Traits of Healthy Hair
Our hair sits on top of our head, it frames our faces and sometimes hang long, past our shoulders or down to our waists.
Being on the position it is, our hair is almost always the first thing that people notice about us. How does it look like, what is it colours, is it trendily styled or messy?
Inevitably, we all want our hair to be healthy, strong yet soft, with lots of shine and no tangles, frizzes or hair loss.
We try to follow the most effective hair care routines, we look for the most suitable hair products in the market and if you are reading this,
I am sure you are one of the many that look for the best hair advices and knowledges.
Here, the information we are about to share with you are the traits of healthy hair.
More hair information could be accessed at www.toppikmalaysia.com/blog.
Healthy Scalp
Sometimes in our quest for cultivating a head of fine, attractive hair, we often pool all of our focus onto our strains of hair and either
forget about or neglect the importance of a healthy scalp. Imagine a plant growing from the soil, similarly our hair grows from our scalp.
If our plant is wittering or not being on its best, we will nurture the soil by watering or fertilising it so it is very comparable to our hair.
When our hair is not looking and feeling good, we have to shift our focus to the scalp.
Yes, healthy scalp produces healthy hair.
Your scalp is fully responsible for that because it possesses the hair follicles which extend deep down into your scalp that your hair grows from.
Your hair follicles consist of several parts which is illustrated below. It would stand to reason that the scalp which house many
of these follicles need to stay in a healthy condition, otherwise,
there would be no hair or the hair that does manage to make it through, probably will not be very healthy.
The Papilla is located at the base of the follicle and contains blood vessels that nourish the cells of the follicle.
Inner and outer root sheaths of the follicle protect the hair growing within while the bulb is the tiny white blob
that we see at the end of our hair when it sheds. Since it is connected to the papilla, it is actually the living part of the hair follicle.
Sebaceous glands are tasked to produce and secrete sebum that conditions the hair and scalp.
As an individual that care about personal hygiene, cleanliness as well as the health of our hair, we have to maintain our
scalp health by your scalp health by ensuring that it is not clogged, stays clean and is properly nourished.
This ensure an ideal environment for healthy hair to grow. On the other hand, we don’t want to overstimulate it by over cleansing it.
That could strip off the natural sebum, causing excessive dryness and itching which can lead to itchy and irritated scalp.
Soft hair
Soft hair is one of the traits for healthy hair. If your hair is not soft, there are several reasons behind that.
Since coarse and dry hair tends to be hard, it means you are not moisturizing properly. To gain healthy hair,
it is extremely important to make sure your hair is nourished with all the moisture it needs. Choose water-based moisturizing products with less harsh
chemicals and always go for organic product or natural home remedies if possible. Make it a routine to condition your hair after every hair-wash,
but being careful to skip the roots to avoid weighing them down or causing them, causing hair breakage.
You could also use a moisturizing leave-in spray before styling your hair. Once a week, it is recommended to apply a deep conditioning hair mask.
Product build up could cause our hair to be dry and hard. It is very easy to pile product on and on but once gone overboard, the scalp will be burdened
by the chemicals residue from many products, making it greasy, waxy, and heavy. This will further irritate the scalp and harm hair growth.
To remove products build up, we can use clarifying rinses with organic hair wash, or apple cider vinegar.
Shiny Hair
When people tell you, having shine means hair is healthy, they are absolutely right. Like skin, hair just looks better when it glows, no kidding!
Elizabeth Tanzi, co-director of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington, D.C. stated that “Shiny hair reflects light, creating natural
highlights and making the face appear radiant.” When looking for hair products to add shine and lustre, one must pay attention for products infused with silicones or
natural oils that can easily penetrate the scalp and nourish the hair follicle. Hair lustres due to the miniscule scales on outermost layer of the
hair shaft lying flat to reflect light. Damage to the hair cuticle causes the hair to swell and impede the shine and lustre.
If your scalp is seen shiny instead of your hair, then you should head over to www.toppikmalaysia.com/shop to grab a few awesome Toppik products to fix it.
Usually dry, unhealthy hair is a result of poor hair handling techniques, but often, other factors such as the weather, inadequate nutrition,
unsuitable hair product usage, illness or hormonal change may be responsible.
Even lifestyle choices and personal habits such as swimming and overexposure to the sun can all dehydrate hair, making them rough and gloomy.
Smooth Hair
When the hair is healthy, hair shafts are smooth, easily detangle on their own, without the help of a detangler or any detangler products.
The term smooth and silky accurately describe the feeling of your hair growing evenly, smoothly with great texture.
It feels silky to the extent that the hair will slide pass you hand in your attempt to touch or hold them. According to the American Chemical Society,
in a damagingly dry condition, the edge of the hair shaft cuticle will start to peel off and cause friction, making the hair rough and difficult to be combed.
This is the opposite of being smooth and silky. To fix this, you can use a conditioner, which is designed to coat the hair shaft and soften the cuticle, making hair combed easier.
Last but not least, no matter what your hair type is, it is always important to take the time to identify the most suitable treatments,
remedies and products for your hair. Some people may take a longer period to figure their hair out than others but in the end it will be worth it,
as we are living in a world of instant gratification where first impression speaks a great deal about ourselves.
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