Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Transplant
For some of us who are always on the search for ways to promote hair growth or solutions to hair loss etc., more than once we would come across the topic about hair transplant, and not just any kind of hair transplant, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) hair transplant. As foreign as it sounds, this might just be your next solution to balding, hair loss and hair thinning problems. So read on to know more about PRP.
What is PRP?
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a medical procedure/treatment that enhances tissue repair and healing. PRP is not something new, in fact it is widely used in many surgical specialties including oral surgery, neurosurgery as well as plastic and cosmetic surgery. When talking about hair restoration, PRP is performed for promoting hair growth by naturally stimulating the hair follicles with active growth factors that are found in the PRP. Patients will expect to see an increase in the number of hair and hair density 2 to 3 months after the procedure, hence achieving a life-long dream of having thick and full-looking hair.
How does it work?
Before the procedure, PRP is extracted from the blood by treating the blood in a centrifuge, usually the source of the blood is from the patient itself. Depending on the clinic, some may treat the extracted PRP in a special system to eliminate unnecessary proteins and increase the concentration of the platelets to almost 3 times the normal concentration in blood. Once the PRP is ready, it is injected into the patient’s scalp for multiple times – either over the entire head or focusing on specific areas only – by using a micro needle. A single session usually lasts about 60 minutes, but when combined with hair transplant the session may last for a longer time. For more information about hair transplant, check out our blog at https://toppikmalaysia.com/blog/.
Who is it for?
PRP is suitable for anyone who has been experiencing balding, hair loss and hair thinning for a very long time. The procedure can be done with or without surgery. For patients who are medically unfit for surgery, this is a great option for them. In other cases, patients who are going for surgical hair transplant can choose to have PRP included to boost the results of hair growth and to help with scalp healing process after the transplantation. Although PRP is medically proven to be successful, the results vary from people to people, some may even need more sessions to achieve the desired results.
Is there any side effects to be aware of?
PRP is immunological neutral since it is extracted from the patient’s blood itself. Rest assured patients are safe from allergic, hypersensitivity and foreign-body immunologic reactions. During the procedure itself, patients may experience some pain, pinpoint bleeding and redness at the injected areas. After the procedure, patients may experience a feeling of “fullness” or “tightness” in the scalp which last up to a day or two after the procedure.
Are there other options?
Of course, PRP may not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially those who have a fear of medical procedures. The fact about post-hair transplantation recovery period must also be taken into consideration. A complete recovery usually takes about 2 months, and for achieving the full results will take at least another year. However, here is another great solution to those who just do not have the time and want instant results within a snap of a finger: Toppik Hair Building Fibers, instantly revitalizing your whole appearance and self-esteem by achieving thicker and fuller looking head in less than 30 seconds! Its easy application with minimum fuss makes Toppik Hair Building Fibers a product that’s favoured by many. Don’t miss out, currently Toppik Hair Building Fibers is offering free shipping for online orders.
For more information, visit our website at https://toppikmalaysia.com/
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