strategi untuk mengurangkan tekanan ialah senaman yang kerap, mendengar muzik, melakukan yoga serta bermeditasi. Tidur yang mencukupi juga penting untuk otak yang cerdas.

4. Urut kepala
Urutan bukan sahaja untuk keselesaan, tetapi proses ini juga boleh membantu pertumbuhan rambut anda. Urutan kulit kepala dapat merangsang folikel rambut dengan peredaran darah yang lebih baik. Menurut satu kajian, lelaki di Jepun yang menerima 4 minit urutan kulit kepala setiap hari selama 24 minggu mempunyai rambut yang lebih lebat pada akhir kajian.

5. Dapatkan pemeriksaan kesihatan
Selain daripada genetik anda, terdapat beberapa penyakit yang boleh mengakibatkan keguguran rambut. Anda boleh dapat mengatasi masalah keguguran rambut dengan menjaga kesihatan badan. Pastikan anda melawat doktor dengan kerap dan dapatkan rawatan yang anda perlukan. Jika masalah rambut anda berkait dengan penyakit anda, setelah anda pulih, rambut anda juga akan menjadi lebih sihat.

6. Gunakan syampu yang baik
Jangan biarkan rambut anda kotor dan berminyak. Basuhlah rambut jika perlu, kerana jika liang kulit kepala tersumbat, rambut tidak dapat tumbuh dengan baik. Bukan itu sahaja, lebih banyak rambut akan gugur kerana tidak mendapat nutrien yang mencukupi. Syampu yang baik untuk pertumbuhan rambut mempunyai anti-DHT dan minyak Argan.

7. Kurangkan penggunaan bahan kimia dan haba
Jika anda bimbang tentang keguguran rambut, anda mungkin patut elakkan yang berikut:
- gaya rambut yang ketat, seperti pigtails, cornrows, braids, dan bun
- rawatan minyak panas
- bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam perm dan rawatan meluruskan rambut
- meluntur atau mewarnakan rambut
Tambahan pula, ketika memberus atau menggayakan rambut anda, jika anda sering menarik rambut anda dengan ketat, keguguran rambut boleh menjadi lebih teruk. Jika anda masih ingin menggunakan bahan kimia atau peluntur dalam rambut anda, dapatkan bantuan daripada profesional terlatih. Jangan cuba lakukan sendiri di rumah.

8. Berhenti atau ubah ubat
Sesetengah ubat tertentu boleh menyebabkan keguguran rambut. Contohnya termasuk:
- rawatan kemoterapi dan radiasi
- penipis darah (antikoagulan)
- ubat untuk merawat kemurungan
- ubat yang digunakan untuk merawat tekanan darah tinggi
- ubat jantung
- ubat gout
- isotretinoin (Accutane), rawatan jerawat
Jika anda risau terhadap keguguran rambut anda, jangan berhenti mengambil ubat secara tiba-tiba. Lawat doktor anda untuk mengetahui sama ada anda mempunyai pilihan lain. Anda mungkin perlu menunggu sehingga rawatan anda selesai sebelum mengutamakan rambut anda. Dalam kebanyakan kes, rambut anda akan kembali setelah rawatan dihentikan.

9. Gunakan ubat topikal
Ubat topikal seperti Rogaine dan Minoxidil mungkin mengambil masa sehingga setahun untuk melihat keputusan, dan anda perlu terus menggunakannya untuk mengekalkan faedahnya. Namun, penggunaannya amat senang dan ianya berkesan untuk ramai orang.

10. Gunakan serat rambut – Rahsia selebriti Hollywood
Jika anda tidak pernah menggunakan serat rambut, ianya sebenarnya serbuk microfibers yang digunakan untuk menutup kawasan nipis. Anda akan terkejut mengetahui bahawa ramai lelaki yang dalam filem dan gambar iklan menggunakan helah ini. Serat rambut boleh digunakan untuk aplikasi yang lebih tepat di sepanjang garis rambut yang menipis.
Lihatlah bagaimana anda boleh mendapat rambut lebat dalam hanya 30 saat di sini:
- Published in Blog
Petua Melebatkan Rambut Dengan Toppik

Ramai orang ingin tahu bagaimana melebatkan rambut mereka. Malangnya, sekarang masih tiada pil ajaib yang dapat mencapai matlamat ini dengan segera. Namun demikian, terdapat produk yang seakan-akan ajaib kerana ia akan memberikan anda rambut lebat sebaik sahaja anda menggunakannya. Penyelesaiannya ialah TOPPIK, dan produknya ialah Hair Building Fibers. Serat-serat ini akan memberi anda keyakinan dengan mencapai rambut yang lebih tebal. Ucapkanlah selamat tinggal kepada hari-hari yang penuh dengan kebimbangan akan garis rambut yang nipis, atau asyik bertanya-tanya jika anda mampu membelanjakan wang untuk pembedahan penanaman rambut. TOPPIK ialah jawapan bagi sesiapa sahaja yang risau tentang bagaimana mereka boleh mendapatkan, (dan mengekalkan!) rambut lebat dan kepala penuh rambut setiap hari.
Jika anda tidak pernah menggunakan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers sebelum ini, lihatlah di bawah untuk mengetahui kelebihan menggunakan produk kami berbanding produk lain yang serupa atau tiruan, bagaimana fiber rambut mengikat pada rambut semula jadi anda, dan juga beberapa faedah tambahan yang mungkin mengejutkan anda!
- Ramuan serat rambut
- Perbezaan serat rambut tiruan dengan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers
- Serat rambut TOPPIK sesuai untuk siapa?
- Petua bonus

Serat Rambut Dibuat Daripada Apa?
TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers diperbuat daripada gentian keratin yang semula jadi dan mempunyai tenaga statik yang mengikat serat rambut ke helaian rambut anda. Serat keratin ini diperbuat daripada keratin organik gred tertinggi; pada dasarnya jenis protein yang sama seperti rambut anda sendiri. Kualiti serat keratin tinggi adalah sebab TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers bercampur dengan rambut secara hebatnya kerana ianya tidak dapat dikesan oleh mata telanjang.
Bagaimana TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers Berbeza Daripada Serat Rambut Yang Lain?

Bukan semua serat rambut dicipta sama. TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers berasal daripada sumber yang asli. Dengan itu, keratin premium yang hampir sama dengan rambut manusia dibuat berbeza untuk penampilan yang semula jadi. Jenama lain menggunakan sumber gred rendah untuk mendapatkan serat keratin mereka, seperti tulang ikan atau kuku haiwan, yang akhirnya menghasilkan tekstur dan penampilan yang kurang memuaskan berbanding dengan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers. Selain itu, caj statik dari keratin semula jadi adalah apa yang mengikat serat rambut pada rambut anda. Jenama lain menggunakan kapas, bahan berasaskan tumbuhan, dan rayon, tetapi kerana tiada caj statik semula jadi, serat rambut tidak berinteraksi dengan rambut dengan cara yang sama. Inilah sebab serat rambut jenama lain cenderung menggumpal, bergerak, atau jatuh daripada berpaut pada rambut. Teknologi inovatif ini membolehkan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers tetap kukuh, walaupun menghadapi angin, hujan, dan peluh.
Bagaimanakah cara untuk guna TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers?

Serat rambut TOPPIK bukan sahaja mudah digunakan, mereka adalah jawapan kepada “Bagaimana saya boleh membuat rambut menipis kelihatan lebih lebat dan penuh?” Sebaik sahaja rambut anda kering dan anda telah menggayakannya seperti yang dikehendaki, goncang botol secukupnya atau semburkan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers ke atas rambut berdekatan kulit kepala anda, dan lihat rambut nipis anda menjadi lebih lebat dalam hanya 30 saat! Serat-serat ini akan berpaut pada rambut semulajadi anda kerana caj statik dalam serat keratin, dan tidak akan memudar sehingga anda mencuci rambut anda.
Siapakah Harus Gunakan Serat Rambut?

TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers sempurna bagi sesiapa yang mahukan penyelesaian kosmetik untuk rambut halus, nipis atau menipis. Serat-serat sesuai untuk mana-mana jenis rambut tak kira usia. Sama ada anda mempunyai garis rambut yang tidak rata, kawasan nipis yang menonjol, kulit kepala yang jelas kelihatan, ataupun rambut yang nipis, TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers pasti menjadi senjata rahsia baharu anda. Oleh sebab TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers tetap teguh di tempatnya sehingga anda membasuh rambut, serat-serat ini juga sesuai untuk sesiapa yang tidak perlu bilas atau gayakan rambut setiap hari. Bukan itu sahaja, anda tidak perlu risau jika anda alah, TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers ialah hypoallergenic, iaitu bebas daripada kesan sampingan alahan.
Bonus: Petua Rahsia Menggunakan TOPPIK

Tahukah anda bahawa TOPPIK boleh digunakan untuk pelbagai jenis situasi? Anda boleh menjimatkan wang daripada sering mewarnakan rambut anda dengan menyembunyikan akar rambut anda dengan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers semasa rambut hitam anda tumbuh dan bertentangan dengan warna rambut anda. Di samping itu, anda boleh menyembunyikan hair extensions dengan TOPPIK Spray Applicator untuk aplikasi serat rambut yang tepat. Satu lagi helah yang hebat adalah dengan menggunakan TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers pada bulu kening anda.
Untuk soalan lazim, maklumat lanjut tentang TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers dan petua-petua lain, lawati
- Published in Blog
10 Rawatan Rambut Gugur di Malaysia
- Pemindahan Rambut FUE
- Pemindahan Rambut FUT
- Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) / Rawatan Sel Stem (Stem Cell Treatment)
- Rawatan Rambut Herba
- Mesoterapi (Mesotherapy)
- Pengurangan Kulit Kepala (Scalp Reduction)
- Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy (BHRT)
- Minoksidil (Minoxidil)
- Propecia
- Rawatan Laser (Low-Level Laser Therapy)
Rawatan rambut gugur di Malaysia berbeza antara kes-kes kerana bukan semua masalah keguguran rambut boleh diselesaikan dengan jenis rawatan tertentu. Untuk keguguran rambut yang berlaku dalam gumpalan, ia menandakan kondisi alopecia areata, iaitu sejenis penyakit rambut. Terdapat beberapa faktor lain keguguran rambut seperti genetik, tekanan, kekurangan zat besi atau perubahan hormon. Meskipun demikian, terdapat pelbagai rawatan rambut gugur yang boleh dicuba di Malaysia.

- Pemindahan Rambut FUE
Pengekstrakan Unit Folikel atau Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) ialah salah satu teknik transplantasi rambut yang paling moden. Prosedur pembedahan melibatkan pengekstrakan unit folikel individu secara langsung dari bahagian belakang kulit kepala, yang kemudiannya ditanam semula ke kulit kepala kawasan rambut gugur atau botak. Dengan kata lain, rambut dipindahkan dari kawasan lebat ke kawasan yang nipis / botak. Hasilnya ialah rambut semula jadi sendiri yang tumbuh di kawasan botak anda.

- Pemindahan Rambut FUT
Dalam proses Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), teknik strip digunakan, di mana sebaris kulit kepala dengan folikel rambutnya dikeluarkan. Penanaman semula folikel rambut di kawasan botak hampir serupa dengan teknik FUE. Perbezaannya ialah tempoh masa prosedur FUT lebih pendek dan bentuk parut yang ditinggalkan setelah pengekstrakan lebih kelihatan.

- Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Rawatan PRP ialah salah satu cara paling selamat untuk menumbuh semula rambut, kerana rawatan ini memberikan hasil yang positif dalam masa sebulan tanpa kesan sampingan teruk. Selain itu, perasaan ketidakselesaan amat kurang dalam menerima rawatan ini dan rambut lebat boleh dicapai dalam hanya beberapa sesi. Dalam rawatan PRP, doktor mengeluarkan darah dari lengan atau pinggang anda sendiri. Kemudian, darah ini diproses dalam makmal untuk menghasilkan plasma. Selepas itu, plasma ini disuntik ke kulit kepala.

- Rawatan Rambut Herba
Tak kira herba tradisi Cina, India, ataupun halal, rawatan rambut herba senang didapati di pusat-pusat rawatan rambut di seluruh Malaysia. Rawatan ini menggunakan bahan yang selamat, semula jadi dan berkesan untuk rambut dan kulit kepala. Herba-herba ini bertujuan untuk mengawal tahap minyak kulit kepala, merawat masalah kelemumur dan rambut, menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut yang sihat dan memperbaiki keadaan rambut untuk menjadikannya berkilat dan terkawal.

- Mesoterapi (Mesotherapy)
Mesoterapi ialah suntikan ubat-ubatan atau nutrien untuk membantu pertumbuhan rambut supaya dapat merawat keguguran rambut. Semasa rawatan mesoterapi, vitamin, mineral, antioksidan dan bahan aktif lain disuntik terus ke lapisan ketiga kulit anda di mana terdapatnya saluran darah kita. Proses ini mengaktifkan folikel rambut yang tidak aktif dan merangsang kulit kepala untuk membantu pertumbuhan rambut.

- Pengurangan kulit kepala (Scalp Reduction)
Scalp Reduction ialah prosedur pembedahan untuk merawat keguguran rambut, biasanya digunakan untuk kebotakan rambut bahagian atas. Idea asas dalam pengurangan kulit kepala adalah untuk menggerakkan kulit pada kepala anda yang mempunyai rambut untuk menutupi kawasan botak. Jadi, semasa rawatan, pakar bedah bermula dengan memotong bahagian botak kulit kepala. Kawasan yang mempunyai rambut kemudian ditarik dan dijahit bersama sehingga ia meliputi bahagian botak.

- Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy (BHRT)
Rawatan penggantian hormon bioidentikal, ataupun Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), ialah penggunaan hormon untuk membantu menyelesaikan simptom yang berkaitan dengan ketidakseimbangan hormon atau pengurangan pengeluaran hormon yang dikaitkan dengan penuaan. Rawatan hormon tertentu dipanggil “bioidentical” atau kadang-kadang “semula jadi” kerana jenis hormon yang digunakan mempunyai struktur kimia yang serupa (mengikut kajian molekul) dengan hormon yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh manusia.
Sehingga kini, terdapat hanya 3 kaedah yang diluluskan FDA di Amerika Syarikat dalam memerangi keguguran rambut. Kaedah-kaedahnya ialah Minoxidil, Propecia dan Low-Level Laser Therapy. Setiap pendekatan telah diuji dan menunjukkan peningkatan yang ketara dalam menambahkan jumlah rambut dan mengurangkan rambut gugur.

- Minoksidil (Minoxidil)
Minoksidil ialah produk topikal yang terdapat di seluruh dunia. Terdapat bukti sejak tiga dekad yang lalu bahawa Minoksidil bermanfaat bagi pesakit alopecia areata. Walau bagaimanapun, ia tidak harus dianggap sebagai rawatan menyeluruh tetapi Minoksidil boleh membantu apabila digunakan bersama dengan rawatan lain. Malah, doktor mengesyorkan Minoxidil dalam preskripsi perubatan mereka kerana ianya boleh dipercayai dan menunjukkan keputusan yang menakjubkan kepada ramai pesakit.

- Propecia
Propecia berfungsi dengan mengurangkan hormon DHT dalam folikel rambut yang menyebabkan keguguran rambut. Ubat yang berkesan ini sebenarnya ditemui secara tidak sengaja dan diguna oleh ramai sehingga kini. Apabila diambil setiap hari, kesannya boleh muncul dalam masa tiga bulan atau lebih. Walau bagaimanapun, penghentian rawatan boleh menyebabkan keguguran rambut kembali dalam tempoh setahun.

- Rawatan Laser (Low-Level Laser Therapy)
Rawatan Laser (Low-Level Laser Therapy) ialah salah satu rawatan tanpa pembedahan yang paling berkesan untuk keguguran rambut. Oleh sebab punca penipisan rambut dan kebotakan terletak di dalam kulit kepala, cahaya laser peringkat rendah merangsang aliran darah dan pertumbuhan folikel untuk pertumbuhan rambut. Terapi ini adalah paling berkesan terhadap individu dengan kes keguguran rambut yang minimum dan sederhana. Alat-alat yang digunakan tidak mempunyai komponen haba yang boleh menyebabkan luka atau membakar tisu dalaman. Rawatan ini merangsang peredaran darah ke kulit kepala untuk menggalakkan metabolisme sel dan membaiki sel yang rosak.
Untuk rawatan laser yang boleh didapati di mana sahaja, cubalah Ultima 9 LaserComb! Maklumat lanjut terdapat di
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