Punca Rambut Gugur
Punca Rambut gugur
A kecenderungan keluarga biasa melibatkan semula jadi, perubahan yang berkaitan dengan usia hormon yang boleh mencetuskan keguguran rambut . Ini adalah disebabkan oleh penukaran oftestosteroneinto dihydrotestosterone toksin ( DHT ) dan boleh diwarisi dari samada ibu atau bapa anda .
Alopecia areata
Punca-punca Alopecia areata tidak difahami sepenuhnya . Alopecia areata adalah dianggap sebagai keadaan autoimun di mana sistem imun badan ( yang melindungi tubuh daripada bakteria , virus , alergen , dan lain-lain ) tersilap menyerang folikel rambut dan memusnahkan mereka . Ini membawa kepada keguguran rambut di kawasan yang terjejas . Tingkah laku yang tidak normal sistem imun Difahamkan diberikan petunjuk, dipengaruhi dan dicetuskan oleh pelbagai faktor .
Kehilangan rambut yang tepat menyebabkan , mengapa folikel rambut menjalani ini jenis kemusnahan , tidak diketahui tetapi komponen genetik kepada ini disyaki . Sejarah keluarga Alopecia areata atau mana-mana penyakit auto – imun yang lain ( seperti hypothyroid , kencing manis , kanser , ulser kolitis , artritis reumatoid , dll) sering dilihat dalam banyak kes , menunjukkan peranan unsur genetik . Selain kecenderungan genetik , faktor-faktor pencetus tertentu boleh membawa kepada tercetusnya keadaan ini . Tekanan asas yang berpanjangan sering mempengaruhi sesetengah pesakit untuk membangunkan proses auto – imun yang membawa kepada Alopecia areata . Walau bagaimanapun , tekanan tidak mungkin menjadi penyebab dalam setiap kes . Rawatan Alopecia areata perlu mengambil kira punca .
Tekanan boleh menghasilkan tahap peningkatan testosteron , yang menukar kepada DHT dan mengganggu kitaran pertumbuhan rambut itu. Tekanan juga constricts bekalan darah melalui kapilari , menyekat oksigen dan pengambilan nutrien dan vitamin untuk folikel rambut .
Apa yang anda makan boleh memainkan peranan penting dalam rambut gugur atau tidak . Sebuah penggunaan yang tinggi lemak haiwan , kehilangan berat badan yang cepat dan liquidproteindiets boleh menyebabkan kekurangan asid amino , Biotin , besi , proteinandzinc- semua yang penting untuk rambut yang sihat – cari . ISU KESIHATAN Beberapa isu-isu kesihatan yang mendasari boleh menyebabkan penipisan rambut , termasuk yang rosak daripada hormon – hormon producingthyroidgland dan semula jadi perubahan pengalaman wanita selepas bersalin dan semasa menopaus . FAKTOR ALAM SEKITAR Udara dan air pencemaran , klorin , logam dan mineral boleh ditinggalkan pada kulit kepala dan rambut seperti yang kita basuh dengan air setiap hari , menyumbang kepada penipisan . Pencemar seperti pseudo – estrogen dan toksin dari dalam badan kita juga satu faktor. PERUBATAN Folikel rambut adalah sangat sensitif kepada perubahan dalam badan. Mana-mana terapi hormon (termasuk kawalan kelahiran ) boleh menyumbang kepada penipisan rambut , sebagai steroid tin , kemoterapi tertentu , dan ubat untuk tekanan darah , kencing manis , penyakit jantung dan jerawat .
Kulit kepala yang tidak sihat
Kulit kepala yang kurang sihat boleh menyebabkan keradangan yang menjadikan ia sukar untuk rambut tumbuh dan menyebabkan masalah rambut gugur. Keadaan kulit yang menyebabkan kehilangan rambut termasuk dermatitis seborrheic ( kelemumur ) , psoriasis , dan jangkitan kulat seperti kurap .
Gejala : dermatitis seborrheic menyebabkan kulit kepala untuk menumpahkan kulit , sehingga anda akan melihat berminyak , penimbang kekuningan di atas bahu anda atau dalam rambut anda . Ia boleh menjadi hasil daripada yis yang dikenali sebagai Malassezia , perubahan hormon , atau minyak yang berlebihan pada kulit. Psoriasis , keadaan autoimun yang menyebabkan perolehan sel kulit yang berlebihan , menghasilkan skala putih yang sangat tebal pada kulit kepala yang boleh berdarah jika dicabut . Dengan kurap , kulat kamu menjalankan sesuatu urusan dengan menyentuh orang yang dijangkiti atau haiwan , anda akan melihat tompok merah pada kulit kepala anda , yang mungkin resap , Jakubowicz kata .
Kekurangan zat besi anemia
Wanita yang mempunyai tempoh berat atau tidak makan makanan yang kaya dengan zat besi yang cukup mungkin terdedah kepada kekurangan zat besi , di mana darah tidak mempunyai cukup sel-sel darah merah . Sel-sel darah merah mengangkut oksigen ke sel-sel di seluruh tubuh anda, memberikan anda tenaga yang anda perlukan. Lantaran menyebabkan rambut gugur
Gejala : Anemia kekurangan zat besi menyebabkan keletihan melampau , kelemahan , dan kulit pucat . Anda juga mungkin mendapati sakit kepala , sukar menumpukan perhatian , tangan dan kaki sejuk , dan keguguran rambut . Sebarang jenis pengerahan tenaga boleh meninggalkan anda sesak nafas
Hipotiroidisme dan rambut gugur
Berjuta-juta orang , kebanyakannya wanita , mengalami penyakit tiroid . Apabila badan anda menghasilkan hormon tiroid terlalu sedikit , hormon yang bertanggungjawab untuk metabolisme , kadar jantung, dan mood , anda dikatakan mempunyai hipotiroidisme , atau tiroid kurang aktif . Jika badan anda membuat terlalu banyak hormon , anda dikatakan mempunyai hipertiroidisme , atau tiroid yang terlalu aktif . Hormon tiroid bertanggungjawab untuk segala-galanya daripada metabolik kadar – kadar basal anda di tubuh anda menggunakan oksigen dan tenaga berfungsi untuk pertumbuhan rambut anda , kulit , dan kuku . Tetapi apabila anda tidak mempunyai jumlah yang tepat , anda mungkin perasan perubahan dalam fungsi tubuh .
Gejala : Hipotiroidisme ( hormon terlalu sedikit ) boleh menyebabkan pelbagai gejala , termasuk keuntungan yang tidak dapat dijelaskan berat badan, keletihan , sembelit , kemurungan , dan kesukaran menumpukan perhatian . Rambut , kuku , dan kulit boleh menjadi lebih rapuh dan pecah dengan lebih mudah. Ia lebih biasa di kalangan wanita , terutamanya yang berusia lebih 50 tahun , kata Theodore C. Friedman , MD , MPH , ketua bahagian endokrinologi , metabolisme , dan perubatan molekul di Universiti Charles Drew di Los Angeles dan pengarang bersama Panduan untuk Semua Tiroid penyakit . Ia memberi kesan kepada kira-kira 5 % daripada penduduk Amerika Syarikat tetapi adalah hampir 10 kali lebih kerap di kalangan wanita.
Hipertiroidisme ( terlalu banyak hormon ) boleh menyebabkan kehilangan berat badan tidak dapat diterangkan , berdebar-debar jantung, ketakutan, cepat marah, cirit-birit , kulit lembap , kelemahan otot , dan penampilan terkejut mata. Anda juga mungkin mengalami kehilangan rambut sebagai metabolisme mempercepatkan . Hipertiroidisme adalah lebih kurang biasa daripada hipotiroidisme dan memberi kesan kepada kira-kira 1 % daripada penduduk Amerika Syarikat .
Rambut Gugur Jenis Telogen effluvium
Telogen effluvium adalah satu fenomena rambut gugur yang berlaku selepas kehamilan , pembedahan besar , kehilangan berat badan yang drastik , atau tekanan yang melampau , di mana anda turun dalam jumlah yang besar rambut setiap hari , biasanya apabila mencuci , gaya , atau memberus gigi . Ia juga boleh menjadi kesan sampingan ubat-ubatan tertentu , seperti antidepresan , beta -blockers , dan bukan steroid ubat anti -radang . Semasa telogen effluvium , rambut beralih cepat daripada biasa dari fasa yang semakin berkembang ke dalam ” berehat ” fasa sebelum bergerak dengan cepat ke dalam penumpahan itu , atau Telogen , fasa .
Gejala : Wanita dengan Telogen effluvium biasanya mengalami rambut gugur dalam masa 6 minggu hingga 3 bulan selepas peristiwa tekanan. Pada kemuncaknya, anda mungkin akan kehilangan segenggam rambut .
- Published in Blog
Toppik AND Dermmatch together?
Toppik and dermmatch best hairloss solution in malaysia ?
Toppik gives the instant appearance of a thick, full head of hair. Toppik Hair Building Fibers are actually natural Keratin of the highest grade, the same type of protein found in real hair. The Fibers have a strong natural static charge that creates a magnetic effect, tightly binding Toppik Hair Building Fibers to even the finest strand of human hair. The results have changed the lives of millions of women and men in various situations, ranging from fine or thinning hair to alopecia.
Dermmatch on other hand is an instant, water-resistant cosmetic topical shading for hair loss. Recommended by hair transplant surgeons and dermatologists
Dermmatch is a topical solution, mean it virtually ”paint the scalp” , so your hair look full and thick . When use together with toppik micro fiber which bond to thinning hair, they work incredibly wonder and truly is a masterpiece !
Together with Toppik and dermmatch combination ,
See how Toppik and dermmatch work here
courtesy of
Global hair Solution
Toppik – Bagaimana Toppik Berfungsi?
Toppik gentian serat rambut merupakan keratin gentian buatan kecil yang mengikat rambut yang sedia ada dan memberikan isipadu yang lebih dan ketebalan, mengurangkan kemunculan botak. Formula ini adalah sama dengan nanogen , kerana ia menggunakan keratin. Pembuatan syarikat telah memperkenalkan pelbagai jenis produk lain untuk membantu penggunaan produk. Mereka mempunyai semburan khas untuk kawalan yang lebih baik semasa memohon dan pengoptimum garis rambut, yang mengawal penggunaan gentian di garis rambut untuk melihat semula jadi.
Untuk ketahanan yang lebih baik, mereka mempunyai produk yang berasingan, yang “Fiberhold Spray” yang akan membantu produk melekat lebih baik untuk rambut. Produk ini nampak berkualiti, dan ia kelihatan semula jadi dan ia berasa semula jadi.
Nanogen – Bagaimana Nanogen Berfungsi?
Nanogen menggunakan nanofibre formulasi unik keratin, dipotong dan dibentuk untuk memaksimumkan pematuhan kepada rambut anda. Balang nanogen, mempunyai reka bentuk khas untuk mengenakan elektrostatik gentian. Caj elektrostatik adalah caj yang membuat gentian melekat pada rambut anda. Nano serat juga lapisan khas untuk menyediakan cas elektrostatik yang sempurna.
Perkara yang menarik mengenai keratin adalah bahawa ia adalah bahan yang sama seperti rambut anda, jadi ia kelihatan seperti rambut anda, ia adalah semula jadi, ia tidak menimbulkan kerengsaan, dan sangat selamat.
Kelemahan adalah bahawa jika anda mahu untuk menetapkan nanofibers kepada rambut anda, anda perlu menggunakan Fiberhold Spray. Ia entah bagaimana tidak secara terbuka diiklankan di dokumentasi mereka, tetapi anda mengetahuinya dengan menggunakan produk.
Caboki – Bagaimana Adakah Caboki Kerja
Caboki adalah serbuk yang diperbuat daripada gentian kecil . Ia berfungsi dengan melekat dengan rambut anda, menghapuskan keperluan semburan rambut. Ia adalah kerengsaan kurang daripada apa-apa lagi, gatal-kurangnya untuk sebahagian besar orang. Hakikat bahawa mereka menggunakan semua pewarna semula jadi menjadikan ia lebih banyak lagi boleh pakai.
Kelemahan – ia tidak kalis air seperti mana yang diiklankan, kerana syarikat itu mahu kami percaya
-cabutan testimonial coffee break
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FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia ? [Use Toppik]
FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia ?
FUE and FUT: a glance at both techniques
The most important feature of a successful FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia involves achieving a natural-looking hairline and the right hair density, without any signs of the treatment being noticeable. Technical progress and improvements over the last decades have contributed greatly towards achieving complete naturalness. Through increasingly smaller grafts, a greater amount of hairs can now be extracted and transplanted.
In the field of hair transplantation, we distinguish between two techniques, FUT and FUE. The main difference between the two lies in the way the follicle units are extracted. In an FUT, the strip technique is used, by which a strip of the scalp with hairs on it is taken from the back of the head, with its hair follicles subsequently being extracted. Using FUE, individual follicular units are extracted directly from the scalp.
The dominant feature of both techniques is the extraction of the smallest natural hair groups, the so-called follicular units, or FUs for short. Each of these anatomical units generally consists of 1 – 4 hairs. Both techniques – FUT and FUE hair tranplant in malaysia – make use of these natural units.
The extraction method is one of the most important and decisive factors in any hair transplant. The focus is not on extracting as many grafts as possible, but on the quality of the hair roots, as they play a decisive role in determining whether the grafts take root.
In the FUE extraction method, the size of the punch needles plays a decisive role. Choosing the right size minimises damage to the donor area. Put in a nutshell: the finer the punch needle used, the less damage is caused to the skin in the donor area and the less visible the extraction is. This is the reason why Dr. Feriduni never uses any punch needles wider than 0.95 mm. After extraction, the selected hair roots need to be carefully prepared. The following step, their implantation, is common to both methods.
The learning process needed to master FUE, the state-of-the-art method, is more intensive and time-consuming than when using strip extraction. Alongside a sure instinct, many years of experience are needed for a hair surgeon to successfully perform a transplantation using the FUE technique. Key success factors include the accurate use of the smallest possible punch needles, ideal FUE quality and expert knowledge of transplantation techniques.
FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia : the donor area and scarring
The two extraction techniques – FUE and FUT – differ with regard to the scarring left in the donor area. Whereas strip extraction (FUT) will leave a narrow linear scar on the back of the head, all that can be seen after an FUE transplant are micro-scars looking like little dots.
The appearance of the scar in the donor area is therefore a criterion for patients wanting to wear their hair very short. As scarring differs from patient to patient and is also dependent on the type and number of previous and future transplants, the in-depth and well-prepared consultation of a hair surgeon is an absolute “must”. Special closure techniques such as trichophytic closure are beneficial for obtaining minimum scarring after FUT strip extraction.
FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia : the survival rate of follicular units / grafts
A meticulous approach exercising utmost care is a prerequisite for any medical treatment. This is especially true for the extraction of hair follicles and their subsequent survival rate.
Extracted grafts are vulnerable to dehydration. Moreover, continuing cell metabolism can lead to a sort of self-poisoning. This is the reason why the environment and handling that FUs are subject to between extraction and implantation are very important. Extracted FUs waiting to be implanted are kept in a physiological solution corresponding to the human body environment. When being processed under the microscope, they are always kept damp.
Generally speaking, grafts extracted vie FUE are much more sensitive, as the extraction technique leaves much less protective tissue around the hair follicles. This ultimately leads to a slightly lower survival rate. Damage to healthy hair follicles influencing their survival rate, as well as a worse rooting rate, are possibilities in both techniques when the work is not performed in an optimal manner. This is the reason why the choice of the right hair surgeon is a decisive criterion for the success of any hair transplant.
FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia: the number of grafts and their density
Dependent on the size of the area to be treated, 1000 – 5000 follicular units are generally required. For transplants taking place under ideal conditions, both extraction techniques will provide excellent results. The desired hair density of 30 – 90 FUs per cm² can be achieved with both techniques.
FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia : implanting the grafts
Even when optimally extracted, grafts can still become damaged during transplantation. This in turn will mean that a lower number of grafts actually take root. This can happen when the hair surgeon or his team do not have sufficient experience, skill and/or technical expertise. The surgeon must be skilled enough to work to high aesthetic standards. This involves him being able to implant the right number of grafts in the right places according to aesthetic principles, thereby achieving a hair density result that looks completely natural. This applies to the whole head, though the focus is on the hairline – the right depth and angle of the incisions is of crucial importance for determining what the patient’s hair will look like later on.
The incisions in the recipient area, into which the extracted and prepared grafts are implanted, also play a major role in any transplantation. Incisions are best made with scalpels or blades specifically adapted to individual patients – so-called customized blades. Using these, the hair surgeon can match the width, length, depth and angle of the incisions with the direction the patient’s hair grows in. The right incisions also help the grafts to quickly connect up to blood vessels and nerves, having a major influence on their survival rate and making the transplant look natural.
FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia: healing
The level of pain felt is dependent on a patient’s sensitivity to pain. Hair Transplant in malaysia is always done under local anaesthesia and is therefore in general completely pain free. One effect of the local anaesthesia when using FUT is a feeling of tension on the scalp. This is however generally only minor and will disappear after a few days. Healing after FUE treatment is faster than after FUT and generally free of pain. A temporary numb feeling, which could last for several months in case of FUT, does not occur with FUE.
The swelling in the transplantation area or possibly around the forehead and eyes is dependent on the FU density / size of the area treated or on the number of transplanted hair roots. It occurs with both methods and generally lasts for 6 – 8 days.
FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia: Hair Loss/Shock Loss
One often very unpleasant effect for patients, occurring independent of the method used, is the hair loss in the transplantation area that occurs 2 – 6 weeks after the operation. This affects mainly the transplanted hairs, but may also affect existing hair. In the course of the second or third week after a hair transplant, most of the transplanted hairs fall out. This effect happens to 98 % of patients.
This hair loss is completely normal. Patients need to know that it is only hairs weakened by the transplantation that are falling out. By contrast, the hair roots remain in place, gathering strength and producing new hairs after 3 – 6 months, evidence of the success of the hair transplant. This also applies to hairs already growing in the transplantation area before the transplant. It does not however apply to hair follicles which were already so weak that they were no longer in a position to produce new hairs.
FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia : conclusions
Both techniques – FUE and FUT – have very good success prospects, but: there is no one best or right method – each method has its own pros and cons.
The decision on which extraction method to use should be individually weighed up in consultation with the hair restoration surgeon. There are many factors needing to be taken into consideration. A hair surgeon must be in a position to assess future natural hair loss, the quality and density of existing hair, and in particular the hair structure. He must also be able to calculate the number of grafts needing to be extracted to fulfil a patient’s wishes, discuss alternative forms of treatment such as a medication-based therapy, and explain to the patient the pros and cons of each technique. In addition, comprehensive tests need to be carried out before any recommendation for any one extraction method can be issued.
The extraction of hair follicles is just one of many aspects needing to be taken into account in any successful hair transplant. Should little or no attention be paid to other aspects such as the incisions, there is a great possibility of the result not meeting up to expectations.
This is why the success of any FUE or FUT transplant is to a great extent dependent on the training, experience, techniques and technology, ability, intuition and expertise of the hair restoration surgeon: though both extraction techniques require extensive know-how and experience, the FUE extraction technique is much more demanding. In a nutshell: irrespective of which operation technique is used, any FUE or FUT transplant should always be performed by an experienced specialist.
An FUE is best for patients wanting to avoid a linear scar at all costs, and for younger patients only requiring minor treatment. Moreover, FUE is the right choice when transplanting body hair or when corrective / reconstructive hair surgery is involved.
FUE is also good for patients with (very) little donor hair, as well as for patients with a tendency to extreme scarring or patients wanting to wear their hair very short. Patients with a Norwood V or VI diagnosis should choose a combination of FUE and FUT to attain the highest possible number of donor hairs.
Though both extraction techniques basically allow the same number of hairs to be extracted, there is one major difference. In an FUT, under good working conditions, 4000 – 5000 FUs can be extracted in one operation session. The corresponding figure for FUE is 3000 – 3500 FUs. Using the FUE technique, a second operation is generally needed to achieve the same number of FUs. This can only take place some 6 months later.
The hair density needing to be achieved (30 – 90 FUs per cm²) is possible with both techniques, meaning that the selected extraction method has no appreciable influence on the end result.
Using experience as a guideline, it can be said that an FUE is less painful and that healing is quicker. Nevertheless, FUE is an operation with no 100 % guarantee of success.
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The secret is in the fibers. Toppik Hair Building Fibers easily blend with your existing hair, instantly making it look full and thick.
Try one for yourself now to believe !
- Published in Blog
What is Rogaine ? Can i use toppik with rogaine minoxidil ?
Rogaine For Hairloss Treatment And Hair Regrowth
Rogaine is one of the Proven hair loss treatment approved by FDA for Hairloss Treatment
It is the first available medication that has been proven effective for hair loss treatment. It contains the active ingredient minoxidil and is the only product which has been medically proven to treat hereditary hair loss. Rogaine is a solution which is applied topically to the scalp twice a day. It can also slow down hair loss in men who are showing signs of balding.
In consumer surveys of over 7,000 men, 80% said they noticed a difference. Furthermore, after 12 months of continuous use, 40% showed regrowth.
Rogaine (Malaysia) is also known as Regaine in some countries.
How Rogaine Works ?
Rogaine works in part by partially enlarging miniaturised follicles and reversing the miniaturisation process.
This prolongs the growth phase of the hair cycle, allowing the hair to become longer and thicker. And with more follicles in the growth phase at the same time, it is possible to see improved coverage of the scalp.
Although the growth phase may be prolonged, the follicle will continue to cycle. Several cycles may be necessary before maximum potential hair regrowth can be achieved.
While clinical trials have proven Rogaine can assist in hair regrowth for both men and women, thicken existing hair, reduce hair loss, and stimulate new hair growth, individual results can be affected by several factors.
The younger the age of patients, the greater chance of good results.
If hair is thinning as opposed to having a bald spot, response will be better.
If the bald area is less than 10cm and has been that way for less than 10 years, response will be better.
Response is better on the crown (back) rather than on the front of the scalp.
Rogaine must be applied twice daily every day. It will need to be used for four to six months before seeing hair regrowth. If Rogaine treatment is stopped after regrowing hair, the new hair will fall out within four months.
Is Rogaine Right for you?
Extensive studies have shown that Rogaine is effective at stopping hereditary hair loss. But there are many causes of hair loss and Rogaine is not suitable for everyone. That’s why it’s important to discover first whether Rogaine is right for you…
Do you have a family history of hair loss?
Have been losing hair for less than 10 years?
Do you have a balding area less than 10 cm in diameter, with some remaining hair growth?
Do you have hair loss at the front of your scalp or on the crown?
Are over 18 and in good physical health?
If you answered YES to all of these questions, then Rogaine could be your answer to ending hair loss.
If you are experiencing hair loss and it is not hereditary, Rogaine is not the answer for you. But don’t despair, there are lots of other ways of dealing with hair loss which can help improve your looks and confidence.
A randomized clinical trial of 5% topical minoxidil versus 2% topical minoxidil and placebo in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men.
Topical minoxidil solution 2% stimulates new hair growth and helps stop the loss of hair in individuals with androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Results can be variable, and historical experience suggests that higher concentrations of topical minoxidil may enhance efficacy.
The purpose of this 48-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, multicenter trial was to compare 5% topical minoxidil with 2% topical minoxidil and placebo in the treatment of men with AGA.
A total of 393 men (18-49 years old) with AGA applied 5% topical minoxidil solution (n = 157), 2% topical minoxidil solution (n = 158), or placebo (vehicle for 5% solution; n = 78) twice daily. Efficacy was evaluated by scalp target area hair counts and patient and investigator assessments of change in scalp coverage and benefit of treatment.
After 48 weeks of therapy, 5% topical minoxidil was significantly superior to 2% topical minoxidil and placebo in terms of change from baseline in nonvellus hair count, patient rating of scalp coverage and treatment benefit, and investigator rating of scalp coverage. Hair count data indicate that response to treatment occurred earlier with 5% compared with 2% topical minoxidil. Additionally, data from a patient questionnaire on quality of life, global benefit, hair growth, and hair styling demonstrated that 5% topical minoxidil helped improve patients’ psychosocial perceptions of hair loss. An increased occurrence of pruritus and local irritation was observed with 5% topical minoxidil compared with 2% topical minoxidil.
In men with AGA, 5% topical minoxidil was clearly superior to 2% topical minoxidil and placebo in increasing hair regrowth, and the magnitude of its effect was marked (45% more hair regrowth than 2% topical minoxidil at week 48). Men who used 5% topical minoxidil also had an earlier response to treatment than those who used 2% topical minoxidil. Psychosocial perceptions of hair loss in men with AGA were also improved. Topical minoxidil (5% and 2%) was well tolerated by the men in this trial without evidence of systemic effects.
Can i use toppik with Rogaine minoxidil?
The simple answer is YES ! Rogaine minoxidil had become popular option for hairloss treatment since it is approved by FDA for hair growth .The good news is that toppik can be use on top of minoxidil / rogaine application.
First do this by applying minoxidil/rogaine liquid on top of your scalp and let it dry out within half or an hour or so.
Toppik can Then be applied after the liquid is dry…
In this way you can always use both of them together for your daily routine , at the same time enjoyed FULL HEAD OF HAIR with TOPPIK !
- Published in Blog
Toppik And Hair Transplant In Malaysia
Hair Transplant In Malaysia At A Glance
What is a Hair Transplant in malaysia?
Hair transplant in malaysia is a cosmetic surgical procedure that attempts to permanently re-establish healthy growing hair in areas that have become bald. It is typically a procedure that is used to counter male pattern baldness, but can also be used in the event of hair loss due to scarring, for example on the beard area, or even the eyebrows.
Hair follicles are harvested from a donor area that has healthy, bald-resistant hair, and moved to the recipient area, where they are re-established in as natural a growing pattern as possible. The donor area is usually the back of the head, where a strip of skin and hair can be removed, and the scar can be hidden in the natural creases of the scalp, and by regrowth of surrounding hair.
This strip is then cut into many tiny pieces, and re-grafted onto the recipient area. In an even more advanced procedure called follicular unit transplantation, individual hair follicle units are removed from the donor area rather than a strip, and the follicles, complete with as much of their glands and blood supply as possible, are individually grafted onto the bald area.
Hair transplant in malaysia is not to be confused with hair replacement, in the way of wigs and hair systems. Hair replacement involves using synthetic or human hair to temporarily cover a bald spot, and hair replacement systems require quite a bit of professional styling and upkeep to blend with your natural hairline. Hair replacement systems and hair pieces are adhered to the perimeter of the bald spot using clips, tape, or liquid adhesives, which can cause more problems for delicate hair follicles. Unlike hair replacement systems, hair transplantation surgery is a solution that requires no artificial elements.
There are 2 technique of hair transplant in malaysia namely FUT and FUE
Strip harvesting is the method by which a single strip of hair-bearing scalp is carefully, indeed, painstakingly, excised from the donor area; the strip is then broken down into its smallest functional units, or follicular units. Before single strip harvesting came to the fore in recent years, older, infinitely more wasteful methods were employed. The first of these was the circular, punch grafts of yore, which have little to recommend them save their simplicity (they are essentially biopsy punches), and the ease with which they were directly placed into correspondingly circular holes in the recipient area
It involves removing healthy hair follicles directly from the scalp and grafting them one-by-one into the bald areas of the head.
The differences of both technique is discuss here
Drawbacks and Problems of a Hair Transplant :
While hair transplant in malaysia can give a new lease of life to many men who have felt held back by their male pattern baldness, there are a couple of things to be aware of before committing to a procedure.
Firstly, surgeons are quick to be honest about the fact that even the most successful hair transplant will not give the fullness of hair growth that existed before the balding set in. But the improvements may well be significant enough to improve a quality of life regardless.
And secondly, the reality for some people is that hair transplants simply do not work. The reestablished follicles refuse to take, and the result is no significant improvement in hair coverage, and a large amount of money spent. For many, the risk is worth it, and even the smallest amount of renewed hair coverage is better than nothing. But it should be something that you are aware of when weighing up the pros and cons.
Poor growth of the transplanted area is also of concern to many patients. This possibility has been dramatically reduced with the implementation of modern techniques in hair transplant procedures – but these new techniques are not available in all hair restoration practices.
Damage to the follicles prior to transplantation is another common concern. The use of microscopic dissection has greatly decreased the chance of transecting the follicular units. Be sure to ask if the hair transplantation clinic you are considering uses stereo-microscopic dissection. A scar in the donor area is another concern of hair transplant patients. As a result of a hair restoration procedure, the linear scar should be easily hidden by the hair at the back of the scalp. But there are several steps which can be taken to further reduce scarring from a transplant procedure. Let the doctor know if you heal with raised scars or keloids as this may impact you hair transplant procedure. Ask your doctor what kinds of closures are used, staple or sutures – as there are pros and cons to each. And always follow the post operative instructions that you are given.
Slow growth, on the other hand, should not be a concern. It is ideal to have slow and continual growth of your newly transplanted hair. One benefit is that it makes detection of your hair transplant by other people difficult. You might not walk into a hair transplant facility bald, and walk out with full coverage.
Hair transplant in malaysia with technique such as FUE or FUT is among the most common type of hair transplant choosed. However there are many side effects that compliment it !
FUE or FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia often involve post surgery side effects such as
1. Haemorrhage and infections:
Haemorrhage is a common type of side effect of the grafting method. This is primarily an immediate side effect that is noticed during or just after the procedure. The haemorrhage generally causes due to inexperience operating on scalp. It can be avoided if the patient consults an experienced cosmetic surgeon of repute. The fear of infection is associated with almost all types of surgeries. Use of improper and unhygienic instruments often leads to such probabilities. This is again a chance that occurs when the surgery is undertaken in an unclean place.
2. Temporary thinning of hair:
Temporary thinning of hair loss is also known as “shock loss” or “shedding”. This happens due the poor form hair transplantation. Sometimes, not all hairs are transplanted successfully. These hairs often plucked off from the roots. While some may experience thinning of the hair, others may complain of partial baldness. When you lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, it is called shedding. Shedding also causes due to improper type of grafting done by inexperienced hands.
3. Itching:
Ttching is again a common side effect often experienced by the patients as a hair transplantation side effect. This side effect may become severe some times when not addressed properly. The itching mainly occurs due to scab formation. Thousands or more scabs may form right after the grafting method. Sometimes, the scabs take shape after some time of the surgery. The itching may come under control after shampooing, when at primary stage. However, one needs to consult a dermatologist or the cosmetic surgeon immediately when the problem escalates beyond tolerance. Special type of moisturizing oil is also available to fight against this itching problem.
4. Scarring:
Scarring generally occurs with patients who have done strip plantations. It is seen that some patients develop genetic predispositions towards extreme scarring. The keloid scar might be hideous sometimes, especially when the hairstyle is short. People generate scars often from previous transplantation methods as well.
5. Cysts:
Cysts generally develop when the hair follicle damage and push deeper the skin layer. They are mainly pimple size lumps that are mainly benign in character. However, cysts are never harmless. One should see a doctor without delaying when having such a side effect.
6. Hiccoughs:
Hiccoughs are often common experience with the patients of hair transplant. The extent of trouble may vary from one person to another. Consulting with a doctor may sooth this trouble.
7. Swelling:
Many of the patients with bad skin tone often experience swelling of scalp. The swelling may be brought under control with expert interference. The swelling may sometimes spread into the eyes and forehead when becomes serious.
8. Bleeding:
Bleeding is a rare chance in hair transplant, but some people may experience so due to excessive pressure on scalp. Wounds are minor in this case, and cure with time.
9. Pain:
Though little pain is involved in hair transplant, some patients may experience the same. It is a temporary side effect and reduces gradually with time.
10. Numbness:
Numbness may prevail until several weeks after transplantation. If it does not reduce after such a time, one should consult a doctor without delaying.
11. Tightness:
Tightness of the head can be feel in some case for almost forever with hair tranplant procedure such as FUT since a piece of scalp is removed from the donor area, causing a tightness sensation even after the area is healed
Is it worth all the money and pain for FUE or FUT Hair Transplant in malaysia ? ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE…..
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