Type of hair replacement in the society
Type of hair replacement in the society
In life, there are many unexpected circumstances and some issue may seem difficult for us to overcome
but with the help of technology and human intelligence, now you do not have to worry anymore
about not having a nice, natural hair.
Once, the famous comedian and talk show host, Sheryl Underwood experience a bad hair period
and she was forced to cut her hair literally which resulted in others calling her names,
such as uncle or a hypocrite. Well yes those names were bad but she cannot be looking awful on screen,
therefore she wore a wig. So, what is a wig?
Wig is a type of hair replacement which first introduced in the late 17th century by
lawyers and judges in the court to look superior than the normals. It is made up of real or artificial hair
and is shaped into different hair style to suit different people. Then, it was introduced to the ladies for
fashion used which then modernised by the society to be a type of hair replacement to covered hair baldness,
mostly used by people who experience full head baldness.
Next, we have something similar as a wig but is called a toupee. Toupee is define as smaller wig
which is used to cover small spot of baldness in hair. Due to the size of a toupee, it is usually use
by man to replace their hair in daily life. Artificial or natural hair will be sticked on a hair netting and
is shaped into different shaping, so it is easy for men to wear it. All they have to do is wear
on the hair netting and the toupee sets in perfectly.
Besides that, now in the society, we introduced a type of hair replacement
which is call the real human hair weave. On Ebay or any wholesale dealer you will see girls selling away
their hair, either straight or wavy; either short or long, and when you buy it,
all you have to do is clip it on your hair. Besides covering the baldness you can also decide
the length and the style you want for the day!
Technology has allowed many incredible things. Now, we have a type of hair replacement
which is called the hair extension. Hair extension is also called the artificial hair integrations.
Hair extensions are the best method to lengthen one’s hair by incorporating artificial hair of one’s choice.
Hair extensions are so far the most famous and favourable among men and women
because it is the less permanent hair replacement and it does not leave any side effects for the user.
There are too many type of hair extensions method in the society,
for example Tape in extensions, clip in or clip on extensions and fusion method.
Of all the methods, the fastest method is tape in extensions as it can be done in under
30 minutes and there is no downtime for this method.
Hair loss and hair baldness occurs in more than 60% men and in approximately 10% women in the world.
As look and outfit became the conditions society look at to judge a person,
having a good hair is seemingly more important than anything else.
Toppik is the best alternative answer to hair loss without hair replacement tools,
it can be considered as a daily personal care product and is simple and easy to use.
Simply pour toppik hair building fiber easily with the special patented design cap onto your hair and you will
archieve full head of hair in matter of just 30 seconds ! A good way for those who re always on the go !
- Published in Blog
Traditional and Modern Hair Transplant In Malaysia (FUE and FUT)
Traditional and Modern Hair Transplant In Malaysia (FUE and FUT)
Hair transplantation is a surgical method whereby the doctors will take the scalp
from the back of the head and transplant them in the bald area of the patient.
Hair transplant is a procedure to be treated in both men and women. In some circumstances,
some may use hair transplantation to boost hairline in eyebrows and eyelashes or even moustache.
Hair transplantation started out in 1950s with the method call ‘Punch Hair Transplant’ by
Dr. Orentriench to the Follicular Unit Hair Transplant in the year of 1990.
What is Follicular Unit Hair Transplant (FUT)?
The traditional hair transplantation method involves removing tissue from the back of the head.
Then, hair follicles are harvested from the tissue. Then strip by strip is transplanted to
the bald area by professionals.
FUT is a method preferred by physician as they can fully utilise the scalp area for a more natural
and expected hair amount.
What is Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplant (FUE)?
The modern hair transplantation is called Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplantation (FUE).
With FUE, transplantation of hair in naturally occurring individual follicular units was established.
Out of the many ways to transplant hair, FUE is one technique which is most patient-friendly.
Despite the process of extracting hair follicles is almost the same in both FUT and FUE, however In FUE,
extraction of unit is dependent on the ‘area of attachment of the arrestor muscle at the back of the hair’
This arrestor muscle is the tightest zone at the back of the head.
Therefore, the follicular unit is narrowest here, a micro punch is needed for this process.
Due to the small and micro processor, the scar resulted is too small to be seen.
By differentiating Follicular Unit Hair Transplant (FUT) and
Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplantation (FUE), many may result in a higher level of discomfort
when is being treated with the
traditional FUT method because when tissue is being removed,
it may resulted in a bad swell. However, both method is very manageable with medication and oil treatments.
AS we said above, FUE is more user friendly because it does not or it leaves
a very tiny scar where it is hard to be recognised. However using the FUT extraction
method it often resulted in a narrow scar at the back of the head.
Normally the scar is approximately 1mm in diameter or more.
Nevertheless, the scar is thin and is easy to be concealed.
If concealing is not used by the patient, the scar will also fade by itself as time goes by.
More men are experiencing hair baldness than women and many types of
hair transplantation methods are available out there.
By saying so, one need to choose the right transplantation method by consulting the professionals
and they will determine which is the best for you by checking your hair loss degree and hair scalp condition.
There is certain side effect of hair transplant but if you re worried about the side effect of hair transplant ,
no need to worry anymore because toppik will always be here to provide you with full head of hair in 30 seconds !
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Cara Penjagaan Rambut Gugur Selepas Bersalin

Cara Penjagaan Rambut Gugur Selepas Bersalin
Bagi wanita-wanita yang baru saja melahirkan anak, jangan terlalu panik jika
anda mengalami masalah rambut gugur. Tubuh badan anda baru sahaja
mengalami perubahan hormon yang mendadak.
Jadi sebenarnya, perkara ini adalah normal dan berlaku kepada hampir
kesemua wanita selepas bersalin. Mereka yang berambut panjang
akan lebih cepat menyedari terjadinya perubahan ini pada rambut mereka.
Bilakah Rambut Akan Kembali Normal?
Selepas bersalin, paras hormon estrogen akan menurun lalu
menyebabkan semakin banyak folikel rambut memasuki fasa ‘berehat’.
Fasa ini menyebabkan lebih banyak rambut mudah gugur semasa
mandi atau bersikat.
Walaupun rambut banyak gugur di awal kelahiran, ia dijangka
akan kembali normal dalam masa 6 hingga 12 bulan selepas bersalin.
Bagaimana Cara Penjagaan Rambut Gugur Selepas Bersalin?
Jika anda menyedari masalah rambut gugur yang berlaku selepas bersalin,
cepat-cepatlah bertindak.
Walaupun ianya normal, jangan pula terlalu memandang ringan
terhadap penjagaan rambut.
Sekurang-kurangnya anda mampu memperlahankan proses tersebut.
Apa yang boleh anda lakukan sepanjang tempoh tersebut ialah:
1. Makan Secara Sihat
Meneruskan pengambilan makanan berkhasiat setiap hari.
Tempoh berpantang adalah waktu yang terbaik untuk anda mula
memakan makanan yang kaya protein, vitamin, zat besi, dan mineral.
Selain membantu memulihkan luka bersalin, ia juga dapat membantu
menguatkan akar-akar rambut.
2. Jauhi Proses Penggayaan Rambut Yang Berat
Elakkan sebarang rawatan rambut dalam masa terdekat, lebih-lebih
lagi yang melibatkan penggunaan bahan kimia berlebihan.
Proses mengerinting, melurus, mewarna adalah antara proses penggayaan
rambut yang boleh ditunda dahulu sekiranya anda mengalami
masalah rambut gugur yang serius.
3. Ambil Suplemen Tambahan
Ada yang berikhtiar dengan mengambil suplemen tambahan
sepanjang tempoh berpantang. Tidak dinafikan, ada produk yang bagus
dan mampu mengatasi masalah ini dengan baik.
Namun, harus diingat bahawa penggunaan produk berpantang juga
kadangkala mempunyai kesan
sampingan yang tertentu kepada rambut anda. Pastikan anda
menggunakan produk berpantang yang
diluluskan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia agar ia dijamin selamat.
Lebih elok jika dapat memilih rangkaian produk organik supaya ia lebih serasi
dan kurang bahan kimia.
4. Jaga Kesihatan Dan Kebersihan Rambut
Amalkan kebersihan dengan rutin mencuci dan mengeringkan
rambut seperti biasa. Elakkan rambut
daripada diikat terlalu ketat atau ditutup terlalu lama kerana ia boleh
merosakkan folikel rambut. Selain
itu, cuba elakkan penggunaan pengering rambut selagi boleh kerana haba
yang keterlaluan juga mampu
merosakkan rambut.
5. Potong Rambut Pendek
Sebagai alternatif, anda disyorkan untuk memotong rambut pendek
supaya mudah diurus, lebih-lebih
lagi sepanjang tempoh berpantang. Secara emosinya, anda juga tidak akan
merasa begitu risau kerana kurangnya rambut gugur yang tersekat di sinki.
Penampilan tampak lebih kemas dan tidak merimaskan.
6. Gunakan Sikat Yang Elok
Pilih sikat yang sesuai dan lembut. Sikatkan rambut dengan
cermat dan berhati-hati. Elakkan menyikat
rambut semasa rambut masih basah kerana rambut lebih rapuh dan akan
menyebabkan masalah keguguran rambut lebih teruk.
7. Amalkan Petua Semulajadi
Selain daripada penjagaan biasa, anda boleh cuba mengamalkan
beberapa petua yang bersifat
semulajadi seperti penggunaan pes daun bunga raya, aloe vera, santan kelapa,
atau campuran madu
dan telur. Sedikit sebanyak, ia mampu memberi kesegaran kepada kulit kepala
anda sewaktu berpantang.
Dapatkan Rawatan Sekiranya Keadaan Berterusan
Jika keadaan masih lagi berterusan selepas 12 bulan, pastikan
anda mendapatkan pandangan pakar supaya dapat mengesan punca sebenar.
Elakkan daripada bertukar-tukar produk terlalu kerap kerana ia
hanya akan memburukkan keadaan.
Kini, terdapat pelbagai rawatan rambut gugur yang dipraktikkan,
sama ada secara moden atau tradisional. Pilihlah y saja yang bersesuaian untuk anda.
Sementara itu, jaga kesihatan anda sebaiknya ya!
Written by
-Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog
Type of Hair loss Treatment in Malaysia
Type of Hair loss Treatment in Malaysia
Globally, the percentage of hair loss in men and women has increased
tremendously throughout the years due to the uprising amount in stress and pressure.
For many people has practise a bad habit in lifestyle that causes their
hair to fall more and more each day. However, with the help of technology,
there are several treatments and surgeries that can be
done for the hair to look normal again.
There are many types of hair replacement for hair loss in the world,
for example: talking pills, hair grafting aka hair transplant and scalp reduction.
Medicine and Solution
Pills such as Rogaine and Procepia are used in medication to
treat patients withhair loss. Act as a topical solution, Rogaine can
be rub directly onto scalp for further hair growth.
The effectiveness depends on individual but Rogaine can also act as
a lotion which slow down the hair loss process.
Besides, Propecia is to be said as the first ever pill to treat hair loss in male.
However, noted that both Rogaine and Propecia should be used under a doctor’s care.
If any side effects occur, treatment should be stop immediately.
Hair Grafting/ Hair Transplant
Hair grafting also called hair transplant surgery. Hair grafting can be
separated to different categories (such as micro-grafting, slit grafting and punch grafting)
If you are someone with male-pattern baldness or women
with genetic hair loss to even someone who experience hair loss due to burn or
other scalp injuries, hair transplant procedure can be the best choice for you.
In this procedure, doctor will remove a portion of the hair scalp.
Then, this scalp will be cut into several segments with hair in each graft
which is then replaced into bald hair area. Bear in mind that this is not a
one time procedure however it needed several times
to achieve the satisfactory hair amount.
Besides, due to the stitches on the graft, patient will need approximately
two to four months to recover.
Scalp Reduction
One more type of hair replacement in the society is called the scalp reduction.
Scalp reduction is done by removing the ‘non-hair-bearing scalp from the head
so that other healthy scalp can stretch up their growth to fill in the bald area.
This hair replacement is found not good for the hair as scalp reduction can remove
up to the whole head and scalp growing is not fast enough. Besides the above three
methods there are more types of hair replacement coming up in the world.
As far as these methods are the best way of treating hair loss side
effects are still unmeasurable.
“Prevention is better than cure” therefore take up a healthy lifestyle and
reduce the amount of stress in you in order for you to never experience hair loss.
Melissa Ong
-Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog
Hair Mask For Chinese New Year 2016
Hair Mask On-the-Go
It is what we do on a daily basis to have a good hair day.
It is no doubt a bad day if our hair does not meet our expectation on that day,
which is what we often call – the bad hair day.
In order to have good hair, we purchase more and
more hair electronic product such as
hair straightener, hair curler, hair colouring and this and that just
to twirl and whip our hair to the shape and style that we want daily.
However, no matter how fancy your style is, no doubt these electronic products
by hook or by crook kills your hair daily. Your hair become dull and crooked,
or dry and bitter. As much as we tortured our hair, it is not enough if we only
use normal conditioning to maintain a fabulous hair.
Therefore, hair mask became a crucial item for hair maintenance.
Not so long ago, hair mask has become the in-trend in the market.
This product has already replaced hair conditioner as it has more nutrient in it: butter,
oil, silicon and these heavier conditioning nutrients will definitely give out a better
effect for your hair instead of the basic hair conditioner
However, due to a higher in demand and heavier in ingredients,
hair masks are seemingly more expensive than hair conditioner out there.
Some may find it difficult to afford.
Without further delay I have to introduce to you the natural hair mask which you can do it at home and is easy and cheap!
Now, you do not have to worry about the affordability of the hair mask
outside but to achieve the best hair quality with what you have at home.
The ingredient you need:
- an egg yolk
- 2 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 2 tablespoon of honey
- a glass bowl
- a pair of gloves
- shower cap or towel
(Mixture is for shoulder length hair. Double up for long hair.)
- Mix an egg yolk, two tablespoon of coconut oil and two tablespoon of honey in a glass bowl.
- Stir until mixture is mixed thoroughly and evenly.
- Bring the mixture to the washroom, apply the mixture onto your hair. Lightly massage hair scalp.
- Tie up your hair and add a shower cap or towel.
- Wait for 30 minutes before washing it off with hair shampoo and conditioner.
Use this natural hair mask once a week to obtain the best result.
There are other ways of creating natural hair mask out there.
All you have to do is make good use of all the coconut oil and honey from home.
Now, with this, you can style your hair however you want and still maintain and
obtain the most fabulous hair whenever and wherever.
Note: Take note that hair should never be greasy or not smooth
after each hair mask treatment. So if greasy hair still happen after mask applying,
this hair mask is mostly like not suitable for your hair and hair scalp.
Go online for other natural hair mask method that suits your hair.
Well, be smart and choose the right one 😀
Melissa Ong
-Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog
Chinese New Year Taboo for Hair!
Chinese New Year Taboo for Hair!
“Do not sweep the floor on the first day of Chinese New Year.”
“We must not wear black on the Chinese New Year.”
“Must wear red red on Chinese New Year.”
“Cannot break glasses on Chinese New Year.”
“Cannot cry during Chinese New Year.”
“Wear red inner wear for good luck.”
I believe everyone heard all the above taboos over and over during Chinese New Year
and they have been like a tradition or routine that we follow every single year.
Basically these taboos are associated with festive season.
Although some crazy taboos have been disowned as the years gone by
but some of them are still strictly followed by many.
We all know about taboos such as floor sweeping and wearing new clothes however,
do you know that there are several taboo for hair on Chinese New Year?
Bet you do not know.
Let me tell you:
We often think that on the first day of new year, we should and
is a must to clean ourselves up –
wash our hair and body, spray perfume and wear new clothes but,
we are actually not allowed to wash our hair on the first day of Chinese New Year.
According to our old time ancestor, washing hair on the first day
of the Lunar New Year means washing off the good luck.
In Chinese, hair means “发” and “发” or “发财” means prosperous and prosperity.
Washing hair on the first day means giving away and washing away the prosperity.
Besides, our hair is what grow every day every second,
in Chinese hair growth means longevity. Therefore, it is a superstition
whereby it is forbidden to cut our hair on the first day and during Chinese New Year.
Hair cutting during this period of time means cutting of our longevity.
So, want to live a long life?
Then remember to not cut your hair during the new year.
Moreover, there is this saying whereby our forehead has a great aversion.
Therefore, it is believing that having fringe or bangs covers our good luck.
So please remember if you are gambling on the Chinese New Year,
have your fringe clipped up or clear your forehead, it brings good luck!
Here is one special chinese new year taboo for men.
During the new year, men often not allowed to wear a green hat or to colour the hair green.
This is because in chinese, green hat meaning “戴绿帽” and this means your spouse or other half might be cheating on you.
It is a taboo that chinese believe.
In order to have happiness, buy other colours’ hat instead 😉
The Lunar New Year is the biggest festival for Chinese and this species
believe that what we do or wear will definitely affect the luck of the whole year.
It does not matter if the taboos are something scientifically proven but
they are something special and unique.
Just like a tradition, these taboos should be kept and continue to be
passed to our next generations.
Melissa Ong
-Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog
Your hair = Your Health
Your hair = Your Health
Not only girls but guys too that we are saying, no matter how many times
of hair treatment you went or how expensive and premium your hair shampoo and conditioner
cost you, if you are unhealthy, your hair shows!
Many may wonder: “Why my hair is so dry even if I use hair mask every single day?
Maybe I should change a new hair mask brand.” or “Why do I have oily hair?
The weather is too bad, too much dust around.”
Well, sorry to be too honest to you but it does not matter how good your hair product is or
how bad the environment is because if there is any problem with your body health,
your hair does not hide it for you.
Alright, do not freak out yet! As your hair reveals your health statuses,
you can identify your health problem from these hair symptoms too before it is too late!
By saying so, several trichologists and nutritionists had surveys and
had identify these problems for your health and hair.
If you are someone who lack in consuming fruits and vegetables, you are
most likely to be having dry hair or flaky scalp and also very poor hair growth.
This is because without vitamin C, vitamin B and a lack in Zinc and Iron,
your hair scalp cannot function properly.
Besides, go for a body checkup if your hair continues to be dry and dull, this may due to a thyroid or hormone imbalance in your body.
Dandruff is one big problem for both sexual and many do not know
why or how it happened. Let me tell you, firstly, reduce your stress amount.
Stress and pressure causes the hair scalp secretion function to be imbalance.
This change causes dandruff.
Moreover, stress can also causes a brittle top to happen to your hair.
For example, if you experiences a break off at the top layer of your hair every
time your hair reach to a full length this may be due to a high level of stress.
Same thing, cut off your stress and pressure.
Find some activities to do that are able to soothe your mind in order
for your hair to get back its function balance and be healthy.
Every time you comb your hair, the amount of hair fall causes you
to think what happen to you?
No worries, consume more protein such as egg, nuts, meat and so on.
A lack of protein causes your hair to fall as your scalp does not have
enough nutrition to hang on to all your hair.
Besides, a lack in protein causes you to have splint ends every single time.
Save money, save time so you do not have to go to the saloon
whenever the splint ends become frustrated, remember to eat more protein daily.
This point is to the mens. If you are experiencing thinning hair lately,
it is often due to a stress for pre-menopausal and it is because your oestrogen
level is dropping. Go to a doctor or professionals to get a check.
Sometimes, your hair can be your best pre-doctor. However, do visit professionals
if symptoms proceeds.
Your hair = your health so take up a balance and healthy lifestyle from today onwards!
Healthy hair and healthy body? You can have both!
Melissa Ong
-Global Hair Solution
- Published in Blog