Toppik Semakin Dipercayai Ramai, Berkesan Atasi Penampilan Rambut Gugur [RAMBUT LEBAT 30 SAAT]
“Masa i kat UK, I sudah guna Toppik, I ingat Malaysia belum ada. Terima kasih kerana bawa masuk produk ni, ia nampak natural daripada nanogen yang lebih mahal” – Encik Mohamed Saiful
“Harga ok.. produk berkualiti, orang tak dapat tau yang i tengah guna fiber ni, recommended!!” – Encik Azmi
it work also when i go jogging, but too bad it is not permanent hair, lol…at least it do it job as a covering agent,
recommended …can try it !
by Mohammad Firdauz
Ini adalah antara ribuan testimoni pelanggan kami yang sangat berpuas hati dengan penggunaan Serat Rambut Toppik. Ternyata, inovasi serat rambut ini semakin mendapat sambutan dan memenuhi keperluan pelanggan yang mengalami keguguran rambut.
Apakah Sebenarnya Serat Rambut Toppik?
Bagi anda yang belum begitu ‘familiar’ dengan serat rambut, ia adalah sejenis teknologi dalam penghasilan rambut secara berkesan untuk menutup masalah rambut gugur. Malah, kesannya terbukti seawal 30 saat sahaja!
Dengan teknologi keratin daripada sumber protein semulajadi yang organik, gentian rambut akan terhasil serta-merta apabila disembur pada rambut. Setiap helaian rambut asal akan diperkaya dengan gentian-gentian serat rambut yang berpaut padanya, menjadikan rambut anda lebih lebat dan bermaya.
Serat Rambut Toppik adalah alternatif terbaru untuk menyembunyikan rambut nipis akibat keguguran. Ianya dijamin selamat dan tidak meninggalkan sebarang kesan sampingan. Selain itu, produk ini sangat praktikal kerana ia boleh dicuci bila-bila sahaja anda ingin menanggalkannya.
Mesra Pengguna, Bayi Pun Boleh Guna!
Serat Rambut Toppik bukan saja penyelesaian bagi masalah rambut gugur yang kronik, malah ia boleh digunakan untuk meremajakan penampilan anda. Bagi yang ingin bergaya pada hari-hari istimewa, tentu anda akan tampil lebih yakin apabila memiliki rambut yang lebih lebat, sihat, dan bersinar.
Sebab itulah Serat Rambut Toppik didatangkan khas dalam pelbagai pilihan warna dan juga berat, supaya anda dapat membuat pilihan sebaiknya dalam memulihkan keyakinan sewaktu berhadapan dengan orang ramai.
Serat Rambut Toppik terdapat dalam 12 rona warna coklat hingga kehitaman dan ia didatangkan dalam 5 jenis ketebalan daripada 3g hingga 55 g. Pemilihan warna dan ketebalan yang baik dapat memastikan rambut yang tumbuh nampak lebih ‘natural’ dan bergaya.
Bukan orang dewasa saja, bayi pun boleh menggunakannya. Tiada kesan sampingan, tak percaya, lihat saja video di bawah!
Produk Mampu Milik, Kualiti Berbaloi!
Anda patut mencuba teknologi gentian keratin yang dirumus khas dalam serat rambut Toppik. Ramai yang mula meyakini alternatif Toppik kerana ia lebih mudah, selamat, serta hasil seakan-akan rambut sebenar. Yang penting, harganya sangat berpatutan dan mampu dimiliki oleh semua generasi.
Jangan salah sangka, Toppik bukanlah seperti rambut palsu. Ia tidak memerlukan sebarang pelekat atau getah untuk melekat pada kepala. Cara penggunaannya pula hanyalah seperti penyembur rambut biasa. Hasilnya pula tak ubah seperti rambut semulajadi, seolah-olah anda menjalani rawatan rambut yang mencecah ribuan ringgit. Tahukah anda, proses ‘hair transplant’ sahaja sangat mahal dan harganya mampu mencecah 10 ribu ringgit!
Bolehkah Toppik Merawat Rambut Gugur?
Serat Rambut Toppik tidak berfungsi untuk merawat rambut gugur. Namun, penggunaannya tidak menghalang rambut anda daripada mendapat nutrisi secukupnya jika anda menggunakan sebarang produk rawatan.
Contohnya, jika anda sedang menggunakan apa-apa produk yang biasa anda gunakan setiap hari, teruskan saja penggunaannya seperti biasa. Anda cuma perlu tunggu sebentar supaya rambut anda tidak terlalu basah sebelum menggunakan penyembur serat rambut Toppik. Untuk pengetahuan anda, Toppik mempunyai rangkaian khusus yang terdiri daripada syampu dan perapi yang boleh digunakan bersama Serat Rambut Toppik untuk hasil yang optimum.
Pengambilan Rogaine minoxidil dan pil-pil tambahan rambut gugur juga boleh diteruskan kerana produk ini boleh digunakan bersama serat rambut Toppik.
Dapatkan Sekarang, Tingkatkan Keyakinan Dalam Masa 30 Saat!
Macam tak percaya, tapi inilah yang kami pertaruhkan dalam produk Serat Rambut Toppik. Hanya dalam 30 saat anda mampu melakukan rawatan rambut sendiri di rumah dan tampil yakin serta-merta!
Hasilnya menakjubkan, anda akan memiliki rambut lebih tebal, sihat dan bermaya. Tak ubah seperti rambut yang asli.
Rujuk laman web rasmi kami sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang kemusykilan dan pertanyaan. Anda akan mendapat segala jawapan kepada pertanyaan anda melalui Kini, Toppik juga boleh didapati secara terus daripada agen-agen kami di seluruh Malaysia. Tempahlah sekarang untuk penghantaran terus ke rumah anda.
Toppik Malaysia ialah pengedar rasmi jenama Toppik yang diasaskan di Amerika Syarikat dan produk ini telah digunapakai oleh ratusan ribu pengguna di seluruh dunia. Mungkin anda pengguna seterusnya?
Male Pattern Baldness Encounter
Male Pattern Baldness Encounter
If you are a man, you should know about this condition inside out as
it is the most common type of hair loss in men.
Nearly two out of every three men will begin balding
by the time they are 60 and people as young as 20 years old have been showing sign of balding.
The earlier it begins, the more severe it will likely become.
If you are a woman, it’s no surprise if you notice this all around you.
It could be your partner, your father, your brothers, your relatives, your friends or just plain strangers.
I even play a game with myself when I am going out to see how
many men with Male Pattern Baldness that I can find. Even in the most desolated of places,
I would find a minimum of three people with such condition in an hour.
Either I am a very observant person or this condition is really common.
I would like to believe both are true.
When I was young and adorable, I used to ask my uncle about his balding head,
and he would tell me different answers each time I asked.
“Oh, Uncle thinks too much that’s why all my hair is
falling off” “Uncle ate too much salty food so you should be careful with your salt intake”
“Uncle is getting old, old people lose everything, money, memory, hair”.
While his answer is not hundred percent accurate, it does hold a tiny amount of truth in them.
For example, overthinking could be interpreted as stressed and that
could contribute to hair loss in general.
While Male Pattern Baldness is a type of hair fall disease,
it is specific in following a pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown.
Typically, it begins at the hairline above the temples and apex of the scalp.
As it progresses, hair becomes finer, shorter, and thinner with the hairline gradually receding to
form an “M” shape and eventually an upside down “U” shape or “n” shape.
The rim of hair at the sides and rear of the head remains for it is rare for
it to progresses to complete baldness.
When my uncle gets older, his hormones would be a little bit out of place.
That actually happen to everyone with age and Male Pattern Baldness is primarily
related to genetic predisposition and male sex hormones.
My uncle could not choose what goes inside his genes as those are hereditary,
meaning he got the traits from the family and my uncle could not direct his
hormones to be secreted properly and work properly.
This mean to date, there is no known way to prevent male pattern baldness.
Understandably, my uncle and all men suffering this condition are frustrated, embarrassed and upset.
When I gets older, like everyone else, I spent a lot of time online.
My uncle is always dear to me so I have been doing some research
on the internet in hope to help lighten his plight.
I stumbled across and after I spent some time
understanding the website contents, I made my purchase online.
The next night we have a grand family dinner to celebrate my grandma’s 80 years old birthday.
I took the time to drove to my uncle’s house earlier and as I arrived,
my uncle and his whole family were preparing themselves.
My uncle welcomed me and instantly asked me to pick up a tie.
I chose one and asked him to seat in front of a mirror. I told him to just relax
and let me work on him for 5 minutes.
He thought I wanted to help him wear his tie but
as I took out the sleek black bottle of Toppik Hair Building Fibres and shake them gently on his hair,
he was surprised but did not protest.
I was actually very nervous but since I had watched a lot of videos of people using the product online,
I kept my calm and finished my work. After 2 minutes, it was done.
My uncle has a full set of hair. We looked at each other for a moment before he stood up,
screamed in excitement and went running to show his wife and children.
I have never see him so happy in life.
Log on to to find out more about this keratin protein that could
enhance your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Male Pattern Baldness Storyline Written BY
Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog
Tips Aidilfitri Bersama Toppik Malaysia ( Selamat Berpuasa Dan Hari Raya )
Tips Aidilfitri Bersama Toppik Malaysia ( Selamat Berpuasa Dan Hari Raya )
Umat Islam di seluruh dunia masih sedang menunaikan ibadah puasa dalam bulan Ramadhan in.
Namun, ramai yang kini mula sibuk membuat persiapan menyambut ketibaan 1 Syawal yang bakal menjelang pada bulan hadapan.
Persediaan untuk musim lebaran boleh dikatakan bertumpu kepada 3 kategori yang utama iaitu rumah, juadah dan persiapan diri.
Keadaan rumah sebaik-baiknya dalam keadaan bersih, kemas dan teratur semasa sambutan suatu perayaan itu diadakan dan Hari Raya Aidilfitri tidak terkecuali.
Barang-barang lama yang tidak terpakai harus dikendalikan supaya tidak menyemakkan ruang rumah, bahagian rumah yang usang dan rosak harus dibaiki dan ditambahbaik manakala kawasan rumah harus disapu, lap atau dicuci untuk mengelakkan kekotoran.
Aktiviti mengemas rumah bukan sahaja memastikan keadaan rumah senantiasa mantap, selamat dan selesa didiami malah boleh mengeratkan silaturahim ahli keluarga ketika semua orang berganding bahu dan saling membantu.
Ini memudahkan perhiasan untuk diatur, contohnya seperti bunga-bungaan, lampu kelip-kelip, reben, patung, bantal, wangian, bingkai gambar dan sebagainya.
Suatu persediaan yang tidak boleh berkurang adalah juadah raya.
Juadah raya boleh dikatakan adalah elemen yang dinanti-nantikan oleh setiap golongan tidak kira tua atau muda dalam musim perayaan.
Antara makanan tradisional yang dihidangkan semasa rumah terbuka pada hari raya adalah seperti rending,
ketupat, lemang, laksam, nasi impit dengan kuah kacang, roti jala dengan kuah kari,
lontong dengan sayur lodeh, sate, serunding dan juga sajian tradisional daerah masing-masing. Yang paling digemari adalah kuih-muih serta biskut-biskut yang disimpan di dalam balang-balang lutsinar. Snek begini bukan sahaja menjadi penyeri meja malah boleh dijadikan
bahan pemberian atau buah tangan semasa berkunjungan.
Biskut dan kuih yang beraneka bentuk, rasa dan warna sering dinikmati
semasa saudara-mara dan sahabat handai berborak-borak atau menghabiskan masa bersama
Selain persiapan tempat kediaman dan juadah-juadah enak, setiap orang juga akan sibuk menyediakan pakaian, kasut dan aksesori
yang baru untuk diri dan keluarganya agar tampak segar dan menarik di pagi Hari Raya Aidilfitri nanti.
Tidak dinafikan, banyak modal dan usaha yang diperlukan untuk menempah
pakaian yang secocok untuk seisi keluarga, kasut yang bersesuaian dan aksesori yang terbaru.
Kaum wanita, khususnya, akan mula merancang beg tangan yang akan digunakan,
kerongsang baju yang sepadan, barang kemas yang anggun dan kosmetik
yang menyerikan wajah ala-ala pelakon Korean. Namun segala persediaan tersebut tidak akan lengkap
tanpa keadaan rambut yang tampak sihat dan lebat.
Masalah keguguran rambut bukan sahaja menjejaskan penampilan diri yang menawan
malah akan mengundang banyak pertanyaan, kritikan dan juga salah faham mengenai
soal umur ketika kaum keluarga dan kenalan berkumpul.
Kejadian sebegitu sudah pasti akan mempengaruhi perasaan dan mentaliti
seseorang ke arah yang kurang menyenangkan.
Bayangkan apabila anak buah muda yang baru belajar bercakap memanggil anda nenek atau datuk
semata-mata kerana keadaan rambutmu yang jarang dan nipis,
sama dengan keadaan rambut orang tua yang berusia hampir tujuh puluh tahun.
Semasa anda mengenakan pakaian dan fikiranmu melayang ke soalan-soalan seperti,
‘Baju Kebaya yang mana satu yang bersesuaian dengan keadaan rambut saya yang hampir botak?
Patutkan saya memakai songkok sahaja tatkala rambut yang ada terlampau sikit?
Apa gunanya sekiranya memiliki bahan kosmetik berjenama dan kemahiran bersolek
yang arif sekiranya wajah yang jelita disolek tidak diserikan dengan rambut yang ikal mayang?’
Usah stress dan risau lagi kerana penyelesaiannya telah lama ditemui
dan telah sampai ke Malaysia!
Produk berjenama Toppik adalah produk hebat yang boleh membuatkan rambut
anda nampak lebat dalam masa sesingkat 30 saat! Ini langsung tidak memberi
beban kepada persiapan raya anda.
Langkah pertama adalah dengan meletakkan Toppik Hair Building Fiber
ke atas bahagian rambut menipis di kepala, kemudian disembur Toppik Fiber Hold Spray
untuk mengukuhkan penggunaan fiber tersebut supaya lebih tahan lama dan bermaya.
Menurut laman web Toppik Malaysia, produk ini menggunakan gentian
halus yang dikenali sebagai fiber mikro yang melembarkan sistem struktur rambut yang sedia ada.
Bahan aktif yang digunakan di dalam fiber adalah protein keratin tulen organik,
sama seperti rambut semula jadi manusia.
Protein keratin ini diperbuat daripada bulu biri biri dan dijamin HALAL !
Melalui proses yang unik, fiber mikro organic ini disusun semula untuk bergabung
dengan gentian rambut semulajadi anda. Anda serta-merta akan kelihatan lebih menawan
dengan kepala yang mempunyai rambut yang tampak tebal dan bersinar.
Produk ini mempunyai vitamin dan vitamin c dan langsung tidak mempunyai bahan kimia tambahan yang lain.
Lebih banyak maklumat menarik mengenai produk kosmetik rambut ini boleh didapati di Toppik Malaysia
menerusi pautan
Sebarang pembelian juga boleh dilakukan di pautan yang sama dengan
harga yang berpatutan dan servis penghantaran yang paling memuaskan.
Dengan penggunaan gentian fiber Toppik, hari raya yang akan datang akan lebih berseri dan bermakna.
- Published in Blog
Wig vs Toppik Hair Building Fibers -Looks Natural, Feels Natural –
Wig vs Toppik Hair Building Fibers -Looks Natural, Feels Natural –
The donning of wigs in men started to widespread at the end of the 17th century in France,
which at that time was the pattern of fashion for all Europe.
Wigs were then extended to women in 1770. Since then, wigs have always been a popular head gear,
be it as an accessory or for other purposes.
Who doesn’t love a good wig as what could not be done with the natural hair could be made with wigs.
This enable extravagant explosion of astonishing hairstyles,
a door to opportunity in the world of fashions and styles.
Above and beyond being a wonderful head ornament, wigs could reveal a person’s
social status or profession. However only wealthier people could afford better
wigs designed by famous hairdresser and made from high quality materials.
Today quality of wigs is very much improved from the heavy and uncomfortable wigs from the past.
The current trend has no place for tall towering wigs except for celebrities and performers.
They are subtler and lightweight comparatively.
Modern wig are easy, painless and comfortable to be put on and extremely realistic looking.
Many people wear wigs because they have embarrassing hair loss problem and
wearing wigs could solve that problem temporarily.
However, these people also wonder if wigs wearing would actually worsen their hair conditions.
Wigs and hairpieces will damage hair.
When a person applies a wrong method in wearing a wig such as by simply jamming
the real hair under the wig instead of taking the time to position them carefully,
the real hair is prone to breakage.
The size of the wig (too tight) could also do damages to the real hair.
If the person is allergic to the materials of the wig, it will lead to scalp problems and
eventually hinder hair growth. Some people might have sensitive scalps and
need an open cap for greater air circulation.
Thus it is important to identify the materials that one is allergic to before choosing a wig.
However, this might be tricky as most of the time, we do not know
what our allergies are until we came into contact with the allergens.
Wearing a wig can cause headaches.
Depending on the types, sizes and materials of the wig, it might exert pressure or
discomfort to our scalp and head which if build up, might cause headaches.
If a wig is not worn correctly or does not fit properly, it can also place pressure on the
head which would surely end up causing frequent headaches.
Nevertheless, if you has chosen a suitable wig with superb quality and wear it in a correct manner,
it can look really natural and make you feel more confident about your appearance.
It will not hurt your scalp or inhibit regrowth of hair under the ideal circumstances.
Many people choose to wear their wig until their own hair has regrown enough to style and shape.
More people choose to use hair building fibre simply because it is faster to apply,
less disadvantages and do not need any maintenance.
Putting on a wig requires a lot of skill for the wig to stay naturally on your head
and not to be blown away or make your head feels funny.
In the beginning, majority of wig users have to consult their hairdressers before putting
their wigs and some people have regular appointment for wig-dressing.
Whereas by using hair building fibre, it is easy and straightforward.
Leading brand like Toppik has hair building fiber product which could be sprayed
on the hair’s thinning area on the head.
The best part is it only takes 30 second for the fibre from the product to attach to your real hair, giving the appearance of a head full of thick luscious hair.
Unlike a wig, there will be no gluing, pinning, stapling,
weaving, netting and arduos long hours getting it ready.
By spraying Toppik Hair Building Fibres on the unsightly area of your head,
it is as if your hair has been turned into a new wig but without the disadvantages that comes with a wig.
It also looks more natural as Toppik Hair Building Fibers are made of Keratin protein,
the same constituent that makes up human hair.
This organic Keratin protein comes from a natural keratin source, which is the closest match to human hair consequently,
all issues of non-Halal for Muslims consumers are eliminated.
Toppik Hair Building Fibers do not discourage hair growth and the natural
Keratin Fibers will not clog pores or affect a scalp condition so consumers
could use this product with a peace of mind.
Log on to to order yours now.
Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog
Top 5 Causes of Hair Loss and Hair Thinning In Women
Top 5 Causes of Hair Loss and Hair Thinning in Women.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!”
Your prince charming is calling out to you hopefully
but what if you couldn’t let it down and have to let him down?
Every girl dreams of having those thick long flock of shimmering hair.
It just seems to add an air of elegance and makes your appearance more feminine and lovely.
For centuries, beauty in women have been attributed with the health and attractiveness of the hair.
To put it scientifically, hair is a collection mass of the pigmented filament of
keratin growing from the skin follicle on our scalp. We can wear them in various ways
with so many different colours. Some people like theirs short and curly,
some like them long and black, and the number of styles exist today is unlimited and beyond imagination.
However, we can only experiment and style with our hair when they are healthy and full.
It is true that men are more likely to experience hair loss and hair thinning than the fairer sex.
Nevertheless, thinning hair and hair loss are also common in women, and trust me, it is no less distressing.
This article will reveal the Top 5 causes of hair loss and hair thinning
in women and some insights on how to combat these nightmares.
Excessive Styling
Styling your hair more often than not requires chemical and heat treatments which weaken the hair.
A combination of treatments, blow-drying, shampooing, dyeing plus frequent usage
of chemical products produce high damage to your hair.
There are no nerve endings in hair so we do not feel pain when our hair is subjected to
various treatment but it does not mean that the hair is all strong and enduring.
On the contrary, our hair need our care and attention all the time.
Even brushing hair too vigorously or when it is wet or when it is being waxed might break them easily.
Hair thinning can occur even with the most common and simple styling such as
wearing tight ponytails or braids, a condition called traction alopecia.
Proposed Solutions: Minimize using flat irons and appliances
that overheat your hair if you could not completely avoid them.
Drastic colour change in hair dyeing require bleaching and many other chemicals,
so it is recommended not to dye your hair more than two shades its normal colour.
Nutrition and Diet
Nutrition and diet affects every part of the human body, inclusive of both external and
internal organs as well as keratinous parts like nails and hairs. People who consume high amount of animal fats and have deficiencies in iron, biotin and zinc most probably will face reduced
vital amino acid and vitamin absorption needed for hair growth.
Besides hair loss, iron deficiency anaemia leads to headaches, extreme fatigue, pale skin as well as cold hands and feet.
Proposed Solutions: Eat a healthy balanced diet. Women need 18 mg of iron a day, 8 mg after menopause.
If you have heavy period, ask your doctor if you should take an iron supplement.
Stress and Trauma
A significant physiological strain, an emotionally trying event or in laymen term,
stress, can cause you hair loss. Perhaps you are dealing with difficult situations such as being in debt,
a divorce, an accident or even in the preparation of an examination.
The condition of being stressed and tensioned increased levels of testosterone,
which converts to DHT and interrupts the hair growth cycle.
Stress and trauma can also cause constriction of the blood supply to the capillaries,
causing a lack of oxygen and nutrient uptake, poor vitamin and nutrient absorption of the
hair follicles and a deficiency in iron, B12, or protein—all vital to healthy hair growth.
Proposed Solutions: Manage your stress level and take oral supplement with advices from doctor.
Diseases and Medications
Hair loss is a side effect to countless diseases and medication. Some common diseases
that is popular among women and can rob away your tresses are thyroid diseases
(Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism),
chronic autoimmune disease and scalp inflammation.
The latter is caused by unhygienic practices, infections and unhealthy scalp that leads to hair loss.
Example of scalp condition are psoriasis,
seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), and fungal infections (ringworm).
In terms of medication, it is extremely wide range which include birth control,
heart disease, diabetic, blood pressure and acne medications. Some oral contraceptives,
antidepressants, anticoagulants, and hypertension cholesterol and steroid-based medications
may cause temporary patchy hair loss or permanent hair loss.
Proposed Solutions: Each medical condition requires a specific prescription so it is best to discuss with your general practitioner or dermatologist.
Female-pattern hair loss—a.k.a. androgenetic alopecia—is the most common causes of hair loss for women.
A genetic predisposition of hormonal imbalances, along with the conversion of
testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), are the lead causes of hair loss.
Contrary to popular belief, this hereditary hair can be inherited by either your maternal
or paternal side of the family.
Proposed Solutions: Over-thecounter preparation Rogaine,
with active ingredient minoxidil might be able to help and it is suggested to best seek recommendation from doctor and pharmacist.
Aside from the five listed major factors, there are many other factors that play an
evil role in causing hair loss and hair thinning in women as well.
Depending on individuals. hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to
temporary hair loss that can last from a few months to up to a year after childbirth.
This also applies to women having menopause due to hormonal shifts.
Environmental pollutants, exposure to chlorine, metals and minerals,
are also identified as contributing factor to hair loss as they can also mess up with your hormones.
So does exposure to UV exposure and free radicals. Unfortunately, as we age, our hair follicles deteriorate, hair shaft weaken and cause hair loss.
So Rapunzel, if you are not able to throw down your hair for prince charming, don’t freak out.
Instead, retreat to the safety of your tower and ponder at the cause to your hair thinning.
The condition of your hair doesn’t just affect your appearance but it is
an important indicator of your health as well, although it is sometimes just inevitable (as of with age or genes).
Thus, when you notice there is an alarming amount of your hair on your floor,
the couch or everywhere, do take notice as it might serve as a warning for some health issues.
However, we all know regaining that lush and strong hair might take some time and in the meantime we still need to look good or at least decent.
Well, fear not, as Toppik Hair Building Fibres works wonder as an instant solution to hair loss and hair thinning.
Each usage allows the appearance of thicker looking hair which will surely boost your self-confidence and raise your cheerful mood.
- Published in Blog
Hair Care Procedure By Toppik Malaysia
Hair Care Procedure
Dry and dull hair are the most common problem faced by us human who are
always down under pressure and stress plus a getting-worse by-each-day environment and polluted air. Therefore, some care is needed to be done daily
in order to achieve a better hair condition. I know, to most people, hair care sounds like a really
big word and they would just come up to me and tell me they do not have any extra time for that.
However, trust me, hair care is actually what we do daily, but in a more detailed ways.
Hair care, is actually the basics of Shampoo, Condiitoner, Combing and lastly, hair cutting.
Generally, we need to know what type of hair we have for us to get hair treatments and
hair products which are suitable for our hair. Bear in mind that sometimes our hair turns dry
and thin have nothing to do with our surrounding but the product we apply on our hair scalp.
After getting suitable products, here comes the caring:
Wash your hair daily if possible to get rid of oily hair. Wet your hair before applying shampoo
so that the chemical of the product does not get in touch with the hair scalp directly.
Do not scratch your head too hard, just slowly massage your hair scalp in a circular
motion from the back of your head to the top.
By doing so calms down the pressure of the scalp against gravity.
Most people has the wrong idea about conditioner treatment. They think that conditioner has
to be put on the scalp for best effects but I would tell you that if this is so, it will make your hair worse.
Most conditioner should only be left on the hair for 1 minute and conditioner can only
be apply on the end of the hair instead of the scalp.
Hair drying the hair is not seemingly necessary at all time but combing is a yes.
Hair combing is to avoid any unnecessary tangled on the hair and also to allow the hair to have
the space and air it needs for each strands. We would encourage people to rub his scalp with fingertips
to stimulate circulation after bathing and comb hair in a becoming style that you want, daily.
Comb matted and tangled hair starting from the end and progress it towards the hair scalp
instead of the other way round. Most importantly, hold the lock of the hair being combed between the
scalp and the comb to avoid pulling. Pulling causes bad hair scalp damage.
Keep a comb in your bag and comb your hair when necessary.
Allow your hair to flow smoothly at anytime if possible to avoid bad tangle.
Hair Cutting
Hair cutting sounds unnecessary to most people. However, I would say this is the most essential part
of hair caring because once in awhile, as our hair grow, the bad and unhealthy hair will stop our hair
from growing and the hair with bad condition will somehow affect our other healthy parts of the hair.
Therefore, it does not matter you have long and short hair, it is important for a hair cutting or hair
trimming once in a while so your hair can grow better and healthier
without the restriction of the bad old hair.
I told you, hair care may seem like a big word in the busy world,
but it is just how we treat our hair daily that determines what
type of hair we will have. Start off now, to get suitable products for you
and start your hair care today!
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Different Type of Hair and How To Take Care of It
Different type of hair and how to take care of it
We all have hair, but everyone is different. Sometimes it seems hard to take care
of our hair and the product which is good for others might not has the same good effect on you.
Well, do not frown, here we shall use some time to determine what type of hair we
have in order to know how or what is best to treat our hair.
Here, we can separate the hair types into four:
Type 1: Straight Hair
Type 2: Wavy Hair
Type 3: Curly Hair
Type 4: Coily Hair
And among these four types of hair, there is different categories too. So, now, let us discuss them one by one.
Firstly, here comes the straight hair. Straight hair can be separated into three categories,
of either you are the baby fine straight hair, the natural straight hair or the frizzy straight hair.
1) Baby fine hair can be very difficult to be taken care and it is the hair whereby
all hair stylish hates as it is hard to be style. For this kind of hair, do not wash them
too many times and cut the amount of conditioner used to reboot the strongest of the hair.
2) Natural hair is hair which looks straight and non frizzy even without styling.
Use any product you want however remember to wash daily to avoid hair in becoming oily and unhealthy.
3) Frizzy straight hair is the best hair in styling however, conditioner is needed once in a while
to avoid hair from growing bad. Besides, do not style your hair too much to avoid hair from
becoming dry and unhealthy.
Then, comes the wavy hair. Wavy hair is the hair which everyone admires but
sometimes it is hard to settle down plus without the right combination of products,
the winding strands can fall flat. Besides using hair dryer and hair iron to make the waves better,
try out salt spray to settle the wave and the hair. Moreover, do not comb your hair too much,
use hand instead to create a more natural look.
Thirdly, we have the curly hair. Curly hair appears as a gene in most people and it is
the most difficult hair to be taken care. One biggest advise for girls who falls into this category,
throw away your hair dryer now. Curly hair is very easy to get damaged as it is thinner and
weaker among all hairs. Therefore, try not to iron or blow your hair too much.
After each wash, just let it air dry, let your hair to create the space it wants to avoid any
other unnecessary tangled in hair. Hair treatment is needed once in a
while so your hair will not be spoilt at the end of the day.
Lastly, we have the coily hair. This kind of hair is the kinkiest, coarsest, and driest of
all the hair types as there are too many twist and turn of this texture,
it is too hair to maintain its shine and moisture the scalp.
This natural hair tends to shrink down so it is hard to determine the length of the hair.
Well, if you are made to be a funky Afro, just be it. Use conditioner or hair mask on
the scalp more to maintain its health and after each wash, use cold wind
from hair dryer to blow your hair dry.
Try not to comb or put any unnecessary pressure and stress on your scalp.
It really does not matter what type of hair you have, take good care of them and you will still be as pretty as ever!
Written By
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Type of hair replacement in the society
Type of hair replacement in the society
In life, there are many unexpected circumstances and some issue may seem difficult for us to overcome
but with the help of technology and human intelligence, now you do not have to worry anymore
about not having a nice, natural hair.
Once, the famous comedian and talk show host, Sheryl Underwood experience a bad hair period
and she was forced to cut her hair literally which resulted in others calling her names,
such as uncle or a hypocrite. Well yes those names were bad but she cannot be looking awful on screen,
therefore she wore a wig. So, what is a wig?
Wig is a type of hair replacement which first introduced in the late 17th century by
lawyers and judges in the court to look superior than the normals. It is made up of real or artificial hair
and is shaped into different hair style to suit different people. Then, it was introduced to the ladies for
fashion used which then modernised by the society to be a type of hair replacement to covered hair baldness,
mostly used by people who experience full head baldness.
Next, we have something similar as a wig but is called a toupee. Toupee is define as smaller wig
which is used to cover small spot of baldness in hair. Due to the size of a toupee, it is usually use
by man to replace their hair in daily life. Artificial or natural hair will be sticked on a hair netting and
is shaped into different shaping, so it is easy for men to wear it. All they have to do is wear
on the hair netting and the toupee sets in perfectly.
Besides that, now in the society, we introduced a type of hair replacement
which is call the real human hair weave. On Ebay or any wholesale dealer you will see girls selling away
their hair, either straight or wavy; either short or long, and when you buy it,
all you have to do is clip it on your hair. Besides covering the baldness you can also decide
the length and the style you want for the day!
Technology has allowed many incredible things. Now, we have a type of hair replacement
which is called the hair extension. Hair extension is also called the artificial hair integrations.
Hair extensions are the best method to lengthen one’s hair by incorporating artificial hair of one’s choice.
Hair extensions are so far the most famous and favourable among men and women
because it is the less permanent hair replacement and it does not leave any side effects for the user.
There are too many type of hair extensions method in the society,
for example Tape in extensions, clip in or clip on extensions and fusion method.
Of all the methods, the fastest method is tape in extensions as it can be done in under
30 minutes and there is no downtime for this method.
Hair loss and hair baldness occurs in more than 60% men and in approximately 10% women in the world.
As look and outfit became the conditions society look at to judge a person,
having a good hair is seemingly more important than anything else.
Toppik is the best alternative answer to hair loss without hair replacement tools,
it can be considered as a daily personal care product and is simple and easy to use.
Simply pour toppik hair building fiber easily with the special patented design cap onto your hair and you will
archieve full head of hair in matter of just 30 seconds ! A good way for those who re always on the go !
- Published in Blog
Traditional and Modern Hair Transplant In Malaysia (FUE and FUT)
Traditional and Modern Hair Transplant In Malaysia (FUE and FUT)
Hair transplantation is a surgical method whereby the doctors will take the scalp
from the back of the head and transplant them in the bald area of the patient.
Hair transplant is a procedure to be treated in both men and women. In some circumstances,
some may use hair transplantation to boost hairline in eyebrows and eyelashes or even moustache.
Hair transplantation started out in 1950s with the method call ‘Punch Hair Transplant’ by
Dr. Orentriench to the Follicular Unit Hair Transplant in the year of 1990.
What is Follicular Unit Hair Transplant (FUT)?
The traditional hair transplantation method involves removing tissue from the back of the head.
Then, hair follicles are harvested from the tissue. Then strip by strip is transplanted to
the bald area by professionals.
FUT is a method preferred by physician as they can fully utilise the scalp area for a more natural
and expected hair amount.
What is Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplant (FUE)?
The modern hair transplantation is called Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplantation (FUE).
With FUE, transplantation of hair in naturally occurring individual follicular units was established.
Out of the many ways to transplant hair, FUE is one technique which is most patient-friendly.
Despite the process of extracting hair follicles is almost the same in both FUT and FUE, however In FUE,
extraction of unit is dependent on the ‘area of attachment of the arrestor muscle at the back of the hair’
This arrestor muscle is the tightest zone at the back of the head.
Therefore, the follicular unit is narrowest here, a micro punch is needed for this process.
Due to the small and micro processor, the scar resulted is too small to be seen.
By differentiating Follicular Unit Hair Transplant (FUT) and
Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplantation (FUE), many may result in a higher level of discomfort
when is being treated with the
traditional FUT method because when tissue is being removed,
it may resulted in a bad swell. However, both method is very manageable with medication and oil treatments.
AS we said above, FUE is more user friendly because it does not or it leaves
a very tiny scar where it is hard to be recognised. However using the FUT extraction
method it often resulted in a narrow scar at the back of the head.
Normally the scar is approximately 1mm in diameter or more.
Nevertheless, the scar is thin and is easy to be concealed.
If concealing is not used by the patient, the scar will also fade by itself as time goes by.
More men are experiencing hair baldness than women and many types of
hair transplantation methods are available out there.
By saying so, one need to choose the right transplantation method by consulting the professionals
and they will determine which is the best for you by checking your hair loss degree and hair scalp condition.
There is certain side effect of hair transplant but if you re worried about the side effect of hair transplant ,
no need to worry anymore because toppik will always be here to provide you with full head of hair in 30 seconds !
- Published in Blog
Cara Penjagaan Rambut Gugur Selepas Bersalin
Cara Penjagaan Rambut Gugur Selepas Bersalin
Bagi wanita-wanita yang baru saja melahirkan anak, jangan terlalu panik jika
anda mengalami masalah rambut gugur. Tubuh badan anda baru sahaja
mengalami perubahan hormon yang mendadak.
Jadi sebenarnya, perkara ini adalah normal dan berlaku kepada hampir
kesemua wanita selepas bersalin. Mereka yang berambut panjang
akan lebih cepat menyedari terjadinya perubahan ini pada rambut mereka.
Bilakah Rambut Akan Kembali Normal?
Selepas bersalin, paras hormon estrogen akan menurun lalu
menyebabkan semakin banyak folikel rambut memasuki fasa ‘berehat’.
Fasa ini menyebabkan lebih banyak rambut mudah gugur semasa
mandi atau bersikat.
Walaupun rambut banyak gugur di awal kelahiran, ia dijangka
akan kembali normal dalam masa 6 hingga 12 bulan selepas bersalin.
Bagaimana Cara Penjagaan Rambut Gugur Selepas Bersalin?
Jika anda menyedari masalah rambut gugur yang berlaku selepas bersalin,
cepat-cepatlah bertindak.
Walaupun ianya normal, jangan pula terlalu memandang ringan
terhadap penjagaan rambut.
Sekurang-kurangnya anda mampu memperlahankan proses tersebut.
Apa yang boleh anda lakukan sepanjang tempoh tersebut ialah:
1. Makan Secara Sihat
Meneruskan pengambilan makanan berkhasiat setiap hari.
Tempoh berpantang adalah waktu yang terbaik untuk anda mula
memakan makanan yang kaya protein, vitamin, zat besi, dan mineral.
Selain membantu memulihkan luka bersalin, ia juga dapat membantu
menguatkan akar-akar rambut.
2. Jauhi Proses Penggayaan Rambut Yang Berat
Elakkan sebarang rawatan rambut dalam masa terdekat, lebih-lebih
lagi yang melibatkan penggunaan bahan kimia berlebihan.
Proses mengerinting, melurus, mewarna adalah antara proses penggayaan
rambut yang boleh ditunda dahulu sekiranya anda mengalami
masalah rambut gugur yang serius.
3. Ambil Suplemen Tambahan
Ada yang berikhtiar dengan mengambil suplemen tambahan
sepanjang tempoh berpantang. Tidak dinafikan, ada produk yang bagus
dan mampu mengatasi masalah ini dengan baik.
Namun, harus diingat bahawa penggunaan produk berpantang juga
kadangkala mempunyai kesan
sampingan yang tertentu kepada rambut anda. Pastikan anda
menggunakan produk berpantang yang
diluluskan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia agar ia dijamin selamat.
Lebih elok jika dapat memilih rangkaian produk organik supaya ia lebih serasi
dan kurang bahan kimia.
4. Jaga Kesihatan Dan Kebersihan Rambut
Amalkan kebersihan dengan rutin mencuci dan mengeringkan
rambut seperti biasa. Elakkan rambut
daripada diikat terlalu ketat atau ditutup terlalu lama kerana ia boleh
merosakkan folikel rambut. Selain
itu, cuba elakkan penggunaan pengering rambut selagi boleh kerana haba
yang keterlaluan juga mampu
merosakkan rambut.
5. Potong Rambut Pendek
Sebagai alternatif, anda disyorkan untuk memotong rambut pendek
supaya mudah diurus, lebih-lebih
lagi sepanjang tempoh berpantang. Secara emosinya, anda juga tidak akan
merasa begitu risau kerana kurangnya rambut gugur yang tersekat di sinki.
Penampilan tampak lebih kemas dan tidak merimaskan.
6. Gunakan Sikat Yang Elok
Pilih sikat yang sesuai dan lembut. Sikatkan rambut dengan
cermat dan berhati-hati. Elakkan menyikat
rambut semasa rambut masih basah kerana rambut lebih rapuh dan akan
menyebabkan masalah keguguran rambut lebih teruk.
7. Amalkan Petua Semulajadi
Selain daripada penjagaan biasa, anda boleh cuba mengamalkan
beberapa petua yang bersifat
semulajadi seperti penggunaan pes daun bunga raya, aloe vera, santan kelapa,
atau campuran madu
dan telur. Sedikit sebanyak, ia mampu memberi kesegaran kepada kulit kepala
anda sewaktu berpantang.
Dapatkan Rawatan Sekiranya Keadaan Berterusan
Jika keadaan masih lagi berterusan selepas 12 bulan, pastikan
anda mendapatkan pandangan pakar supaya dapat mengesan punca sebenar.
Elakkan daripada bertukar-tukar produk terlalu kerap kerana ia
hanya akan memburukkan keadaan.
Kini, terdapat pelbagai rawatan rambut gugur yang dipraktikkan,
sama ada secara moden atau tradisional. Pilihlah y saja yang bersesuaian untuk anda.
Sementara itu, jaga kesihatan anda sebaiknya ya!
Written by
-Global Hair Solution
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Type of Hair loss Treatment in Malaysia
Type of Hair loss Treatment in Malaysia
Globally, the percentage of hair loss in men and women has increased
tremendously throughout the years due to the uprising amount in stress and pressure.
For many people has practise a bad habit in lifestyle that causes their
hair to fall more and more each day. However, with the help of technology,
there are several treatments and surgeries that can be
done for the hair to look normal again.
There are many types of hair replacement for hair loss in the world,
for example: talking pills, hair grafting aka hair transplant and scalp reduction.
Medicine and Solution
Pills such as Rogaine and Procepia are used in medication to
treat patients withhair loss. Act as a topical solution, Rogaine can
be rub directly onto scalp for further hair growth.
The effectiveness depends on individual but Rogaine can also act as
a lotion which slow down the hair loss process.
Besides, Propecia is to be said as the first ever pill to treat hair loss in male.
However, noted that both Rogaine and Propecia should be used under a doctor’s care.
If any side effects occur, treatment should be stop immediately.
Hair Grafting/ Hair Transplant
Hair grafting also called hair transplant surgery. Hair grafting can be
separated to different categories (such as micro-grafting, slit grafting and punch grafting)
If you are someone with male-pattern baldness or women
with genetic hair loss to even someone who experience hair loss due to burn or
other scalp injuries, hair transplant procedure can be the best choice for you.
In this procedure, doctor will remove a portion of the hair scalp.
Then, this scalp will be cut into several segments with hair in each graft
which is then replaced into bald hair area. Bear in mind that this is not a
one time procedure however it needed several times
to achieve the satisfactory hair amount.
Besides, due to the stitches on the graft, patient will need approximately
two to four months to recover.
Scalp Reduction
One more type of hair replacement in the society is called the scalp reduction.
Scalp reduction is done by removing the ‘non-hair-bearing scalp from the head
so that other healthy scalp can stretch up their growth to fill in the bald area.
This hair replacement is found not good for the hair as scalp reduction can remove
up to the whole head and scalp growing is not fast enough. Besides the above three
methods there are more types of hair replacement coming up in the world.
As far as these methods are the best way of treating hair loss side
effects are still unmeasurable.
“Prevention is better than cure” therefore take up a healthy lifestyle and
reduce the amount of stress in you in order for you to never experience hair loss.
Melissa Ong
-Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog
Hair Mask For Chinese New Year 2016
Hair Mask On-the-Go
It is what we do on a daily basis to have a good hair day.
It is no doubt a bad day if our hair does not meet our expectation on that day,
which is what we often call – the bad hair day.
In order to have good hair, we purchase more and
more hair electronic product such as
hair straightener, hair curler, hair colouring and this and that just
to twirl and whip our hair to the shape and style that we want daily.
However, no matter how fancy your style is, no doubt these electronic products
by hook or by crook kills your hair daily. Your hair become dull and crooked,
or dry and bitter. As much as we tortured our hair, it is not enough if we only
use normal conditioning to maintain a fabulous hair.
Therefore, hair mask became a crucial item for hair maintenance.
Not so long ago, hair mask has become the in-trend in the market.
This product has already replaced hair conditioner as it has more nutrient in it: butter,
oil, silicon and these heavier conditioning nutrients will definitely give out a better
effect for your hair instead of the basic hair conditioner
However, due to a higher in demand and heavier in ingredients,
hair masks are seemingly more expensive than hair conditioner out there.
Some may find it difficult to afford.
Without further delay I have to introduce to you the natural hair mask which you can do it at home and is easy and cheap!
Now, you do not have to worry about the affordability of the hair mask
outside but to achieve the best hair quality with what you have at home.
The ingredient you need:
- an egg yolk
- 2 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 2 tablespoon of honey
- a glass bowl
- a pair of gloves
- shower cap or towel
(Mixture is for shoulder length hair. Double up for long hair.)
- Mix an egg yolk, two tablespoon of coconut oil and two tablespoon of honey in a glass bowl.
- Stir until mixture is mixed thoroughly and evenly.
- Bring the mixture to the washroom, apply the mixture onto your hair. Lightly massage hair scalp.
- Tie up your hair and add a shower cap or towel.
- Wait for 30 minutes before washing it off with hair shampoo and conditioner.
Use this natural hair mask once a week to obtain the best result.
There are other ways of creating natural hair mask out there.
All you have to do is make good use of all the coconut oil and honey from home.
Now, with this, you can style your hair however you want and still maintain and
obtain the most fabulous hair whenever and wherever.
Note: Take note that hair should never be greasy or not smooth
after each hair mask treatment. So if greasy hair still happen after mask applying,
this hair mask is mostly like not suitable for your hair and hair scalp.
Go online for other natural hair mask method that suits your hair.
Well, be smart and choose the right one 😀
Melissa Ong
-Global Hair Solution
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