Toppik vs Nanogen vs Dermmatch ?
Toppik vs Nanogen vs Dermmatch ?
Menyembunyikan rambut gugur dengan gentian fiber adalah kaedah yang paling cepat , mengurangkan keguguran rambut yang jelas, dan mengembalikan keyakinan anda yang hilang dalam masa yang singkat . Penipisan rambut kadang-kadang boleh menjadi masalah sementara, dan apabila diuruskan dengan betul, ia akan hilang, tetapi apa yang anda lakukan dalam masa yang sama?
Jika imej anda adalah penting untuk anda, anda perlu melakukan sesuatu untuk mengekalkan penampilan yang baik. Banyak penyelesaian untuk menyembunyikan penipisan rambut yang wujud, tetapi kami akan mengkaji semula penyelesaian kosmetik yang terdiri dalam penebalan rambut yang menggunakan gentian.
Penyelesaian penebalan rambut kosmetik gentian kecil, yang melekat pada rambut anda dan meningkatkan jumlah dan mengurangkan penampilan kebotakan.
Gentian penebalan rambut boleh dibuat daripada bahan-bahan yang berbeza dari keratin, atau serat sintetik untuk serat tumbuh-tumbuhan semula jadi.
Beberapa penyelesaian yang bergantung kepada sifat-sifat ikatan gentian ‘dalam hubungan dengan rambut, akan memerlukan semburan dirumus khas untuk membuat zarah kecil mematuhi rambut.
Ia adalah meter pilihan peribadi yang mana anda pilih. Berikut, saya akan membentangkan penyelesaian kosmetik terbaik untuk penipisan rambut di pasaran, dan soalan-soalan yang paling ditanya tentang mereka.
Toppik – Bagaimana Toppik Berfungsi ?
Toppik merupakan gentian serat rambut keratin gentian buatan kecil yang mengikat rambut yang sedia ada memberikan isipadu yang lebih dan ketebalan, mengurangkan kemunculan botak.
Formula ini adalah sama dengan nanogen dari uk yang satu lagi , kerana ia menggunakan keratin. Pembuat Topppik telah datang dengan pelbagai produk lain untuk membantu penggunaan produk. Mereka mempunyai semburan khas untuk kawalan yang lebih baik semasa memohon dan pengoptimumkan garisan rambut, yang mengawal penggunaan gentian di garis rambut untuk kelihatan cara semula jadi.
Untuk penyelenggaraan yang lebih baik, mereka mempunyai produk yang berasingan, “Fiberhold Spray” yang akan membantu produk melekat lebih baik untuk rambut. Produk ini tidak kalis air dan cara gunanya amat mudah, tetapi ia kelihatan semula jadi dan ia berasa semula jadi.

Nanogen – Bagaimana Nanogen berfungsi ?
Nanogen seperti toppik menggunakan nanofibres formulasi unik keratin, dipotong dan dibentuk untuk memaksimumkan pematuhan kepada rambut anda. Nanogen, mempunyai reka bentuk khas untuk mengenakan caj elektrostatik gentian. Caj elektrostatik adalah kuasa yang membuat gentian melekat pada rambut anda. Cara nanogen berfungsi amatlah serupa dengan toppik
Perkara yang menarik mengenai keratin adalah bahawa ia adalah bahan yang sama seperti rambut anda, jadi ia kelihatan seperti rambut anda, ia adalah semula jadi, ia tidak menimbulkan kerengsaan, dan sangat selamat.

Dermmatch – Bagaimana Dermmatch berfungsi ?
Produk Dermmatch adalah kosmetik menggunakan formula lapisan khas, yang digunakan pada rambut yang memberikan ketebalan penuh. Dermmatch mempunyai Lapisan yang kelihatan hebat dan ia adalah kalis air dan ia tidak akan terkeluar pada sarung bantal anda. Pendekatan dermmatch adalah untuk kot rambut dan warna kulit kepala untuk penampilan yang lebih baik.
Kekangan yang timbul ialah anda memerlukan jumlah yang saksama rambut untuk hasil yang terbaik. Dalam erti kata lain ia berfungsi dengan kawasan penipisan ringan. Jika anda mempunyai penipisan yang lebih ketara, anda boleh menggunakan dermmatch secara kombinasi dengan serbuk, seperti toppik, caboki, atau nanogen.
Untuk meringkaskannya, untuk tempat-tempat yang tidak begitu besar, ini adalah produk yang terbaik untuk memakai sebelum pergi berenang di pantai.
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Hair Loss Treatment And Hair Care Centre In Malaysia 2015 ( Most Searched )
Ever wonder what is the most prevalent and sought after hair loss treatment centre in malaysia?
Below is the TOP 6 List of Hair Care Centre most people are going in malaysia ( based on popularity )
– 101 Hair Care
– Yun Nam Hair Care
– Svenson Hair Care
– Miracle Hair Expert
– Origin Herbal Hair Treatment
– Neeta’s Herbal Treatment
Hair loss In Men
According to the American Hair Loss Association, about 85% of men will have significant hair thinning by the time they turn 50, and some men will even begin to lose hair as early as 21.
We think even just reading those figures could make you lose your hair! However, if you equip yourself with the facts, you can tackle this challenging phase of your life with confidence.
The key is to know what type of hair loss you’re experiencing, what’s causing it, and the different treatment options available to you.
Read on to learn more about hair loss and the different treatments available for hair regrowth for men.
Types of Hair Loss
Most men can expect to encounter one of these four types of hair loss at some point in their lives.
Involutional Alopecia
Involutional alopecia is the gradual thinning of the hair that occurs with age. It is a natural condition that happens as more and more hair follicles go into the telogen, or “resting” phase. In this phase, hair continues to get shorter with fewer hairs growing, and it becomes harder to regrow hair.
Androgenetic Alopecia
Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, is a hereditary condition characterized by a receding hairline and gradual disappearance of the hair from the top of the scalp. This condition is responsible for the vast majority of hair loss in males. It can affect both men and women, but men can experience this type of hair loss as early as their teens or early 20’s.
Men who suffer from male pattern baldness have actually inherited hair follicles that have a genetic sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT shortens the lifespan of the affected hair follicles, and eventually stops the production of new follicles.
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune skin disease that results in hair loss on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. It occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, which is where hair growth begins. It is not permanent, but experts do not know the cause of the attack on the hair follicles.
Patients and doctors usually begin to notice when clumps of hair fall out, which causes small, round patches of visible and exposed scalp on top of the head. In about 90% of people with this condition, the hair may return within a few years.
Telogen Effluvium
Telogen Effluvium is a temporary condition that develops when there is a change in the number of hair follicles growing hair. It is caused by a large number of hairs entering the Telogen or “resting” phase at the same time, which causes the hair follicles to become dormant, and subsequent shedding and thinning occurs.
Causes for Hair Loss
Now that you know the types of hair loss that can occur in males, it’s important to understand the causes, and if there are any preventative measures one can take to help minimize hair loss.
There are many causes for hair loss, but luckily, in most cases, hair regrowth for men is possible.
Medical Conditions
Medical conditions, such as thyroid disease, lupus, diabetes, iron deficiency, eating disorders, and anemia can all cause hair loss.
While hair loss is a normal response under these circumstances, it’s important to understand the effects of other medical conditions on the body. Once the underlying problem is treated, in many cases, the hair will return.
A balanced diet is key to good health. If the body isn’t getting enough essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, then the body’s organs, tissues, and cells may not be functioning properly.
Protein, iron, zinc and biotin deficiencies have all been linked to hair loss in men. In addition to deficiencies, having too much of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A or carotenes can also cause premature male pattern baldness.
Short-term, everyday stress, such as work or family life, is not going to cause your hair to fall out. A major life event though, or something that causes you to lose sleep at night or a change in appetite, could raise the level of stress hormones in your body. Hopefully this kind of stress will go away over time, and once it does, male hair growth will be possible again.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) shortens the growth cycle of your hair and increases the resting phase. Overtime, hair begins to grow less and becomes shorter until it stops growing altogether. Unfortunately, genes can make certain hair follicles (usually in the front and crown of the head) especially sensitive to this hormone. Furthermore, excess levels of testosterone often result in higher levels of DHT and therefore an increase in hair loss or baldness.
More than 95% of male hair loss is due to male pattern baldness, which is genetic. Contrary to popular belief, this gene can come from either parent. Unfortunately this type of hair loss is impossible to prevent, but there are men’s hair growth treatments that, when used early enough in the hair loss process, can help counteract the genetic trait.
One of the most difficult parts of hair loss is knowing the right product or products to use to help treat it. Read on to learn the best treatment to use for the type of hair loss you have.
Treatments and Solutions for Hair Loss
Ask yourself: Are you looking for a long-term male hair growth treatment, or an everyday cosmetic solution?
Hair Regrowth
The treatment contains FDA-approved 5% Minoxidil ( Rogaine ), which is clinically proven to help regrow hair. Applied twice daily to the area of hair loss on the scalp, results can be seen as early as two months, but can sometimes take up to four. Continuous use of this product is needed in order to maintain hair regrowth.
Hair loss In Women
Although you may think that hair loss is strictly a male disease, you may be surprised to find that women make up 40% of hair loss sufferers.
Whether it’s sudden hair loss in women or gradual, most women suffer in silence, too upset or embarrassed to admit what they’re going through or to seek help. Instead they change their hairstyle or hair color in an effort to cover up the real issues at hand.
Types of Hair Loss
There are four main types of hair loss for women. Once you know the type of hair loss you have, it will become easier to treat and take care of your hair.
Androgenetic Alopecia
Androgenetic alopecia, or female pattern baldness, is the most common form of hair loss in women. Genes play a large role in this disease, and it can be passed on from either the mother or the father, and can start as early as the late teens.
Unlike males, who will lose hair in the crown of their hair or on the top of the scalp, female pattern baldness is characterized by widespread thinning on the scalp. The first sign of hair loss is often widening of the part or the ponytail becoming smaller.
Telogen Effluvium
When hair follicles in the anagen (growing) phase or catagen (resting) phase abnormally transition to the shedding (telogen) phase, it is known as telogen effluvium, and can cause sudden hair loss in women. It is usually brought on by a stressful event, and can incite handfuls of hair to fall out at a time.
The good news is that recovery is almost always possible with this type of hair loss in women.
Traction alopecia
This condition is caused by tight hairstyles that pull at hair over time and cause damage to the hair follicles. If the condition is detected early enough, the hair will grow back successfully. Braiding, cornrows, tight ponytails, extensions and weaves are the most common hairstyles that can contribute to traction alopecia.
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune skin disease that results in hair loss on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. It occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, which is where hair growth begins. It is not permanent, but experts do not know the cause of the attack on the hair follicles.
Patients and doctors usually begin to notice when clumps of hair fall out, causing small, round patches of visible and exposed scalp on top of the head. In about 90% of people with this condition, the hair may return within a few years.
Now that you know the different types of hair loss that can occur in women, it’s important to understand the causes, and how you can prevent or postpone hair loss from happening.
Causes for Hair Loss
Knowing the different ways in which hair loss can affect you is just as important as knowing the different types of hair loss. By understanding what is causing the problem, you have a chance to stop or delay hair loss from happening.
Androgenetic alopecia can be caused by a variety of factors tied to the actions of hormones, including, ovarian cysts, the taking of high androgen index birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause. For pregnancy-related hair loss, hair will fall out immediately following birth, since little to no hair falls out during pregnancy. Then, after hormones stabilize, the hair will grow back.
Any kind of physical trauma, such as a car accident, severe illness, or surgery, can lead to hair falling out. When you experience a stressful event, it can shock the hair cycle, forcing hair to shed. This is part of telogen effluvium hair loss – when hair quickly goes from its resting phase to its shedding phase. Luckily, this type of hair loss will grow back once the stress stops, and can take anywhere from three to six months.
Not having a well-balanced diet can also cause hair loss, although only temporarily. Too much Vitamin A, either through supplements or medications can increase hair loss, as can a lack of protein in your diet.
These are natural remedies for hair loss, so make sure you’re eating enough fish, meat, and eggs, to assist with hair regrowth.
Treatments and Solutions for Hair Loss
Depending on whether you are looking for a long-term or short-term solution for hair loss, there are products for hair regrowth or for hair cover up that can help.
Hair Regrowth.
The treatment contains FDA-approved 2% Minoxidil ( ROGAINE WOMEN ), which is clinically proven to help regrow hair. Applied twice daily to the area of hair loss on the scalp, results can usually be seen in four months, but can sometimes take up to eight months to see generous hair regrowth. Continuous use of this product is needed in order to maintain hair regrowth.
Thin or Thinning Hair
If you want to cover up hair loss, but a permanent solution is either not what you’re looking for or is not working for you, there are still plenty of options available to you.
For thin or thinning hair, Toppik Hair Building Fibers is the ideal product to use. Made of natural, colored Keratin protein that is statically charged, Toppik Hair Building Fibers intertwine with your existing hair to create a completely natural look. Hair Building Fibers will stay in your hair through wind, rain, and perspiration, but will easily wash out with shampoo. This makes Hair Building Fibers the simplest and quickest way to cover any signs of hair loss.
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Toppik Malaysia Product Roadshow 2015
Toppik Malaysia Product Roadshow 2015
Date : May 15, 16 and 17
Location : Nu Sentral Mall @ KL Sentral
We will be having an exhibition booth for display and demonstration on coming may .
Feel free to visit our booth at Level G – Outdoor Monorail Bridge Opposite The Loaf in Nu Sentral Mall from May 15 to 17th of MAY 2015
Free Demo , Brochure and promotion pack will be available !
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Hair Transplant In Malaysia 2015 ( Most Searched )
Hair Transplant Centre In Malaysia 2015
Don’t want to travel all across the globe for a hair transplant ? Ever wonder where you can do a hair transplant in malaysia ?
Below is the list of Top 10 Most Searched and Operational Hair transplant In Malaysia Using FUT / FUE
– Mediviron UOA
– Dr Shah Hair Clinic
– Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre
– Dr. Ruban’s Skin & Hair Clinic
– Damai Service Hospital
– Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur
– Camil
– Ko Hair Transplant Clinic
Hair transplant in malaysia will cost more than oversea per graft by some margin, however it is still consider hassle free and involve less travelling especially for a surgery trip. Hair Transplant will be the last resort for people although there will be some side effect associated with it .
Toppik can be use before or post hair transplantation and had been use by many hair restoration surgeon worldwide . Toppik is recommended by International Society Of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and America Hair Loss Association for post hair transplant concealing and instant solution for daily psychological problem due to hair loss and thinning hair .
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