Before & After Toppik in 30 Seconds

Masa i kat UK, i sudah guna toppik , i ingat malaysia sudah tak ade, terima kasih kerana bawa masuk produk ni,ia nampak
natural daripada nanogen yang lebih mahal
by Mohamed Saiful
Harga ok.. produk berkualiti , orang tak dapat tau yang i tegah guna fiber ni, recommended!!
by Nur Hidayah
Having thinning hair for almost my entire life, at least this things help me to cover my thinning hair and make me feel more
confidence again, finally can smile when taking photo on camera!
by Chee Jiun
i am currently on rogaine minoxidil and propecia treatment, toppik really help in hiding my hair loss while i going to work,
can’t live without them…
by Ahmad Aziz
Good product so far, been using it since 2008, is best though if use with the fiberhold spray , it give better natural look …
by Calvin Lim
thanks for bringing toppik to malaysia, price is very good , almost as same as in the states, been trying to
get something to conceal my thinning problem while doing my hair treatment, finally found something that worth the
money, thanks
by Catherine Tan
it work also when i go jogging, but too bad it is not permanent hair, lol…at least it do it job as a covering agent,
recommended …can try it !
by Mohammad Firdauz
i just delivered my baby and toppik work great in concealing my thinning hair post pregnancy,
the coverage is awesome !
by Jessica Lim
by Hiroki sakiyama