Top 5 Causes of Hair Loss and Hair Thinning in Women.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!”
Your prince charming is calling out to you hopefully
but what if you couldn’t let it down and have to let him down?
Every girl dreams of having those thick long flock of shimmering hair.
It just seems to add an air of elegance and makes your appearance more feminine and lovely.
For centuries, beauty in women have been attributed with the health and attractiveness of the hair.
To put it scientifically, hair is a collection mass of the pigmented filament of
keratin growing from the skin follicle on our scalp. We can wear them in various ways
with so many different colours. Some people like theirs short and curly,
some like them long and black, and the number of styles exist today is unlimited and beyond imagination.
However, we can only experiment and style with our hair when they are healthy and full.
It is true that men are more likely to experience hair loss and hair thinning than the fairer sex.
Nevertheless, thinning hair and hair loss are also common in women, and trust me, it is no less distressing.
This article will reveal the Top 5 causes of hair loss and hair thinning
in women and some insights on how to combat these nightmares.
Excessive Styling
Styling your hair more often than not requires chemical and heat treatments which weaken the hair.
A combination of treatments, blow-drying, shampooing, dyeing plus frequent usage
of chemical products produce high damage to your hair.
There are no nerve endings in hair so we do not feel pain when our hair is subjected to
various treatment but it does not mean that the hair is all strong and enduring.
On the contrary, our hair need our care and attention all the time.
Even brushing hair too vigorously or when it is wet or when it is being waxed might break them easily.
Hair thinning can occur even with the most common and simple styling such as
wearing tight ponytails or braids, a condition called traction alopecia.
Proposed Solutions: Minimize using flat irons and appliances
that overheat your hair if you could not completely avoid them.
Drastic colour change in hair dyeing require bleaching and many other chemicals,
so it is recommended not to dye your hair more than two shades its normal colour.
Nutrition and Diet
Nutrition and diet affects every part of the human body, inclusive of both external and
internal organs as well as keratinous parts like nails and hairs. People who consume high amount of animal fats and have deficiencies in iron, biotin and zinc most probably will face reduced
vital amino acid and vitamin absorption needed for hair growth.
Besides hair loss, iron deficiency anaemia leads to headaches, extreme fatigue, pale skin as well as cold hands and feet.
Proposed Solutions: Eat a healthy balanced diet. Women need 18 mg of iron a day, 8 mg after menopause.
If you have heavy period, ask your doctor if you should take an iron supplement.
Stress and Trauma
A significant physiological strain, an emotionally trying event or in laymen term,
stress, can cause you hair loss. Perhaps you are dealing with difficult situations such as being in debt,
a divorce, an accident or even in the preparation of an examination.
The condition of being stressed and tensioned increased levels of testosterone,
which converts to DHT and interrupts the hair growth cycle.
Stress and trauma can also cause constriction of the blood supply to the capillaries,
causing a lack of oxygen and nutrient uptake, poor vitamin and nutrient absorption of the
hair follicles and a deficiency in iron, B12, or protein—all vital to healthy hair growth.
Proposed Solutions: Manage your stress level and take oral supplement with advices from doctor.
Diseases and Medications
Hair loss is a side effect to countless diseases and medication. Some common diseases
that is popular among women and can rob away your tresses are thyroid diseases
(Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism),
chronic autoimmune disease and scalp inflammation.
The latter is caused by unhygienic practices, infections and unhealthy scalp that leads to hair loss.
Example of scalp condition are psoriasis,
seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff), and fungal infections (ringworm).
In terms of medication, it is extremely wide range which include birth control,
heart disease, diabetic, blood pressure and acne medications. Some oral contraceptives,
antidepressants, anticoagulants, and hypertension cholesterol and steroid-based medications
may cause temporary patchy hair loss or permanent hair loss.
Proposed Solutions: Each medical condition requires a specific prescription so it is best to discuss with your general practitioner or dermatologist.
Female-pattern hair loss—a.k.a. androgenetic alopecia—is the most common causes of hair loss for women.
A genetic predisposition of hormonal imbalances, along with the conversion of
testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), are the lead causes of hair loss.
Contrary to popular belief, this hereditary hair can be inherited by either your maternal
or paternal side of the family.
Proposed Solutions: Over-thecounter preparation Rogaine,
with active ingredient minoxidil might be able to help and it is suggested to best seek recommendation from doctor and pharmacist.
Aside from the five listed major factors, there are many other factors that play an
evil role in causing hair loss and hair thinning in women as well.
Depending on individuals. hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to
temporary hair loss that can last from a few months to up to a year after childbirth.
This also applies to women having menopause due to hormonal shifts.
Environmental pollutants, exposure to chlorine, metals and minerals,
are also identified as contributing factor to hair loss as they can also mess up with your hormones.
So does exposure to UV exposure and free radicals. Unfortunately, as we age, our hair follicles deteriorate, hair shaft weaken and cause hair loss.
So Rapunzel, if you are not able to throw down your hair for prince charming, don’t freak out.
Instead, retreat to the safety of your tower and ponder at the cause to your hair thinning.
The condition of your hair doesn’t just affect your appearance but it is
an important indicator of your health as well, although it is sometimes just inevitable (as of with age or genes).
Thus, when you notice there is an alarming amount of your hair on your floor,
the couch or everywhere, do take notice as it might serve as a warning for some health issues.
However, we all know regaining that lush and strong hair might take some time and in the meantime we still need to look good or at least decent.
Well, fear not, as Toppik Hair Building Fibres works wonder as an instant solution to hair loss and hair thinning.
Each usage allows the appearance of thicker looking hair which will surely boost your self-confidence and raise your cheerful mood.